Virtual Slide (spoilers)
Date: 01/15/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
Hi-I'm seeing the 4th season of Sliders for the 1st time, and I just saw "Virtual Slide". I thought it was ok, although it reminded me of various "Star Trek" "we were on the holodeck and we didn't realize it!" episodes, and I kind of expected someone to start fizzling yet again at the very end, making the whole episode "just a dream"...
I've noticed that in the 4th season, Maggie becomes a completely different (albeit nicer) person, and Quinn slides into a kind of waking coma. Is this character development? In "Virtual Slide", when Quinn delivers the (apparently passionate) line "I thought that we had something more" to Maggie, he appears to be making a conscious effort not to move any facial muscles. Was this JOC's interpretation of Quinn's reaction to the loss of the Professor and Wade? I noticed in earlier episodes that involved a Quinn double who had been through a lot of trauma (e.g. "Fever" and "The Other Slide of Darkness"), JOC tended to convey that by keeping his expression blank and talking in a monotone. I just wondered what people thought.
