Date: 01/03/1999
From: Sliding_Paul
Hello my fellow Sliders,
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I do. I dream of sliding 0nce or twice a week. Ive always had a very
good amagination which makes my sliding dreams just amazing.
They seem so real and every dream continues after the last. The profesor,
Quin, Wade and th Crying man all appear in my dreams and some of our
adventures have just been out of this world, exciting and sometime scarey.
In my last dream we was in a middle ages England Earth, and we was
helping some king defend his castle, right near the end of the dream
when we opened the tunnel with the timmer it closed up b4 I could jump
through.......I was stuck, my heart was pounding and I was shitting
my pants. Stuck in a strange world all on my own. But then all of a
sudden somehow the tunnel re-opened and I jumed through re joining the
others on another Earth.
Im probably not making sense but its dead hard to describe dreams when
thay are just jumbled up pictures.
Another exciting dream was when the Timmer went funny and opened 4
holes all together in a row, only one would lead safley to another earth
while the other 3 would spread us all across infinity.
Ive had loads of these dreams I might start usung them to write my
own stories. Going to sleep is a adventure. And before anyone asks Yes
I have Slept with Wade in my dreams and boy is she GOOD.
So come on everyone I cant be the only one who dreams of sliding.
Why not share them with us.
Sliding is POSSIBLE and one day I will slide for real. I KNOW!

are one sick puppy!!!!!!!!
Date: 01/03/1999
From: ThomasMalthus
First you tell us that you dream about Sliders every night?!?! Then
various other sick things you say during your post that I'm not even
going to get into makes your case even clearer. Why did you even feel
the need to post this here? I feel completely sick at my stomach now
to think that a person like you even exists. I wouldn't bother posting
here again until you can get your act together, "Sliding_Paul".

Date: 01/03/1999
From: SL4ever

you sad man
Date: 01/03/1999
From: Sliding_Paul
I have every right to post my feelings on Sliders, I love Sliders so
I do dream of it from time to time, but evey night? I dont think so.
If all you can do is insult peoples opinions you should bugger off.
It is you Thomas that should never post here again if you havent got
anything intelligent to say. And with a gay name like Thomas you shouldent
even be on the net. SO STAY AWAY YOU GAY!!

Game, Odyssey, and Sliders
Date: 01/03/1999
From: tondefREMMY
Sliders does the same thing and im not one for remembering dreams only
what they are about but i do dream about sliders but not as often as
you maybe an episode every now and then. However, I didnt think it that
odd I usually have sci-fi dreams another dream relating to it was after
i read Ender's game by orson scott card an excellent sci-fi book and
i have also had dreams about the epic poem the Odessy so sliders is
just one thing in the menagerie of things that i dream about. The only
sliders dream i remember was when the US did not win the revolutionary
war and i actually thought it would make a quite good episode

Date: 01/03/1999
From: ThomasMalthus
I think you'll find if you make posts like this again, you won't get
any kind of positive response. Therefore, for your own good and that
of the board, I would strongly suggest you don't make posts which are
sexually explicit and which would be viewed by most posters as disgusting.
As much as I have no right to tell you you can't post here (which I
never did), you have even less right to refer to me as a homosexual.
For your information, I am heterosexual and plan to stay that way for
the definate future. If my real name were Thomas, I would be insulted
by the disrespectful way you referred to my handle. However, I picked
my name from a historical figure, the Reverend Thomas Malthus, who was
featured prominently in the Sliders episode "Luck of the Draw".
I suggest that you apologize to all those with the first name Thomas
for referring to the name Thomas as being homosexual.

we say wet dream? <end>
Date: 01/03/1999
From: SliderNum5

you say RealSlider's brother?
Date: 01/04/1999
From: emzee
Why do immature people always expect to win an argument by calling someone
Gay? Do they even know what it means? Furthermore, this individual felt
the need to refer to heterosexual intercourse in their post, inappropriately,
as if to reinforce some kind of question we may have about them. Coincidence?
I think not!
BTW I happen to like the name Thomas and I am a woman! :)

