How long you been on the bboard?
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Arturo6
Just a quick survey to find out who all have been here for a while, and who all have just recently taken the slide! I've been lurking in one form or another since 1998, but I know that there may be some still here that go back to the original board, though I forget the name of it.
Rantin' and Ravin' as Usual,
P.S. Does QBall79 still post here?

I have always been here...
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Hyperspace
insert evil laugh here.
My first sliders board was the MCA universal, thou I didn't post there anymore frequently than I post here. I posted a few times on the Fox board back then also. I was just getting into the whole b-board thing and happened upon the universal board early in the second season.
Of course from what I have seen TF is the earliest B-Boarder still posting.
"self proclaimed King of Lurkerdom"

I've only been around a few months
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Shopman
I have been reading the posts for a while before I started to post however. I have had a computer for a long time, but didn't get into posting until I switched jobs and had a little bit more free time.

Since 2/20/98
Date: 01/04/2003
From: TemporalFlux
The day after it started.

About 3 minutes now ...
Date: 01/04/2003
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Since 6:57 P.M. 1/4/2003!!!!!
Bonus TIP:Oh you mean all time ... well that's a secret ;)!!!!!

At least since 1999
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Maybe late 1998, but I really don't remember being here for many (if any) Season Four episodes.
But, then again, I don't remember being a newbie with the premiere of "The Unstuck Man".
I'll say 1999. I'd check back for my first post, but its been purged...
Wow. This is my 4th calendar year...?

Posting since March 30, 2000
Date: 01/04/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
though under a different handle. This handle first appeared April 20, 2000. I'd lurked since the original TemporalFlux day, whenever that was.

A few clarifications
Date: 01/04/2003
From: TemporalFlux
Hurried posting strikes again! As Hyperspace noted, I actually started lurking in the Sliders community back in late 1996. My first post was at the Universal MCA Netforum on 3/15/97 if memory serves. I'm not the earliest still around, though. WrongArturo (who posted here in the last few days) was posting at MCA in 1996 if not earlier.

Nuwbie dude
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Retroslider
Only a few short weeks. But I've been scanning Boards for years man. Been workin in computers for the better part of a decade now.

3/20/99 - my first post
Date: 01/04/2003
From: JessieMallory
I started lurking about Jan '99, but didn't jump in until March. So it's about 4 years for me now.
DMD that would be mid Jan 0f 2000 around the 24th, that I think was the first Tf appreciation day! Ah the memories!!

not sure, but....
Date: 01/04/2003
From: Grizzlor
I'd say early 1999. I really didn't follow the show very intently during the Fox period. mostly because it aired on the weekend all the time. then I watched the Making of... show on Scifi and kept on watching. Because scifi reaired each episode several times that week, which Fox did not. I was able to keep up.
Then there was rerun hell. And then in I guess April/May 1999, when Revelations aired and nothing more. I didn't know what the heck was going on. that was such a bad season ender I didnt think the season ended!!! Bill Dial to thank for that one.
so I came to this board to see what happened and learned Jerry o'connell was off the show! i was not happy. i kind of here a little while then gone. Got into some bouts with some of the regulars. a lot of fun!!
Really this is the ONLY message board I have ever used regularly. I think this board and all of you people on it over the years deserve a lot of credit for that! this board is a real testiment to it, because it has remained very viable for so many years. if you include the MCA/Fox boards, that's quite a long time

Date: 01/05/2003
From: Informant
I first posted on the Fox board around the time Sliders was canceled after season 3 (that'd probably be May of 1997). Back then, I was still undecided on my name.
I quickly switched over the the MCA forum and posted there until it was taken down (though it was later replaced by a new system, I never took to that one)
On this board, I posted probably within a couple days of it opening, but dropped out of it until the MCA forum went down. I didn't want to make the move, but I did (met good people here too, I must say).
I made up the name "Informant" for the Fox board. It's been with me since. Of course back then, I stumbled with "Informer" before realizing that sounded stupid and switched to the more mysterious version.
Before that, I did post on the Scifi boards, mostly in Star Trek related threads and under a different name. Me and Star Trek fans never meshed too well though.

10/18/2001 was my first post on the
Date: 01/05/2003
From: eber3
sliders board. I had been posting at another scifi board for about a month before that.

