the "Slide"...
Date: 12/18/1998
From: Cryin
I think one thing we have all used the board for in the past is complaining
about some aspect of "Sliders." Some complain about the constant
departure of characters from the show, others are disappointed by the
infrequent showing of new episodes, while the rest would like "this
whole Kromagg thing to get over with." While admitting that I am
a culprit of this attitude (I`m sure you all remember my ripping apart
of the "Mother and Child" episode), I think that we should
maybe consider more the positive aspects of the show. Yea, the plot
and characters have changed, but keep in mind the show has gone from
a major network like FOX to a cable channel (which I personally like
very much) that is not even offered in every town across America (or
that primitive country to the north of us---just kidding, Canadians).
In any case, although "Sliders" is a bit silly sometimes (no
offense Exec), in some way for each of us, it adds to our life. Being
extremely busy with my classes and trying to get into medical school,
I have very little time free. I do, however, take an hour off on Mondays
from 1-2am to watch Sliders. It gives me time to relax (no to mention
the procrastinating this board allows me to do.) For others, I`m sure
the show is something different. I especially like the board as we can
all share our love of "Sliders" and make it something more
than just a t.v. show. In any case, I feel myself starting to ramble
and my text book starting to call me. May the force be with you.

are right...
Date: 12/18/1998
From: 1013shan
for me, it's always been the Quinn/Wade thing. He's so big and strong
and she always looked so cute and tiny next to him. Also, I'm a sucker
for this type of Sci-fi ever since my Voyager days. So that's why even
without Wade, I keep watching.
And you're right again, every Friday (when it was on Fox) I never knew
if it would live to see another Friday. So when i checked the TV guide
for the next week and it was there... I was so happy...but all this
really proves is that little things make me happy...
Anyway, I'm rambling now too, even though the writers are insane, and
Maggie is a @#$%&*!!! I'll watch till the end...besides, it brought
me to the board...(very sappy here at the end)

else to be thankful for...
Date: 12/18/1998
From: ThomasMalthus
If you consider that Sliders started out as a show which combined Science-Fiction,
Humor, Drama and Romance, that it was a nine-episode mid-season replacement
and that it didn't really have any big name stars in it (ok, ok, JRD
and JOC were kind of well known, but they weren't HUGE stars), we're
really lucky that it has survived as long as it has and that anything
of the original premise is intact. There are plenty of good shows with
lots of potential that get cancelled, especially if they are a mid-season
replacement, which Sliders has been, not once, but twice! Now we're
on it's fourth season, and the FIFTH season is in production. This show
has gone through the loss of three-fourths of the original cast, plus
the loss of the show's creators from the writing team, plus the fact
that it's been cancelled twice, plus the fact we had almost an entire
season of movie ripoffs, plus the fact it got moved to a relatively
obscure cable network, it really seems spectacular that this show is
still running and successful. And despite the third and fourth season's
faults, I think we can all agree that an altered version of Sliders
is better than no Sliders at all. Let's just hope that we never get
so caught up in the saying what we don't like about the show that we
don't appreciate how easily we could have never had it. Now I'm rambling,
so I better quit now that I've said my piece.

said TM! END
Date: 12/18/1998
From: StarSekr1

agree, but...
Date: 12/18/1998
From: SupremeTrekker
As much as we Sliders fans love the show, it's even more entertaining
to jeer at it's faults. I mean, don't we all love to see bad movies
with a bunch of friends just to jeer at it? Not to say that Sliders
is a bad show, it's pretty good (at times), and it makes us appreciate
it more if we take the time to point out its flaws. So I agree with
you, but it's still a lot of fun making fun of Maggie and Colin and
chastising the writers for writing out Arturo and Wade like that....
Keep on Slidin'
The Supreme Trekker

all right
Date: 12/18/1998
From: SlidingThrough
We should be grateful we still have the show because it could so
easily be a thing of the past...but don't we all kind of enjoy
rolling our eyes at the ridiculous things the writers make the
sliders do sometimes? That's part of the fun of watching...and
talking about it afterwards!
Anyway, I know *I'll* be watching and complaining and praising
for as long as the show is on...and I hope I'll still see you all
P.S. to Cryin: Wow, med school! Good luck, I hope you make it

agree with everyone too.
Date: 12/19/1998
From: Boof
You've all said what I was thinking.

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