It's time for me to go...

Date: 10/21/1999
From: Mallory

Yes, all good things come to an end (was I a good thing?), and I think my time on this board has ended. It's not because of animosity to anyone, or dislike of the show. More like disappointment, and the decision to move on with things.

It's become increasingly hard for a Canadian fan to keep on top of things with Sliders currently off the air, and the fact that despite being an exciting, interesting program, Sliders doesn't interest me the way it used to. I long for the Sliders of old. Before Sabrina Lloyd let her hair grow, before John Rhys Davies quit... Before Cleavant shaved off the mustache and Jerry transformed from a nice, quiet, easygoing guy (as described by a poster here) to an arrogant jerk. (Besides, he doesn't have the shy, quiet image anymore)

Sliders has been one of the most amazing things in my life. The memories of seeing Quinn begging his father to put the gun down, and stating that he has faith his father would never hurt good people. Arturo holding his student back from changing his future. Rembrandt telling Quinn he loves him like a brother. Wade considering leaving her friends for Derek... These moments will never leave me, and I'll always cherish them, imbedded in my mind forever. But what might have come from them is gone and beyond reach.

I can't even watch new episodes now, and I think it might be for the best. I've spent so much time on this show. I love Sliders, but there are things that need me in my world. Academics, which have been sliding for me. Finding that special someone in life. It's time for me to grow from what Sliders gave me.

I still read comics, still watch shows like Early Edition. Sliders made my thirst for stories about those that could take control of destiny and change the world grow. And the Sliders of old has a special place in my heart, as does the new, but with the new complications in being a fan, to just wishing everything would go back to the way it was...

It's time for me to go.

If Sliders comes back on around here in Canada, will I watch? Yeah, probably. It doesn't mean as much to me as it used to, but I have interest in it. But there are other things that need me, like myself, my life.

I'm not sure if any of you, some who've been my best friends, will understand. But it's time for me to remove myself from Sliders and focus on other things.

I'm growing up. I'm not fourteen anymore. Sliders was a seed, but that's all it was. It never truly blossomed anywhere else other than within us.

I'm leaving. And this final post is dedicated to what has meant so much to me and my life...

This post is dedicated... to the good old days...

Change Is The Only Thing Permanent

Date: 10/21/1999
From: CharmedClass2005

I'm glad you decided to move on.Everthing changes,and nothing ever stays the same.It's better to just not watch the show than watch and hate it.Keep your Sliders memories good.

Nicely Stated! <end>

Date: 10/22/1999
From: Lucky99


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