An Apology
Date: 01/04/1999
From: Sliding_Paul
Id like to apologize if I offened anyone with my sexual comments about
Wade in my original post, it was intended as a joke to spark up my post.
Most of us English have a hudge sense of humour and I see no harm in
adding a bit of humour to my posts. As for the rest of my post about
"dreaming of sliding" I intended it to be a serious one to
get a good discusion going. I Love Sliders therefore I dream about it
now and then, so I thought some of you might have the same dream experiences
and help get a good topic going. The sexual comment was only a bit of
added fun.
My reply title is "Half an Apoligy" because I cant apologize
to that Thomas bloke. The simple reason is. My post on dreams was only
my 3rd as Im fairly new to the Net and I was very upset and insulted
with his nasty comments against my post, I can take criticism, you have
to on here; after all thats what a BBOARD is all about people agreeing
and disagreeing on others comments. But Thomas your comments on my post
were not necessary so if you havent got anything constructive to say
would you kindly go else where. Untill Ive calmed down from how angery
you have made me your get no apolgy from me THOMAS!! (but i would like
to say sorry to all other users with that name if i insulted it in my
previous comment)

can only speak for myself, but...
Date: 01/04/1999
From: ThomasMalthus
Well, I'm sorry that you felt the need to make sexually explicit comments
to "break the ice". I don't know what other boards you've
been posting on, but we're nothing like that. Secondly, I'm not English,
but all you other English posters on this board, is this the kind of
sense of humor you have? Somehow, I think not.
I'm glad you apologized to all those with the name Thomas. Now I would
like to issue an apology, of sorts, to you. I should not have said that
the thought that someone like you exists makes me sick to my stomach,
it was only your post that made me sick, not you. I would also like
to make a correction to my first post and say that you did not say that
you dreamt of Sliders every night, just once or twice a week, although
that is an unusual amount, I misquoted you and for that I apologize.
However, everything else about my original and second replies needs
no apologizing.
Sliding_Paul, have you noticed that everyone else who's responded to
you has had negative comments? So why do you think I am some rogue crusader
out to harass newbies (or something of the sort)?

Date: 01/04/1999
From: Slider_Sarah
I know we English have a sense of humour, but we don't all have that
kind of sense of humour. I didn't find it particually funny and most
people I know wouldn't either. I do dream of Sliders, but I wouldn't
think of sharing that kind of detail, if it were there (it isn't) because
I'm not that kind of person. Also, it's putting all english into one
catagory (A.K.A. stereotyping) and that is something I have complained
about before.
I have to go now, but don't make generalisations based on what u are
like. Everyone is different, where ever they come from. Don't stereotype
It's getting a bit muddled now.

and TM: good points!
Date: 01/04/1999
From: Cryin
First of all, I don`t think that TM had as much a problem with your
comments about dreaming about sliding every night, Paul, as he did with
the derogatory nature of your post. No matter how serious you are about
a post, it`s significance tends to be negated when you fill it with
comments that are going to obviously offend people. Personally, I thought
the bit about Wade was pretty funny, but it is not something you should
discuss on the board. We all have different sense of humors and what
offends one person may not offend another and vice versa (Thanks, Sarah
if you remember our Monty Python debate a couple weeks ago). And with
your comment about the name "Thomas", I hardly believe you
can honestly expect for people to take you seriously. As you have probably
noticed, there have been several ill-mannered posts lately and they
really spoil the site for the rest of us. It may sound funny that some
of us take a t.v. show so seriously, but for many of us, "Sliders"
is a hobby that we can partake in to escape the stress of our everday
lives. In the future, I would suggest more consideration if you wished
to be taken more seriously (and a grammar class would probably help
you tremendously.)

very well said!
Date: 01/04/1999
From: ThomasMalthus
Very eloquently put, Cryin. I couldn't have said it better myself.

still going to Dream.......
Date: 01/04/1999
From: Sliding_Paul
Im still going to continue Dreaming about my favorite program. Ive watched
the program from the very start and im a No.1 fan.
Dreams are all about drifting off into a fantasy land, so I naturally
Dream about my fav things. Is that a crime. My post has all gone horibly
wrong I dident want a silly argument. None of my friends watch Sliders
so I cant discuss things with them, I thought I had a good topic to
share with you lot but I have failed. There must be some people out
there who dream about there favorite things(SLIDERS).
Im going to quit on this post now and go back to the drawring board.
Hopefully Ill have somthing more to your liking and Ill post it on the
Board as soon as its popped in my head.
So please only continue this If you have anything interesting to say
about "Dreaming of Sliding"
I have nothing more to say.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/3814
Nominated by Blinker
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