doctor is in
Date: 12/12/1999
From: Doctor_Quinn
Hi,I just thought I'd let my entrance be known.
I'm what a lot of people would call a "newbie".
I don't consider myself that, mainly because I've
been reading this board almost asd long as everyone's
been posting on it. I never posted because of the
hostility towards "newbies".I figured that I'd just
read it, so I wouldn't get insulted or anything.
So, why am I here, posting for once? A couple reasons...
1-I took offense to some of the stuff Bliker put in his musical.
And 2-I feel bad that this board is going downhill. I know no one really
knows me, but I feel like I'm almost connected to it.
So if anyone's gonna come at me, or complain about the 'newbies', do
it now. And save me the time of reading through endless anti-newbie
Just get it over with, and if I think it's too harsh, I'll leave, but
I like this
board and I'd rather not.
The good doctor,

Newbies (Kidding)
Date: 12/12/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
Hmmm, so you've been reading the board. OK, let's test ya, what other
names have i used on here (i expect atleast 2 of the 3)

Date: 12/12/1999
From: buffyboy
Hopefully your other posts won't be as...sullen.
If you don't go around telling people that their opinion of Sliders
(mostly the 5th and current season) is stupid and that they suck becuase
they like Sliders, I'm sure you'll be just fine:)

Date: 12/12/1999
From: humaggs
I think the only reason people here don't like newbies is because usually
they bash season 5 and say it sucks with out the O'Connells. If you
don't say stuff like that you will probably fit in pretty good here.

like to see newbies
Date: 12/12/1999
From: fantess
After all we were all one once.

Date: 12/12/1999
From: CharmedClass2005
I don't flame people,even when they say stupid ass shit.
I've been on the board for about three months,so I think I'm pass newbie
Whatever you do,don't try to tell people what to do or that Sliders sucks
without Jerry.You'll be fine.

Up Doc? ----teehee----
Date: 12/12/1999
From: SlideRite
Just kidding ya some! :^)
Welcome aboard the board!
Slide On!

Date: 12/13/1999
From: Bliker
I gotta say, at first I was flummoxed. What on Earth could have rubbed
you the wrong way regarding TWIW? Then I chanced to notice a common
thread running through your introductory post:
> I'm what a lot of people
> would call a "newbie".
> I never posted because of the
> hostility towards "newbies".
> So if anyone's gonna come at me,
> or complain about the 'newbies',
> do it now.
> ...And save me the time of
> reading through endless
> anti-newbie posts.
Apparently, you're just a trifle concerned about a perceived hostility
towards 'newbies.' Am I right?
Anyway, have no fear. There's no such bias. You've just misinterpreted
our use of the term as shorthand for the "Sliderz suckz withowt
Kwinn and Kolin" type. As Fantess said, we were ALL newbies once.
Welcome aboard, and enjoy your stay.
- Bliker 7:-/

Date: 05/01/2000
From: Bliker

Date: 05/24/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
My post has been preserved, my post has been preserved, my post has
been preserved!
And it was the mean one too!
The good doctor

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/15502
Nominated by Bliker.. er... Blinker
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