reruns to return Sept. 23 @ 1pm.
Date: 08/01/2002
From: willandsmith2001
Sliders will be shown during Sci-Fi Classics September 1st-4th at 7:00p.m.
EST and then it gets a Monday-Friday slot at 1:00p.m. starting September
23rd. Here are the changes to the schedule starting that week:
1. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea is removed from 7:00a.m.
2. Sightings moves from 9:00a.m. to 7:00a.m.
3. The Outer Limits (1960s) moves from 1:00p.m. to 9:00a.m.
4. Sliders is added to 1:00p.m.
All times are EST.
Enjoy the show fellow Sliders fans.

Date: 08/01/2002
From: TemporalFlux
And an observation...looks like Sci-Fi Classics may have been a test...a
test that we won! Sci-Fi Classics will apparently end the week of September
the 23rd - the 7pm EST slot then taken up by reruns of Stargate SG-1
on September 30 (would appear they're reviving the 4 Play format - Ugh).
Of course, we only have the Sept 30 schedule to look at with this change...could
be that's a one time stunt for SG-1.
Thanks out to Yeontoo for help on Sliders' ratings and everyone who
sent letters. We would be in a better position if we were more closely
paired with Stargate SG-1 reruns...but at least we're back on the air.

about time!!!!
Date: 08/01/2002
From: arturoisgod
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! How did you find out? It's about time
they brought back the best show on TV.

Sweet Victory!
Date: 08/01/2002
From: Recall317
Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing.
Wow! My VCR's going to be working overtime starting in September. There
better not be any power failures at my house...[shakes fist at the air]
Thanks go out to Yeontoo, for helping rig...I mean, influence the Nielsens.
:) And of course to all of you who wrote in and asked for Sliders to
return! I have no freaking idea if it had any effect at all, but the
show is back!

stop here?
Date: 08/01/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
We can destroy BT if we work together!
1pm is great, but I think we can do better (and we can certainly do
So, I think we should keep writing in, and we need to blow the competition
out of the water in the next Sci-Fi Classics. Spread the word and get
people watching!
We can possibly get a primetime slot if we work hard enough! ;-)

Date: 08/01/2002
From: mdragonlady
I guess if I can't find Sliders on VHS I can at least tape it off tv.
Thanks for the heads up!

do the Dance of Joy
Date: 08/01/2002
From: Grizzlor
I hope they're showing it in series order though

.. and I had just sent a letter
Date: 08/01/2002
From: Slider
Boy that was fast! I sent the Sci-Fi Channel a US mail letter just a
day ago too. Well my letter might enforce how much the public likes
to watch Sliders and get this going regularly. :)

sucks for everyone in school!
Date: 08/01/2002
From: vanilasky45
Yo, its coming on 1:00pm and I'll probaly be in boring geomtry class
in school. Its not fair. It needs to be on after school hours because
most of scifi fans are kids. We make up scifi. So scifi if your reading
this your schedules are wack! Put Sliders after 3 0'clock because around
one we should be at least in school or at work unless your taking your
lunch hour. Soon after it starts at that wack time you have ya going
to take it off because nobody is going to watch it...because we be actually
doing something.No offense but I love the show but its the time.
All ya happy that its been a year or so since its been on tv(*except
for that week in late july*) but how's ya going to watch when ya doin'
your work or school....only on holidays.
THe time is totally wackkkkk!

though I'll be working...
Date: 08/01/2002
From: The_Seer
BT won't even get off its butt.
I'm still happy to see it get back on the regular schedule. I didn't
figure it would be in a "prime time" slot but I was hoping
it would get one of QL's old spots (4PM or 5PM). Oh well, at least those
of us who love "Caption This!" get another crack at it the
first week of September.

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