news for Sliders
Date: 10/27/1999
From: CaptainGalaxy
JOC's new film 'Body Shots' opened last weekend. It earned 0.5 million.
That number divided by 3 days, 5 times a day, average 6 dollar ticket
price and 2000 screens is less than 3.
That is right! Each theater is filled with 3 people to see JOC's film.
When a new natial-wide distributed film opens with below 10 million,
it is called a disappoinment. With 5 million, it is a disaster. With
0.5 million, box watchers have not yet invented a word for it.
All popular TV shows include friends, party of five, pratice. Their
stars also do movies. But none quit their TV jobs. Well, I hope JOC
realizes his mistake now.
Ok, if he want to put food on the table, he had better...

your faults!
Date: 10/27/1999
From: JerryOC
I expected all my Sliders fans to watch the movie. Waah! I'm gonna cry
now! Just...just stay away from me! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Why can't you support me? Please! I don't want to live out on the streets.
I'm too beautiful for that.
I'm sexy, I'm sexy, I know it, I know it,

I get the feeling this isn't JOC
Date: 10/27/1999
From: Afl
If it is you JOC, you've got a great sense of humor about all this.
And I'm supporting you. Myself and others have been defending your honor
here on the BBoard from the JOC bashers. Haven't seen Body Shots mainly
because it isn't showing in any of the theaters in my area so can't
comment on it.
Although, you're going to have to prove you are JOC because, like I
said, I get the feeling this may be another JOC basher using JOC's name
as their handle.
AfL :)

should rename his next movie to...
Date: 10/27/1999
From: Thatdarncat
"Mission to the Unemployment Line"

Date: 10/27/1999
From: dellyone
it was in 309 theaters. This movie is in limited release. It's not in
my area either.
Check out this site

your facts right!
Date: 10/27/1999
From: nycslider
Body shots did make 1/2 a million dollars this weekend. Not bad considering
it really has not had any publicity and it is only playing on 303 screens
it was 18th in the box office this weekend. Give the guy a break will
you. Yeah, he left Sliders that sucks. He moved onto other things. He
gave us a few good years and left it happens. He is enough of a gentleman
to let bygones be bygones and does not discuss his departure. Did you
ever think it might have legalities that keeps him closed lip on the
topic. It is still mentioned and he looks on those days fondly.
I liked Body Shots for what it was and I thought JOC did a great job.
If you are going to hold a grudge that is your problem. I am sure you'll
say mean things about M2M as well and early word from the critics say
it is great!!

there is justice.
Date: 10/27/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
Can anyone say "KARMA"

get YOUR facts straight
Date: 10/27/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
Loveline,PI,Regis & Kathyy lee, TRL,Connan.
That is no publicity, i sure as hell saw commercials for it.
Saying it had no publicity is either showing you are living in a cave
or you are an IDIOT, or you are extremely exaggerating, since i know
you are usually an OK petrson i'll guess its the exaggerateing, but
if it aint that, it's the others.

just watched Joes Apt. How ironic
Date: 10/27/1999
From: fantess
putting food on the table comment. Its funny how it just happen to show
while your post was up.
Good day

please read.
Date: 10/27/1999
From: nycslider
I agree about all of Jerry's appearances. I actually only saw the commercials
on MTV, other stations in my area did not show them. I was just angered
at the post. I do admit when I am wrong.

Body Shots...
Date: 10/27/1999
From: lastslider
In the commercial for it, it says, "Opens October 22 Everywhere,"
while I called around at every theater within 45 minutes of my town
(which is very small -- there's not even much of a grocery store here),
and not one was showing the film. That was about 7 theaters I called
"Body Shots" actually didn't get much publicity at all. The
amount of the teen-and-20-somethings-targeted films is slowly being
lowered...alot more adult-audience films and films with a supernatural-themed
story (like "The Sixth Sense" & "House On Haunted
Hill") are what's drawing audiences in now. That's why this film
did so poorly at the box office this past weekend. Jerry did make quite
a few appearances, and three other cast members (Tara Reid, I don't
remember the other two's names) appeared on Loveline. Otherwise, there
really wasn't much publicity for the film at all, other than the commercials
that began airing about a week before the actual release, and the appearances
previously noted. This is mainly because "Body Shots" wasn't
a big-budgeted film expected to be a blockbuster. On the other hand,
"Mission To Mars" (M2M for short) is, and it has also been
getting good buzz, like another poster said.
See ya on the flip slide
~ls :)

Date: 10/27/1999
From: Aelita
with all due respect, I pretty much don't care when you bash JOC, but
calling another poster an idiot just because he/she disagrees with post
by someone else? Come on man. That wasn't fair. You always claim that
you bash only those who 'stupidly' scream that S5 sucks without JOC...
do u?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking a fight with you (or anyone else
for that matter. I've been down that road more than enough times). Most
of the times I enjoy your posts, but your reply to nycslider was too
harsh to say at least.
If you compare publicity Three to Tango or Bats gets (commercials every
15 min on all channells) to Body Shots (I only saw commercial once and
No I don't leave in a cave), you'll understand what nycslider meant
by saying that there was no publicity.
Plus don't forget that movie is rated R and as was said before only
opened in a little over 300 theaters. So if you use the same math, calculations
will show that the movie did very well. And for all its worth the movie
is actually pretty good and JOC did a great job in it (I know that you'll
disagree which is quite understandable, we all have our own angle for
looking at things)
In the beginning there was nothing. God said "Let there be light."
And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a
whole lot better.
Ellen DeGeneres.

you, Aelita. <end>
Date: 10/27/1999
From: nycslider

misread my post aelita
Date: 10/27/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
I said he was either an idiot, living in a cave, or exaggerating.
Then i said based on what i knew of him i would assume exaggerating.
I said he was exaggerating, with the outside possibility of being an

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