cried during Requiem??
Date: 09/12/1999
From: VortexMan
OK, I don't care how much of a tough guy you are, just tell the truth
on this one. Did you cry or not? Teary eyed? Almost? Bailing like a
baby? Just sad? Personally, my eyes got a little teary and a few drops
fell, like during the flashback when Remmy tell Wade he loves her. I
don't care what any of you think, but this ep. really reminded me of
how much I miss Wade. I don't really give her character credit, but
I really enjoyed her in the show. So let me know how you reacted, and
nobody is gonna make fun of you.

did! *SOB*
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Slidersfreak
I still am...... poor Wade.......

Date: 09/12/1999
From: slider409
There were a few sad parts in this; especially when Mallory said, "We
don't know your size!"

admits it
Date: 09/12/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
Yes, even i, although some around here seem to think i'm a heartless
coldblooded bastard did cry a little during Reqium(sp?)
Infact it was about the 3rd time i cried since i was out of puberty.(Whats
Eating Gilbert Grape when the mom died, my gandmothers Funeral, and
now Reqium)
HunterD(honest,caring,crying, your next world dictator...oops did i
say that out loud...MIB, get the neuralizers)lol

shed a tear, especially over the...
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Lipschitz_Live
unselfishness of Wade's actions at the end in saving Maggie, Diana and
Mallory's life and then saving Remmy's! Because, that reminded me how
much I loved Sabrina Lloyd's performance as Wade throughout the years!

was a close call (end)
Date: 09/12/1999
From: SliderT

Date: 09/12/1999
From: scrimshot
I have to admit--Requiem was a tear-jerker. Especially the music at
the beginning just after Remmy says, "It's probably just bad air."
and Maggie says "Your probably right." The music really played
a key part in making it really sad.

did!!!! But...
Date: 09/12/1999
From: JessieMallory
I'm a big cryer anyway. Even the Hallmark commercials make me cry. This
one was worth the usual razzing I get from my family though.

where's my hanky (nim)
Date: 09/12/1999
From: vortex62
vortex62 the emotional one..

Almost Did
Date: 09/12/1999
From: CharmedClass2005
Even when I want to cry,I can't.So me almost crying at the end is saying
a lot.My eyes literally watered.I thought that the scene in which Wade
sees hershelf is powerful.The music was perfect,the emotions were perfect.
At least Wade is free now,though.

Reactions fought each other
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Yeontoo
This had some powerful moments. It explained some things that werent
ready apparent. I did have trouble breathing several times, and had
trouble seeing the TV thru the water.
This also had some major blooper type things going on too. my anger
over the way something was handled (or not handled) raised my blood
preasure and let me see red. So my tears had a balance with my anger.
IMHO, this is not one of the "Best of Sliders" either.

little <end>
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Vigeant

Date: 09/12/1999
From: Maximilli0n

Date: 09/12/1999
From: Slider142
Ok, I did.

misty. specially at the slow-mo hug.
Date: 09/12/1999
From: buffyboy
flash-back scene. It was so sad:*]

cried . . .
Date: 09/12/1999
From: The_Cynic
. . . at what a waste I thought this episode was, at least. And I'm
not even
a Jerry O fan or an S5 basher. It appears that I am in the minority
in hating this episode.

eyes watered...
Date: 09/12/1999
From: mars2003
as Fry said: "I'm just too macho."

at the end...
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Blinker
When Mallory said "Are you coming?," I fully expected Remmy
to (albeit reluctantly) turn his back on Wade and leave her to her fate.
When he said 'no' and the vortex closed, I was quite simply blown away.
We would *not* have seen this in Season Four.
To me, the remainder of the episode was *perfect.* If not for the last
five minutes, I would hardly have rated this story *half* as highly
as I did.
- Blinker 7:'-I

a little
Date: 09/12/1999
From: TheSlidingKlingon
Right near when remmbrandt said he was lreaving andi knew Wade was going
to be gone soon.
Very sad

there were tears in my eye when
Date: 09/12/1999
From: CaptainGalaxy
... Remmy stayed and missed the vortex.
But I am always sensitive. Hehe

me, it's just a TV show
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Executive
Although I was impressed by Cleavant Derrick's fine acting throughout
the story, and the brief 3rd season flashback with Remmy and Wade was
a nice touch.

Date: 09/12/1999
From: Po5ChickPrem
That was so sad. I cried almost throughout the whole thing. I am so
pathetic. They need to do more flshbacks, it was a great episode.

close <END>
Date: 09/12/1999
From: jersey_slider

the end almost, but...
Date: 09/12/1999
From: Parajo
they're not going to get away with doing that to Wade. There are a million
ways to bring her back, even with this ep. She'll be back if it's only
for series finale!
Parajo- the denying everything

a cryin man
Date: 09/12/1999
From: smbcoco
omy i wept bigggg time

Date: 09/13/1999
From: alienographer
Remmy knew the truth that when he saw Wade in that tank the hope she
had of all the sliders getting home was fading fast. He now knew what
Maggie knew for a brief second and that was that she was all alone.
No I didn't get misty-eyed. I got depressed. This show is about going
home and now two sliders it seem definitely can't go home. The professor
and Wade. Meanwhile Mallory is stuck and Colin is unstuck. How's that
for a great finish?
Why didn't they just leave well enough alone?

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/11976
Nominated by Blinker
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