stand Maggie and "new" Mallory
Date: 11/03/1999
From: SG1_Team
We're sorry but if we have to see "Maggie" use being female
as an excuse for being dumb such as falling in love with a "Pirate"
or the only job she can get is a bar room singer that wears revealing
clothes, we quit! Sex has become to important in the later shows. Clever
writing is much more important to ratings and to Sci-Fi fans than T
and A. The old cast (The old "Mallory and the Non-Dependent Wade)
were much more believeable. Maggie is supposed to have been military
trained. IN THOSE SHOES!??? And what's with Mallory? You go from having
a cast member with character to a "Card board cut out". Why
even tack Mallory's name to him. It's not his fault that he has to step
into some big shoes. But every time you hear the name Mallory you can't
help but judge him against the old one. We know this has been talked
about before but we couldn't stand by any longer and see a very well
liked show become a joke. Lets face it, Rembrandt is basically carrying
the show. All these Actors are working so hard and are good Actors but
when you've been mis-cast
into a part that doesn't fit...Well even Tom Hanks would have trouble.

like Mallory better than Quinn
Date: 11/03/1999
From: Informant
I don't judge Mallory based on Quinn. They're two different characters.
But even if I did, Quinn became a pain to watch the last couple seasons
he was on. Good bye JOC, hope I never see you again!

Date: 11/03/1999
From: CaptMaggie
I've been wondering about those shoes!!!!!!!!!! LOL

The Maggie Bashing,Please!
Date: 11/03/1999
From: CharmedClass2005
Sure,I know that Maggie came on to be the sexpot.But her character has
evovled from that.I thought she was great in Virtual Slide and The Return
Of Maggie Beckett.She has definitely become an integral part of the

don't care for Mallory, either. . . .
Date: 11/03/1999
From: quinnslider
I agree. I loved Quinn's character, and for Mallory to take over is
to bring an otherwise good series down. As for Maggie, I disagree. I
think she helps give the show a type of edge, but less than the old
Maggie who would quarrel with Wade. At any rate, there should be more
emphasis on the writing, and less on the characters, although even having
Quinn back wouldn't make up for some of this stuff they give us. I did
NOT like the pirate episode at all. It seemed kind of stupid, except
for the fact that now we have a problem with the timer, but I think
that they could have done that in a different way.
Just my 2-bits.

I actually agree with you...
Date: 11/03/1999
From: Brand_S
The actors are all doing the best they can, and the characters could
be a hell of a lot more developed than they are, but in my opinion this
beats Season 4. In my opinion, in that season, the characters were walking
cliches. I don't miss Jerry O'Connell at all. To tell the truth, I don't
even think about him when I'm watching Season 5.

my serious opinion...
Date: 11/03/1999
From: CaptMaggie
Okay, now that I have the time I am actually going to give you my serious
opinion (that is, if you want to read it.)
I like Maggie (I'll get to Mallory later, heh heh...). I admit that
when she first came on she was a little... riske`, shall we say, but
to echo what was said above, look at her in Virtual Slide (I haven't
seen The Return so I can't say much on that yet.) As a matter of fact,
VS is one of my favs (and not just because of Kari's acting, heh heh.).
Now, here is my theory on the shoes. I know, from close experience,
that alot of people join the military to grow up quickly. Really, you
don't have to have a collage education, as a matter of fact you don't
have to have a completed high school education. You can join a 18, do
Basic, and be in the military in six weeks or so. And here's what I
gathered from Maggie; Military brat, not to good a relationship with
her dad, and has she even mentioned her mother? Alot of kids that don't
get along with there parents want to grow up quickly; maybe that's what
she wanted to do and joined the military. Which is where the shoes come
Maggie might feel like she's missed out on her teenage hood (a Quinn
type thing.) Notice she kinda dresses like a hip, bad girl teenage type?
Also, you can't forget that she's pretty, and in all likleyhood she
knows it. And when you are sliding from world to world for God knows
how long, it's not like you can really settle down and do the things
normal people do... (didn't we cover this in the "Maggie is a slut"
thing that was going on before? Hmmm...) YOu gotta give the kid a break,
Now, good old Mallory. He's... a dimwit, I'll give you that, and I will
say that I miss Quinn terribly... but it's kinda interesting to have
a halfwit on board, don't ya think? I find it pretty entertaining...
'specialy in Heavy Metal when Paxton made him walk the plank, and the
other Sliders where just standing there like "Are we reeeealy going
to do anything about this?" LOL I laughed sooo hard.
Anyway, that is my little personal splurge on what is going on with
that. All in all, I kinda like them both. :-)

