Subliminal advertising
Date: 08/27/1999
From: SlidingThrough
I know it's been a couple of days since "Seasons' Greedings" but I forgot to ask this question right after it was on.
Now I understand how subliminal advertising is supposed to work. And I can kind of see how having a bunch of pictures of...oh, say a Pepsi...flashed in front of your eyes, even when you only see them subconsciously, could make you suddenly think about getting something to drink. And the fact that the pictures were of a Pepsi would make it logical that that's what would come to your mind first when you were trying to decide what drink to get.
But I really can't see myself buying say a Mercedes-Benz just because someone flashed a bunch of pictures of that particular car at me. I mean, I *know* I can't afford one and even though it might make me start thinking that gee, wouldn't it be nice to get a new car, I'd like to think I'm smart enough to stop myself from going as far as buying something that might break me financially.
So my question is, does anyone think that subliminal advertising might really be strong enough to make people buy as crazily as the people in "Greedings" did? Not just the people who have a problem controlling their spending anyway but those who are normally careful about where their money goes.
Anyway, just something I was curious about. See you around the board!

ST!!!! hi!!
Date: 08/27/1999
From: 1013shan
hey there! I didn't re-watch that ep (I'm sorry i missed that too) but I just couldn't resist saying hi! I see you answered my post up on top there --- cool!!!! I've been around... but I'm trying to control my adiction.. tonight I have suffered a relapse as you cansee! :)
great to "see" ya again.. I'll be around\
ps... I hope you have been keeping my british friend in check :)

if they use it enough...
Date: 08/28/1999
From: jersey_slider
...i'm sure ppl would start to buy stuff. It probably wouldn't affect the ppl who control their money well as much as it would someone who doesn't.
hey, do you think we can use sublim. messages to get Sliders picked up?
Talk to you soon,

Likely won't work
Date: 08/28/1999
From: The_Cynic
Psychological literature on subliminal advertising does not support its effectiveness.
The only allegedly real study was seriously flawed (it involved the message
"Buy popcorn" or something being flashed on a screen of a movie theater).
To the best of my knowledge, the advertising used in SEASONS GREEDINGS wouldn't work
at all (certainly not like it did on Rembrandt).
If you're really interested in the subject, you could try looking up
articles on the Judas Priest trial where they were sued for alleged subliminal messages in their music.
JP won.
Hope that helps.

it depends
Date: 08/28/1999
From: emzee
Actually, it could work, if young children were exposed into adulthood. The way we form images in our head, pictures that we find meaning in, is a study called Human Information Processing. Psychologists constantly do studies on how we find order in chaos and how come certain images imprint on us and stay with us forever. I am sure you can think of a few from your childhood or otherwise, a poster you owned or anything else.
The idea that subliminal advertising can insert such a picture in our head and make it stick with us, is not a new idea. I believe that these images could affect our view of reality. In that way, subliminal messages could shape how you would view that mercedes benz and you may want it more than ever, even if you couldn't afford it. People could become obsessed by things that are placed into their subconscious, etc. Most psychologists find subliminal advertising (or worse, think if the govt. could put images in your head) of great concern and I agree.
Just a few thoughts on the idea of subliminal advertising.

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