Date: 10/08/2000
From: Nobuyuki
Hello. I have some good and bad news for you all regarding the BBoard Sliding Adventures. The bad news is that I have been far to busy with classes to even think about writing anymore chapters.
But wait, there is some good news as well. As some of you know, one chapter was written not by myself, but rather by Brand_S. Expanding on this idea, here is what I would like to do:
I'd like to turn the BBSA into a multi-writer story. If you are interested in writing for the BBSA, please reply to this message below. When what I believe as a sufficient number of volunteers have applied, I will stop the applications and post in a new topic, the order in which each volunteer will write a chapter. The first writer shall have the chance to finish up the multichaper story that I had been working on when I was so rudely interrupted by real life.
Once all of the writers have taken a turn, the writing goes back to the first person on the list.
Basic Rules of Writing for the BBSA:
1. Keep continuity with all other chapters. If I see anyone go Peckinpah on the story...well, there's not much I can do about it, but it's really DAMN rude. NOTE: This includes not only story elements, but also characterizations. I did not spend a good portion of my story developing the now semi-famous Queen Slider_Sarah double just to have her grand character torn to shreds by some hack.
2. Whether the chapter is dramatic, comedic, or a brainless Rambo story is up to you, the writer. I had written several chapters intending to go in one direction, only to end up going in the complete opposite.
3. If you happen to be one of the characters in the story, (Brand_S, TF, Hunter, Eusti, etc.) Don't be afraid to write for the story. S has done so, and quite humorously I might add. Just don't kill everyone else off and declare your character King/Queen of the Hill.
4. That's the essential, base rules. As the creator/Executive Producer of the BBSA, all I have left to warn you about is to RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!!! (Sorry, I just had to put that in.)
So without further ado...
Sign up!
P.S.: I will try to write more stories for the board, however, they will be kept much shorter so that I will actually have time to write a complete story.

I'm interested
Date: 10/08/2000
From: lets_go_slide_time

The Hunter Volunteers
Date: 10/08/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
As you know my record with deadlines Reeks of Heinoscity, but i actually do pretty well with 1ep stories.
So i'd be happy to do an ep, infact i have a neat idea for one

I'm down
Date: 10/09/2000
I'll be happy to write a BBSA story. sign me up.

I missed this?
Date: 10/09/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I'll make a deal... I'll sign up on the condition that somone directs me to the other chapters! Queen Slider_Sarah? I'm there!!! :-)
P.S. HurriKain shouldn't write until he's written his storygame part!!! (you must all know where that is by now!!!)

To Slider_Sarah and everyone else.
Date: 10/09/2000
From: Nobuyuki
Here's a list of the locations of each episode: (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2—Slider_Sarah’s first appearance)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5) (Behind the scenes look, not an episode, but interesting nonetheless.)
(Chapter 6) (Brand_S’s Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
(Chapter 10)
(Chapter 11)
(Chapter 12--Final Chapter Written)
There they are! SS, I had no idea that you didn't know about the royal double of yours I wrote into the story. Well, now's your chance to catch up!

Thanks for the previous posts...
Date: 10/09/2000
I'm interested but like Hunter I suck at writing deadlines. Case in point it's been five months since I started working on my Group X masterpiece. LOL. It'll be up whenever I can resolve a few things in my story. Kind of hard to give everyone a line because there are so many damn characters in it. ;-) Man, why do I feel like this chapter is going to be over 30 pages long? Probably because it will be, since I'm still at the beginning and it's more than 8 pages already and I haven't introduced some of the more important characters, not that all of them aren't important, but the ones in the beginning set the stage for the rest of the story. Long sentence. Brevity isn't my strong suit. :-)
Can you send me the story arc that you were working on so that I can get an idea for my part? Don't want to break continuity and screw it up the next person. :-)
Yes, I'm still working on HK's Fucka installment. I'm trying to get it posted later this week, but don't hold your breath on that one. It should be a riot to read, but of course maybe it's my sense of humor. ;-)

To dellyone
Date: 10/09/2000
From: Nobuyuki
The final chapter written was part 12, which was Part III of the current arc. I haven't written anything past that, unfortunately.

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