might have a point...
Date: 11/03/1999
From: SG1_Team
Capt maggie may have a point. But do we really want to think about where
and how she came to be as she is while we are watching the tube. These
people are not real. They are TV characters. In theater as in life people
judge you for how you present yourself. But in theater you don't have
the luxery of time to psycho-analize each and every character that we
come in contact with over the hour show. Thats were good writers come
in. And about the shoes. We used those as an example as did Capt. Maggie
of how riduclous the costuming changes were from "Earth to earth".
With explanation of "how in the hell did you get the dough for
those!" Do you know how much those shoes and jackets and sexy tops
Maggie wears costs? We don't think the thrift shops of any earth carry
outfits like that. Ok now looking at the shoe thing from a directors
angle.....She's short. You put tall shoes on short people in TV and
movies. Sad but true. Like we said, there isn't anything wrong with
the Lady's acting it's just she is acting in the wrong part with the
wrong writers........

like Mallory better too...
Date: 11/04/1999
From: jlbanker
Sorry to my new friends at JOC fanatic bboard. I think Mallory is a
more fun charactor then season 4 Quinn.

are we missing?
Date: 11/04/1999
From: SG1_Team
We haven't seen anything from the "new" mallory to say that
there is even a character established. At first he was trying to copy
Jerry's personality but Jerry didn't act like Quin in Season 4 which
I think we can all agree. His acting was forced and over the top. OK.
Again we agree. But.... That still doesn't give the excuse to the new
Mallory to be so toned down that you sometimes wonder if he's not really
"Kenny" without the orange hooded jacket. Alright that was
harsh. But Jerry had a face that expressed his feelings even if it was
alittle too expressive at times. And what about Rembrandt? I noticed
no one has even mentioned this poor guy. Is that because he is doing
so well and carrying the show that everyone just asumes he'll be there
day after day or is it no one seems to realize that his acting since
season 2 has been consistent and believeable. Is he not "Sexy"
enough? Poor Remmy! Maybe he should wear Maggies shoes!

season since.....
Date: 11/04/1999
From: Compactdisc
I personally feel this is the best season since they lost Prof. and
Wade. I did not like the chemistry between Quin and Maggie. When Maggie
first came on the show, I did not like her. She is now starting to become
herself and not chasing Quinn around all the time. Wade had a big crush
on Quinn,and in my opion I thought they were good togeather, but she
never followed Quinn around like a lost puppy. Without Quinn Maggie
is starting to find herself.
As for Mallory, I like him. Jerry O'connell at the end his heart was
not in it. The character became too cold. I know he has a lot of guilt.
But, (and I am not good with show names, I do well keeping my own kids
name straight) when they went to the Earth were they met the girl who
was in the same camp with Wade, Remmi wanted to go after her and all
Quinn could say is no we will miss the slide. Wade would never of cared
more about the slide then a friend.
The writters should of had them try to find her and miss her.

the band played on........
Date: 11/04/1999
From: SG1_Team
As to Compactdisc's reply...... Your right. The writers have let everyone
down. No wonder Jerry's heart wasn't in it his last season. He knew
the show was going in a wierd direction. He got in one of the last life
boats. ( We know, "Stop with the sinking ship cliche's")

the maggie bashing?
Date: 11/04/1999
From: NAnnie4334
So you don't like it when someone bashes maggie right?
Well remember the JOC fans get it all the time with Jerry and his brother.
Everyone has thier own opinions.
I personally never liked maggie to begin with.
I liked Wade better.
but I aint gonna bash Maggie, I just think they didn't really realize
that she would be labeled like that.
Or maybe they did it on purpose, I have no Idea.
Ok people no more bashing of anybody.
but of course they are gonna no matter what you do, like complain.
even so everyone has a right to their own opinions and there are gonna
be someone who disagrees.

Date: 11/04/1999
From: SG1_Team
Sometimes we come off as bashing and it was right for you to say "Stop
it" But we weren't bashing a real person. Just a character. There
is a diference. The lady is a good actress and we don't mean to infer
that she isn't, but its up to the casting directors and costumers to
make sure she doesn't come over a certain way. She was mis-cast. And
like you said people have the right to their opinion. We Thankyou for
your input and hope to hear from you in future discussions that we post,
if not this one again. Keep on sticking up for what you believe.

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