Since late August 1998
Date: 01/05/2003
Having found it just after season 4 started airing in the UK (We got it first! That was the sole purpose of my website!!), which I was on holiday in France, visiting Futuroscope. Yes, I can remember that much about how I found it. I also remember that when we returned from France, there'd been a power cut and we hadn't recorded Just Say Yes, which I still haven't seen as it has not yet been repeated.

Date: 01/05/2003
From: slayer1897
i've been reading for a few months , but just got around to signing up so i could post

My answer
Date: 01/05/2003
From: The_Seer
BT has been on this board too long.
My first post on this board was on 02/26/2001 but I had been lurking here for a little over a year before that, probably somewhere around the time when the final couple of episodes were aired. You probably could have surmised that I don't go WAY back just by my handle.
Speaking of my handle and the episode it is taken from, I had gone back to look for my original post (to verify at least that I had the right month) but I started looking in the wrong year at first (2000 instead of 2001). The point is that I ended up re-reading some of the posted reviews of "The Seer". Needless to say they were mostly of a negative nature and while I don't have quite the negative perception of that episode that those posters and others do I really got a kick out of some of those reviews. Ah, those were the days when there were new Sliders episodes to bash!

Date: 01/05/2003
I think it was around the time that "My Brother's Keeper" from season 4 was to air, or had just aired, can't remember....

Sometime in the summer of '98
Date: 01/05/2003
From: SL4ever
BT has been around for too F-ing long!
Damn. Now I feel old. >:-#

I've been here since January 1999
Date: 01/05/2003
I remember I joined this group in hopes to meet other Sliders fans and of coarse a month later in February of 1999, I started my first fanfic 4th Season which didn't start off to well, but I hope to remain around until this bboard collapses because I have more fanfic in the works for the future.

Also January 1999
Date: 01/05/2003
From: Tigs

The Seer negativity & Sliders Chat room!
Date: 01/05/2003
From: Grizzlor
funny you should mention that! One of the reasons I wasn't much of a presence for almost a year after coming here (I too read but didnt post early on) was there was such a massive flow of rumors and spoilers and I hate knowing spoilers. Temporal Flux of course got the Seer spoilers like before the season started that old fox! So many of us new the outcome, I didnt because i refused to read them. Really the negativity was do to the Cliffhanger ending that was given. nobody liked that. The writers strung us along all year and resolved nothing.
I was also a regular during 99-00 on the Scifi Sliders chat room. I had a good going with a lot of folks there. A lot of us, still here and not, would discuss the show there and not post anything. In fact I remember a day/night in July 1999 when news was spreading the show was cancelled. Quite a riot in there! I also recall a "Quinn15" whoever he is now, just blasting JOC on a mission to mars chat on AOL i think. Quite humorous.

Date: 01/06/2003
From: Informant
So I'm like a bboard oldie? Freakie. There was a time when I was the uninformed newbie (which was ironic since I had the same name).

Still here.
Date: 01/06/2003
From: QBall79
I've been posting since 1998 I think, back before I had Sci-Fi and was relying on a friend to lend me his Season 4 tapes. It was also in the days of Expert and his site, always chock full of rumors and news about the proposed 5th season. Anyone remember "Sleepless in San Francisco?"
I still read the board obviously, but post very rarely anymore as I don't have as much time as I used to.

Hmmm >>>
Date: 01/06/2003
From: vortex62
I guess the first part of 1999. I got back to the states
(stationed in Sicily) Dec 98. I started the website Mar 99.
I still miss the ole Sliders chat room days. I see
Quinn15 still has a room open there :).
Vortex (aka Tex)

Since late 1996.
Date: 01/06/2003
Started at MCA, moved to BBoard when it opened, but wasn't a regular poster here until the old Netforum finally kicked the bucket.
Remember "Sleepless in San Francisco?" I remember when Executive gave his review of "Slither" and called it a return to the alt-history roots the show because of the throwaway line that tobacco was illegal on that world.
My first post was to Syrup to tell him to shut the fuck up over gloating about getting the most questions asked at a JOC online chat. He had asked questions like "What did you and Charlie wear for Halloween?" instead of questions that might actually elicit interest.
For the record, JOC and COC raided the wardrobe department and went as aviators. Thanks, Syrup.

