Date: 08/25/1999
From: weeeezr
HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW D> weez here. I know there are alot of new people on the board. I dont look familiar to you because i dont post here much. I, still in the late stages of my braindeath can tihnk of nothing else to post for my wise mychand at this time but a poll.
I did this on another board and the results turned out pretty good. Id just like to see how this does over here.
1.how long have you been watching sliders?
2 favorite slider?
3 favorite episode and why.
4 If you could slide to any of the worlds our sliders have been to...which one would you visit and a quik why?
Ive been watching from the beginning.. season five is taking some getting used to to. I love tembi... maybe rmmy can get some action outta that EH???
my favorite slider/s will always be quinn and colin.... season five my favorites are Remmy and the good doctor.
my favorite episode is the guardian. I thought it was a great storyline and well acted.At the begginning when quinn came running up to the professor the conversation they had was touching. I liked the "time slowed theory" it worked. One of the most believable episodes i think.Quinn and little quinn how cute...
id slide to any world i could see the brothers mallory ina towel!
heeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeee. that one was for spaz!

My answers
Date: 08/25/1999
From: wrldjmpr
1.how long have you been watching sliders? I started watching sliders midway through season 4.
2 favorite slider? So many to choose from...ah, its a toss between Quinn and Mallory. I love Quinn's shy/brillant personality, but Mallory is soooooo much fun!!
3 favorite episode and why. I'm with Weez, The Guardian is one of my favorites...cuz why she said. I also love the Pilot!!
4 If you could slide to any of the worlds our sliders have been to...which one would you visit and a quik why? I loved the shopping mall one....I could definitely shop all day lonnnnnnng!!!! LOL

weez, honey.....
Date: 08/25/1999
From: SouthernSlider
Any chance to talk to you. Of course, I'll answer.
1) how long watching? since the beginning baby.
2) favorite slider? has to be Quinn and Colin. My cable is messed up right now and I haven't seen much of S5, so I don't know about Mallory yet. <more than you wanted to know...sorry>
3) favorite ep? Love Gods! need you ask?
4) uh, Love Gods World, maybe. Again, need you ask? <grin> <oops, sorry, Cowboy, couldn't help it> and maybe WesternWorld. I love Westerns.
Okay, there ya go. Hope it made you happy!

HOWDY RIGHT BACK! Are you from South,...
Date: 08/25/1999
From: MissingSlider
so am I (from Atlanta to be exact!)
Here are my answers:
1. Well, I first started watching "Sliders" from the two hour premiere, on FOX, "The Pilot" back on the evening of March 22, 1995.
I then watched religiously, even Season 3, until "This Slide Of Paradise" ended and Quinn & Maggie ended up on future earth! Our cable company refused to carry Sci-Fi until April 1999, when Season 4 was almost over, I have caught to catch from Season 4 the following two eps: "The Alternateville Horror" & "Slide By Wire", wanting to watch more; I caught a bit of "Genesis" & "Revelations" (but not all the way through). I missed the first/premiere episode for Season 5, "The Unstuck Man" (but, hope to catch either on Friday night or during the "Sliders" Chain Reaction this Sunday -- I was really busy the first Friday/Saturday it was on!), but from "Applied Physics" to "Easy Slider" this season I have followed the show religiously once again.
2. my favorite, is and will always be: Professor Maxmillian Arturo
my second favorites are Wade Welles tied with Rembrandt "Remmy"
in third place but gaining the more Season 5 progress, and if we
were to get a Season 6 could they surpass Wade & Remmy (who knows?): Maggie Beckett & Diana Davis
3. "The Pilot" & "Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome" (oh, the mystery
of which Professor really slid of that episode -- still mind
4. probably a tie between "Eggheads" world where the library (where I work at and have a lot of admiration for & also wanting to get a Library Science degree) is worshipped is
my kind of place (the conversations there must also be something to be hold); and of course what red-blooded American
or any other nationality male would not want to go to "Love
Gods" world (I'll contribute to the national good!)

Exstacy...Another Poll
Date: 08/25/1999
From: sleepingtiger
Uhm #1 Pilot on Fox
#2 Arturo
#3 Now see...this is a toughie. I don't know that I have a fave ep...
#4 Hawaii World...Mega Beach Party!

Date: 08/25/1999
From: informant
#1 I've watched every episode since the start... I missed "Price Of Slides" the first time, I think.
#2 Arturo. So much fun. Then Wade, Remmy season 1 and 2 Quinn, then seasons 5 Maggie, Mallory/Diana tie, season 3 Quinn, season 4 Maggie, then season 4 Quinn/Colin/season 3 Maggie tie.

oops... hit button by mistake!
Date: 08/25/1999
From: informant
#3 Post Traumatc Slide Syndrom... Mystery, adventure, and thinking. The small differences, and character development.
#4 Gillian's world may be fun to visit... just to see how people would live, but to stay forever... I don't know.

weeeeeeez, yeeepi
Date: 08/25/1999
From: Aelita
Always good to hear from ya girl.
1. Since the beginning
2. A tie between Wade and Quinn in a tow.....hmm...uh...Quinn yeah.
3. Nooo, you can't make me choose. Is season one considered an episode? ;0) Fine, the Pilot. No the Last days, no the Fever oh forget it. It'll take too long.
4. I wanna visit one where Remmy had the baby. I wanna see men give birth. I wanna see men going through morning sickness. <smile>
Actually I just wanna see America as a monarchy. But not stay there.
I also wouldn't mind visiting one from The Weaker Sex. <evil smile>
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."
--Albert Einstein

