so you know.
Date: 10/22/1999
From: NAnnie4334
This is to all the people who hate Jerry.
Get a life.
I mean first you flame him and bash him for leaving sliders, then you
complain on why he left sliders.
He left he's gone, enjoy Sliders while you can.
Stop flaming people who like JOC and who love the classic sliders.
I have watched the show since it's beginning and taped them all.(season
1-4)Jerry and the other cast members made Sliders what it is. A show
that's all it is.
You slider fans are obsessed and need to stop with the JOC bashing and
COCC bashing.
Jerry and his brother are gone,they moved on and so do you all.
I don't care what you think of me.
I could careless, but stop with it already.
So you want to watch season 5 good for you, I don't, it doesn't mean
I'm not a fan still just that I can't stand what the writers and etc
did to a very awesome show.
Ok since you people think this new guy is better than JOC.
Fine I don't care,So stop with the bashing, flaming and insults to Jerry,
he is off the show and has moved on.
So get your stupid fingers out of your buttholes and realize that you
still have your show for now and enjoy it until it's dead.
About the AOL Chat some of you weren't reading it all the way through.
I don't think JOC has an ego, I think he is the same and that's my opinion.
So stop with it already, you should be happy that he's off the show
since he's such a bad actor and be happy there is a show still.
Sorry this is soo long, but that's all I have to say for now.

don't understand
Date: 10/22/1999
From: Informant
I base my dislike for him on lots of interviews and stuff. Not one one
chat. I'm pissed that he just doesn't care. Not a little either. He
really doesn't care. About Sliders or the fans.
I'm a Sliders fan. Which means seasons 1 and 2. I enjoy 5, but it's
not as good.
I'm not going to stop picking on him. His ego is huge. I've seen him
on tv and he just acts smug. JRD and Sabrina left, but at least they
showed us that they cared. Sabrina came back to finish Wade, as well
as treating the fans with respect. JRD has been honest with us and has
been very nice, still doing conventions and talking to us.
Jerry ignored us, and kicked us as he left. The threatened to sue if
they even used his image or voice. He's a jerk.
Charlie is just a bad actor and seems rather... "special"
That's why I pick on him.

so YOU know...
Date: 10/22/1999
From: Blinker
You had a halfway reasonable argument right up to the "stupid finger
up your butthole" part.
- Blinker 7:-|

Date: 10/22/1999
From: Spike_The_Vampire
None of the actors made sliders what it is, or decent, the WRITERS did
And i will bloody well flame whoever i feel like flameing.
Jerry is a fucking JERK, i don't bash EVERY fan of Jerry, or EVERYONE
who don't like Season 5, i bash the IDIOTS who dislike season 5 just
cause he is gone and who thing Jerry made the show
so in closeing SOD OFF YOU BLOODY WANKER!!!!!

reply to spike
Date: 10/22/1999
From: NAnnie4334
None of the actors made sliders what it is, or decent, the WRITERS did
And i will bloody well flame whoever i feel like flameing.
Jerry is a fucking JERK, i don't bash EVERY fan of Jerry, or EVERYONE
who don't like Season 5, i bash the IDIOTS who dislike season 5 just
cause he is gone and who thing Jerry made the show
so in closeing SOD OFF YOU BLOODY WANKER!!!!!
Here are my replies to your post.
One: If the writers made sliders what it is or decent then it just goes
to show you how sliders went downhill after that Peck guy came in and
it wasn't the actors fault on how they were doing their scenes (you
are conderdicting yourself)
TWO: You're flaming people or fans for thier opinions and why they won't
watch sliders. that wrong, everyone has their own choice to either watch
the show or not. you don't know those people personally.so stop.
Three: Have you've ever met Jerry personally? you say he's a jerk, but
until you meet him and he acts that way toward you. stop with the name
calling you only know what you read or hear unless you met him personally.
Four.Nobody that I know of said Jerry made the show, sliders introduced
jerry to alot of now fans, me I have liked jerry for 13 years. I have
watched him grow up before my eyes on screen and sliders was what got
some fans to watch jerry and become his fans.
You know it's people like you that need to get a life it's was just
a show, a show that was fun to watch.
It's not real, it's not realistic, so get a life.
My world does not revolve around jerry or sliders.
I collect stuff for fun and watch my old sliders tapes for relaxation,
not obsessed with the show or jerry.

you met Jerry..."
Date: 10/22/1999
From: Informant
You say that we can't judge Jerry before we meet him. But neither can
any of the Jery supporters.
We have as much, if not more reasons to dislike Jerry than the JOC
fans have to like him. You don't mind people saying "I love Jerry
and his brother, Wookie... I mean Charlie" do you?

reply to the beeyotch
Date: 10/22/1999
From: Spike_The_Vampire
I am nto contradicting myself, i said actors do not make a show GOOD,
they can help make it bad though, take JRD(Arturo) his acting remained
fantastic throughout any bad script that passed the show (Dragonslide,Exodus)
However Jerrys went down and his acting sucked even in the GOOD episodes
(Roads Taken,Lipschitz Live)
TWO/as said before i will flame them, they don't watch, then they have
no business comeing here and bugging us. Coming here and saying "The
show sucks without Jerry" is a INSULT to those who still like it.
I don't flame people jsut for not watching, me and GPC (who hates season
5) get along well, because SHE does not be an idiot and say it SUCKS
WITHOUT JERRY, she has other reasons, Reasons i may not agree with,
but she dont insult my IQ the way MOST of them do. Sliders Girl (over
at the univeral board) is a bud of mine because she respects those who
like Season 5, these others dont. I don't flame people for liking Jerry
or disliking S5, i flame them for being idiots and pissing on us who
DONT like Jerry and DO like season 5. If they are nice to me, i am nice
to them.
3/No i havent met him personally, but i read his chats and watched him
on interviews, HE IS A JERK.
4/LOTS of people have said Jerry made the show, Lucky99 said "It
was HIS show after all" I didn't Flame her cause she was nice in
other area, i merely gave her urls for old nice posts argueing how Jerry
did NOT make the show.
YOU said "Jerry and the other cast members made Sliders what it
is. " That is a form of saying Jerry (only with others) made the
show. WRONG, none of the actors made it good, the writing did. but BAD
ACTING can make even decent writing look bad (Jerry and Charlie in season
Guess what, I HAD liked Jerry since MY SECRET IDENTITY, his leaving,
bad acting and attitude made me STOP liking him, i was a JOC fan for
about (if not longer) than YOU, i just decided he is a jerk and stopped
liking him.
Deal is this i "need to get a life" but your bugging me is
not gonna make me stop hateing Jerry ,all it does is make me dislike
So once again SOD OFF
Spike (Who won't be reading any more of your posts)

a hypocritical prick.
Date: 10/22/1999
From: Brand_S
And no, I won't read your replies. I'm not as stupid as you.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/13963
Nominated by Blinker
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