different Stax than yours
Date: 07/04/2000
From: STAXwithIGN
Hi, folks. I'm Stax, the online script critic formerly of FlixBurg,
USA and now with IGN FilmForce. I see that you have a poster here going
by the same handle (I've been around the online film community since
1998) and, in case you didn't already know this, we are NOT the same
fellow and are not connected in any way. I just needed to make this
known since I've had a few people pull pranks at different BBs using
the "Stax" handle and saying they were me. I'm NOT saying
this particular poster's done anything like that so please don't misconstrue
my meaning. I just needed to clear the air. Thanks for your time and
keep having fun here at your BB. Any questions, my email is stax@ign.com

Date: 07/05/2000
From: Stax_
Actually this is a great opportunity for me to clear up something .
I posted one of your reviews for Mission To Mars ( because Jerry O'Connell
was in it ) but only realised later that someone with my handle wrote
it . By the time somone pointed it out to me the post had been buried
and I forgot about it . I didn't see a need to bring it up later since
most people here know I'm still in school and live in Ireland and am
not likely to be you.
BTW I began posting a long time ago before I knew you existed .stax

Date: 07/05/2000
From: STAXwithIGN
I went to school in Ireland while I lived there briefly as a child.
Too weird. What part of Ireland are you in? I lived in County Kerry.
BTW, one of my friends from college was good pals with Jerry O'Connell
from NY. stax@ign.com

Date: 07/06/2000
From: Stax_
Did you keep the accent or learn any Irish there ? Kerry is smack in
the middle of the Gaeltacht .stax

learned a little Gaelic in school
Date: 07/06/2000
From: STAXwithIGN
... but have since forgotten it all, I'm afraid. My mother, however,
is completely fluent and will start spouting off poems in Gaelic that
she learned when she was like 5. My accent's pretty much a neutral American
accent now; I don't even have much of my native New England accent left

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/21884
Nominated by Blinker
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