About 5 years...
Date: 01/06/2003
From: Slider_Paul
Its been a long time. Ive searched for my 1st ever post lots of times, but have never found it. An educated guess would say ive been posting here for about 5 years. The place is not the same as it use to be, but theres a fair few of us who do our best to keep the board up and running.

well it was so long ago...
Date: 01/06/2003
i would have to be with TF right when it started here on went to the Universal site since all the series i was watching at the time were on scifi.i may not have posted alot,but i read almost all the major ones from
TF,imformant,and grizzlor.many thanx to these and everyone else in help keeping the truth of Sliders alive!!!!keep sliding on!!!!!!!!!
sliding on thru,
Marvello :-)

Somewhere between Sept. & Oct. 1998
Date: 01/06/2003
Good thing BT wasn't around back then
And I lurked for quite a long time before that, here and over on that MCA-Universal thingy board probably around April of 1998.
I always considered myself to be a merging of Hotel California - one of my favorite songs by the Eagles and of course, The Twilight Zone with the ever unique Rod Serling!
My original sign-out was
Relax, said the Night Watchman, we are programmed to receive
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!

Since mid 1997
Date: 01/06/2003
From: AlphaNova
I used a different handle then. I've changed it two times since then.

In the long deleted postings of 98 AD...
Date: 01/07/2003
Blinker Sings! outsells BT Sings! pretty regularly.
...was when I first made my appearance. I believe my first post had to do with defending the Expert's site (and the spoilers therein). I've been here off and on since then. What can I say? This is the place to be if you're a "Sliders" fan!

Since 9/25/02...
Date: 01/07/2003
Before then, I've been hitting a lot of websites, Sliders related or otherwise. You should see the large collection of Sliders fanfic I printed out since December 98.

SQ21, TIP, and PAUL...
Date: 01/08/2003
BT's first post: 12/31/2001.
SQ21: Assuming your first posts were indeed during the June '99 purge period (which begins a couple weeks before the Unstuck Man premiere), here's your early history on the board via the Web Archive...
3287. JOC on sliders s6? 6/2/99 Slider_Quinn21 15 Replies 6/5/99
3481. Writers wanted! 6/8/99 Slider_Quinn21 1 Reply 6/8/99
3489. to Temp Flux and Slider Quinn21 6/8/99 Slidoh No Replies none
3510. Reunion(Fanfic) 6/9/99 Slider_Quinn21 1 Reply 6/10/99
4338. Alternate Earths question 6/20/99 Slider_Quinn21 2 Replies 6/21/99
4460. Quinn poll(NOT JOC RELATED) 6/23/99 Slider_Quinn21 7 Replies 6/24/99
4528. So much promise......lost 6/24/99 Slider_Quinn21 No Replies none
15 replies to your first thread? Not bad! 7:-P
TIP: I'm pretty sure this was your first post.
And finally, Slider_Paul, this was most definitely yours:
Hey, notice how SL4ever called you an idiot, emzee called you immature, and SliderNum5 summed up your misadventures as wet dreams... yet you cheerfully say 'no harm done!' to all of them in favour of reiterating your singular hatred of ThomasMalthus, the first replier to disparage you? And you STILL haven't let go of this vendetta four years later. How monomaniacal. And sad.
- Blinker 7:-\
PS. Far as I can tell, my own first post was sometime between October 16 and 21 of 1998. Heh, almost forgot.

Date: 01/09/2003
From: CoolSlider
I browsed late 1997 on the Forum. I didn't make a post until this board came about in early 1998. February or something. I don't think my first post on record anymore. Damn, I've come a long way considering that in 1997, I was 13...

Zoinks!!! Thwarted by the Blinker!!!!
Date: 01/14/2003
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Oh no, the Blinker has revealed the TIP’s secret first post!!!
Bonus TIP:Most impressive young Blinker, but the TIP would be more even more impressed if you could find his first post under his original handle (which is actually what the TIP meant in the last post) :)!!!

Date: 01/16/2003
From: dellyone
Sept 1999

January 2001. Browsed since Dec 2000
Date: 02/02/2003

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Nominated by Blinker
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