i'm new to the board!
Date: 05/08/2000
From: chocolate_mozart
I'm new to this sliders phenomena and, I guess, compared to most of
you, I'm in the crawling stages to all of you running the marathon!
I was turned onto the show by all of the positive comments made by
your very own cc-deville (who I met at a party about a month ago). He
and his brother, trueslider2, (I think that was his handle) were at
that party and cc was talked up the show after a few guests said they
saw Jerry O'Connell at an East Side Bar earlier that night. I began
to watch it soon after, and told my friends to watch it too. Most of
them, (about a good 12 friends) I can easily say, are now devote watchers
and followers.
Last week, I was sick with the flu and logged-on for the first time
and began reading all of the posts and rants and slams , well, you get
the picture. Before I knew it, 3 days past in which all I did was spend
hours upon hours reading the postings and fanfics. I also logged onto
most of your web pages dedicated to this movement. About two weeks ago,
I held a 'Sliders 2-day rerun premier' party, which a bunch of my friends
watched the 2-part premier episode and partied after each episode (Boy
were we all hammered!).
I recently saw cc again last week, and he prompted me to post a "hello"
to everyone, so here it is! He also picked out my handle, which was
the drink I was having (its actually an after dinner liquor that tastes
like smooth chocolate milk, but after a few, you could easily be kissing
the floor if you're not careful standing up!).
So, here I am everyone, and lets enjoy the fun while it lasts!
chocolate mozart
(should I sign it choc-moz?)

and good luck.
Date: 05/08/2000
From: FogBoy
Welcome to the board! You seem like a friendly fellow/gal. Hope you
stick around.
This board is often a bit of a hostile environment to new posters.
It's hard to work your way into the groove. Good luck to you in that
regard, and I hope that you become a regular over time, rather than
running in fear after a week like some before you have! But hey, I'm
here for three months now. So you can make it.

Date: 05/08/2000
From: cc_deville
contact me and I'll try to walk you through all of the do's and don'ts
of the board (unless any of the others care to do it themselves!)
we are growing into a dominate force...
watch out scifi, hear our ROAR!

Date: 05/08/2000
From: Informant
Welcome to the board. Have fun.

liquor? How posh ;-D
Date: 05/08/2000
From: Tigs
Welcome to the board!

Bring your asbestos undies!
Date: 05/09/2000
From: EustiSlider
Eventually, we all need them, but somtimes things are peacefull. Why,
just today I read two posts that both TemporalFlux and Executive responded
to and the board *didn't* break out in a flame war. Will wonders never
--Eusti 8^)

D_man welcomes you
Date: 05/09/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
You, HunterD AKA The D-man, AKA The Hunter.
Always nice to have someone knew who likes the show.
As for some prelim do's and don'ts.
1-Don't say "Jerry made the show" that will PO a LOT of people
(Especially ME)
2-TF is a great source of information, he has given lots of stuff that
no one would know otherwise (such as the script to The Seet months before
it aired)
3-I don't like Jerry, havent for over a year, and probably never will
again, if i diss him, and you like him, let it slide, cause i don't
have problems with "Jerry Fans" who know people will disagree.
However i can't stand people who think only their opinion on JOC means
And the major rules of the Board
Thou Shall Not Kill
Thou Shall Not Steal
And Thou Shall Not Mess with the Triple Threat (Me,EPT,and Brand S)

to the board. <End>
Date: 05/09/2000
From: dellyone

choc moz! <end>
Date: 05/09/2000
From: slider409

Date: 05/09/2000
From: Slider_Dee
Now start posting your opinions! LOL

to this Dimension
Date: 05/09/2000
From: Slider_Paul
Welcome young Slider, I hope the time you spend here is an enjoyable
one. Please ignore the idiots on here as they tend to think newbies
are easy pickings.
But most of us are a friendly bunch. Enjoy your stay!

a=board! Have a donut! |n/t|
Date: 05/09/2000
From: Blinker

to meet you.
Date: 05/09/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear ChocMoz,
Sur, it is always a pleasure to see a new friendly face in our little
piece of scifi. Post well, and post often. Support your opinions in
a clear concise way, without attacking others, and you will be respected
Enjoy, and welcome.

Date: 05/09/2000
From: Slidemania
which eps have you watched so far (other than "The Pilot")?
Be sure to tell us what you think of them as you see them, being a Sliders
newcomer and all.

I have watched so far
Date: 05/09/2000
From: chocolate_mozart
I have seen the last 5 or 6 episodes of Season 5, and the *new* reruns
that just started with Season 1.
cc-deville has filled me in on why there was a cast change, the losses
of the Professor, Wade, and Quinn, to the newer team members of Maggie,
Mallory and Diana. (I don't kinow who Colin is, never seen him so I
have no comment on him.
So far, I like Quinn, besides being cute, he's intellecually confused
and hyper. (I was told to watch on how his character changes as the
series goes on. Wade, I believe, plays well off of Quinn, with her innocence
and thirst for adventure. The Professor give the team the unapplied
knowledge of what is happening, and offers a bit of comic relief.
Remmy, to see his character only in Season 5 and Season 1, shows how
good an actor he really is and why he won a Tony years ago. He plays
the ultimate comic in Season 1, tagging along hoping that the smarter
ones know what they are doing and get him home as soon as possible.
In Season 5, he looks all alone, and I think he is showing the strain
of sliding and some suicidal signs too, especially after seeing his
shrine, the ultimate wearing down of the timer, and the Seer episode,
where they are treated as stars/gods (I think Remmy is turned off by
that and it pushes him over the edge). He knows the end was nearing
and took the ultimate risk.
Maggie seems to be a fighter, but determined not to show how scared
she really is. Mallory is teh new comic relief, and at times tries to
be 'all american hero'. Interestingly, I was amazed on how the actor
Robert Floyd plays Jerry O'Connell playing Quinn so well and I think
better emotionally than Jerry showed us in Season 1, so far. Diana seems
to be a lost follower of the team, trying to prove herself to everyone,
maybe feeling guilty to what had happened to Quinn, and maybe carrying
the weight of replacing both Quinn and the Professor (no pun intended)
as the scientist of the team.
I do see how the storylines changed, the big differences between Season
1 and Season 5, and I hate how they left the series in limbo with not
one cliffhanger but multiple ones (BOO PECK! - I think I got it right)
I do enjoy the shows and can't wait to see them in their entirities.
thanks for listening to my view,

a tad late...
Date: 05/14/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
As I am for everything! (You'll probably notice that quite often ~:O)
Now, as a semi-newbie myself (Found my intro post recently, it was dated
Dec. 12) I must congratualte you on a well-written first post! Mine
was obnoxious, as I deemed it later on, (though some people assure me
it was fine) but first impressions aren't always right.
You seem like a nice lil chap, so I'm looking forward to talking to
you more often.
The good doctor

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/20503
Nominated by Blinker
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