Here we go again.
Date: 08/25/1999
From: Parajo
I officially designate today, poll day. Remember that. If we're still here in a year, I'll celebrate.
1. A year.
2. Quinn
3. My favorite ep was Last Days. Comedy, drama, love, a good alternate world, the Sliders save the day. Bennish yelling "Fat Boy!" Priceless! I love that episode.
4. I'd like to visit that future world from the end of Other Slide of Darkness. That looked cool and it might have had a good history to it.
Parajo- the taking part in yet another poll

Ooooh, another poll!
Date: 08/25/1999
From: SFDarlin
Yahoo! I'll participate in another poll. (That's about all I'm good for here)
1) I've Been watching off and on since last year when I caught season four episodes occasionally. Virtual Slide was the first episode I happened to watch. The twists between the "real" world and the "virtual reality" world were interesting, but then.......
2) I saw Quinn for the first time and was like, "oooh, baby!" This guy is smart, funny, AND has a great bod! How can he not be my favorite slider!
3) I know everyone is down on the Sci Fi Channel now that Sliders has been cancelled, but I'm still ecstatic over the fact that they have been rerunning all of the original episodes from Fox! Can you believe I never watched the show back then? (it must not have been marketed properly, because I was barely aware it existed) These are the best episodes by far and it's hard to choose a favorite, but I guess it would have to be the Guardian.
4) ok, I hate to be such a follower here, but the Love Gods world sounds good to me. "Quinn, can you do me a favor? It's really the only honorable thing to do. There is a shortage of men on this world and I need to have a baby NOW!"
That's it!

Date: 08/25/1999
From: Jericho_Y2J
1-since day 1-ep1 on fox
3-the pilot, i also love PTSS and NGFO
4-hmmm i am not sure which i would visit, maybe one of the worlds from NGFO and take the drink and see what it feels like.

my poll vote
Date: 08/25/1999
Greetings from Iceland !!!!
My awnser are as follows:
1. Scince it began in Iceland, in April 1999 (RERUNS).
2. The Proffessor, will and always will be. Plus I like Wade.
3. The Guardian, Pilot, Post Traumatic-Slide Syndrome all are GREEEEAT episodes (those are the ones I remember.
4.I'm currently in season 3, done with 4 epsisodes, last Thusday was "The Guardian". I must say the wold from "Luck of the Draw", though it was crul, it was very much fun where I saw of it.
with regards

Howdy weez.<grin>
Date: 08/25/1999
Been watching since day one on fox and then scifi channel.
Quinn and Wade
The Guardian. Could identify with the story.
Western World. Why? Look at mah handle!<grin>
Vaya con Dios

Let's see...
Date: 08/25/1999
From: QBall_Mallory
1. I've been watching Sliders since late spring, when 3rd season reruns began. I remember that since the first episode I ever saw was "Rules of the Game."
2. Hmm, that's a toughy (at least out of the original sliders).
Maggie, Diana, and Mallory are definitely on the bottom of the list!
I'd probably say Remmy's my favorite character, especially in the first season (which I missed a lot of). He provides a lot of the comic relief, especially in "Pilot." He's closely followed by Arturo, Quinn, and Wade.
3. My favorite episode (at least for now) is "Gillian of the Spirits." I guess the plot just intrigues me a bunch, and the job Deanna Milligan did playing Gillian was great.
4. Which world would I visit? Hmm. I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to think about that one.
QBall Mallory

polllllllls ahhhhhh
Date: 08/25/1999
From: MTwain
1) Since pilot on fox
2) Quinn .... who could pass by a tall brainiac?
3) I love them alll ... Guardian ...
4) Western world

Hey, I love polls!
Date: 08/25/1999
From: SlidingThrough
So here goes with my answers...
1.how long have you been watching sliders?
Since the end of the second season.
2. favorite slider?
Rembrandt, he has *so much* heart (although I have to say somewhat less this season <sigh>)
3. favorite episode and why
The Guardian. No lost timers, no nasty villians, a decent plot, good humor, the warmth and caring between the Sliders was very much in evidence...what's *not* to like?
4. If you could slide to any of the worlds our sliders have been to...which one would you visit and a quik why?
Suntan and massage world...need I say why?
Thanks weeezr, that was fun. Catch you around the board.

Date: 08/25/1999
From: goldenangel
I've been watching sliders since the beginning when it was on fox.
It is and always will be my favorite show ever. Favorite slider is Quinn, The professor runs a very close second.
Hmmmm, favorite episode, thats a good question. there were so many
great ones.If I had to pick I guess I'd say Stoker or DragonSlide,but then again. Oh, I dont know they were all good.
As for the world I'd like to slide to- I guess it would be the 60's world although I cant remember the name of rhe ep at the moment.

ok, so I'm late, but I'm here!
Date: 08/28/1999
Sorry, I didnt' catch this one first time through.
1.) I started watching in the first season. First ep I saw was Last Days, and it got me hooked. I had to stop watching at some point, but picked up again in the middle of s4 this year when I could.
3.) Favorite ep was the pilot. It was so good at introducing the characters and taking full potential of the "what if" question. And then the end...how wonderfully dramatic!
4.) If I could slide to any world they've been to, it would be the one where oil had been discovered everywhere in SF and everyone was filthy rich and throwing parties in the streets. I think that was at the beginning of Fever, and of course they weren't able to stay longer than a couple of minutes. As much as I try to tell myself that I'm not materialistic, wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about money again?

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/11061
Nominated by Blinker
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