I'm really disappointed in you guys.

Date: 07/30/2000
From: FunnyManJake

For once, this post isn't gonna be humorous. I must say I was quite appalled when I saw what you guys wrote about Scientology, or rather, any religion other than your own in general.

I would've hoped you guys could've been a little bit more mature in your thinking on these issues, but apparently, I was wrong. One of the big problems facing our society today is intolerance of anything different than what we percieve as normal or "the way things should be." Racism, genderism, it all falls under the same category of what you guys have displayed tonight. The attitude you guys have assumed was the same assumed by the die-hard slave-owners in the 1800's, and yes, even my the Nazi party during the second world war.

Now, your opinion is your own of course, and you are totally entitled to it, but please, out of common decency, don't shove it at everyone else within earshot. Some of us prefer not to hear it.



The difference between the people ...

Date: 07/30/2000
From: Stax_

commenting upon Scientology here and Nazis and slave owners is that we are not forcing our beliefs upon others . I don't think anyone here is going to try and forcefully discourage Scientologists from practising their religion . I'm anti-abortion but does that mean that I should be compared to Nazis because I'm against people having them ?

My opinion of Scientology is that it is a glorified scam hiding under the guise of a religion and we can't even comment upon it's dubious roots without being berated by the masses preaching fundamentally flawed political correctness . I'm all for tolerance but I'm also for the awful truth .stax

I think you're confused...

Date: 07/30/2000
From: SL4ever

...wasn't it the Nazis who suppressed ideas and controlled what people were allowed to say? People just remember them for the worst things they did like genocide, but they also wanted to control opinions and thoughts.

A democracy is different because it allows everyone to speak freely without the GOVERNMENT trying to control what they say. No one here is with a country's government, so there is no tyranery here.

So if something is said which offends your sensibilities, leave the post and be thankful most of the governments in the world today allow free speech. (the ones who don't allow it probably don't allow unrestricted access to the internet so I think I can safely assume everyone here lives in a free speech kinda country.)

(forgive any spelling errors, I'm running my new computer through it's paces so I don't have my spell checker up and running yet. Grrrrr)

Hey Funny...

Date: 07/30/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Why are you being intolerant of views different from your own? Why are you shoving your views at everyone else in the form of this attack? We now know that what you perceive as normal is a view of total tolerance of any and everything...so why are you lambasting people who don't share that view?

You need to re-read what you just wrote...because this post you just made violated all the things which supposedly appalled you so much. So can we now assume you are appalled at yourself?


You're a funny man, Jake (nim)

Date: 07/30/2000
From: Informant

Oh come on! Someone had to say it!

Hey Flux.......

Date: 07/30/2000
From: FunnyManJake

If you had read my post thoroughly, you would've noticed that I said, "Your opinions are your own and you are totally entitled to them." I'm open to others having their own thoughts on things, I could care less what people want to believe, I just think that if they're going to be mean-spirited or negative, they ought to just keep it to themselves.



Then follow your own advice...

Date: 07/31/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Because the entire tone of *your* original post is nothing *but* negative and mean-spirited. For God's sake...you claim that the people of this board are not unlike Nazis and slave owners! And no, a "cop-out clause" on the end of your message doesn't rectify that...you should know it doesn't. And on top of that...what are you doing? Shoving your "vaunted" opinion in the face of everyone in earshot. Didn't *you* just say that was wrong in this thread?

Do us all a favor...don't be the board's moral barometer. You quite clearly aren't even good at being your own moral barometer.


Funny, Flux.........

Date: 07/31/2000
From: FunnyManJake

....That people who know they're wrong often have to resort to just insulting the people they have engaged in an argument with to feel like they've gotten the upper hand?
Hey, I know your reasonging is f'ed up, you don't have to play games with me to feel better about yourself. I forgive you. :)


Right as always,


Date: 07/31/2000
From: TemporalFlux

You were obviously talking about yourself just now. You began this by blatantly insulting those who didn't see things as you did (saying they are no better than Nazis)...then you just ended with an attempt to insult me (my reasoning is "f'ed up" - implied curse words do not make a point...you have to prove it).

Thanks for admitting you're wrong. Just try to live up to what you preach in the future...if that's possible.


Can't we all just...get along? (end)

Date: 07/31/2000
From: DimensionRider


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/22390
Nominated by Blinker


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