Date: 03/11/1999
From: SciFiWatcher
I was at Amazon.com looking to buy the Sliders companion book and saw
you're review. It was brutal. But coming for you I know it was the truth.
I'm going to have to rethink the purchase.

Date: 03/11/1999
From: TemporalFlux
Just to make sure you know, I received an e-mail from Linaweaver correcting
me on one thing. The Weiss interview is longer than the Spellos one
by a few pages (it just seemed shorter to me in remembering...probably
because I would have expected more in depth questions for Weiss). The
rest of my review was not commented on by Linaweaver, however...which
you should probably tell you something.
The reason I did the review in the first place was so that no one else
who frequents the Sliders communities would get burned. I meant what
I said...between Expert's old info, the info now at Earthprime.com (alot
of which came from Expert), the Ed Hall info and my info (not to mention
the several on-line chats and interviews with the stars and creators),
you get a ton more information with a lot less unneeded commentary (which
from Linaweaver is sometimes lude...at least in my opinion). And once
I finish the current round of updates at my site (all coming from independent
sources...not Linaweaver's guide), there won't be anything you would
have missed from not reading the book (unless you just want to read
Linaweaver's opinions on episodes). And the best part...you get the
on-line info for free. Oh, and while the interviews in the Linaweaver
guide are a bit entertaining...they also don't provide any info we haven't
heard from the stars and creators before.
Just wanted to through those extra bits in...the review guidelines
wouldn't let me mention specific sites or give addresses, so I wanted
to make sure you knew what I was talking about, and I wanted to make
sure you noted that correction.

I may interject...
Date: 03/11/1999
From: Mychand
I checked out your review too. It is nice they allow that kind of input.
Most new fans like me wouldn't know the difference. I already have the
book and some comments make it seem like he really isn't that big of
a fan. Maybe that's just my interpretation.
I am confused though. He has two comments. One that has his e-mail
address that you mentioned before and one at the top of the review section.
Were both referring to you? The one with the e-mail address shows an
earlier date than your comment. It seemed like is comment defending
the book was the first review so who was he talking about in his defense?

Date: 03/11/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I had not yet seen Brad's new message at the top...thanks for pointing
that out Mychand! As for his comments that I didn't cover...I didn't
have to be there to know what he did. If he truly watched the episodes
*and* read the scripts (no where in the book does he mention reading
the scripts), then he should have been able to differentiate what was
broadcast and what wasn't. He couldn't and didn't do that in the book
(which leads to two possible conclusions...the man is incredibly dumb
for not being able to tell the difference between what made it to screen
and what didn't or he only read the scripts - I was actually giving
him the nicer option in my original review).
As for his first defense, that was directed at the first reviews of
the book (which I believe you can find by clicking on a "next"
or "all" button at the bottom). Those reviews also saw Linaweaver's
book in disfavor...and Amazon allowed Linaweaver to rebutt while also
giving *himself* a 5 star rating (and I'm sure that was a purely objective
opinion that didn't skew the average...note the sarcasm directed at
both Linaweaver and Amazon).

Date: 03/11/1999
From: Mychand
I don't think he should have been able to give himself a five star rating
either since it will probably throw off the overall rating. Thanks for
pointing out the additional reviews. Somehow I missed that.
Mychand :o)

erroneous post, Tf
Date: 03/11/1999
From: SpaceTime
You wrote recently:
> Just wanted to through those extra bits in...the review
Well, this takes the cake, Tf. I have proven time and time again that
my information is correct and that yours is nothing more than lies built
on fabrication. If you'll look (and I doubt you will) you'll notice
you spelled "throw" incorrectly! I believe John Walsh from
the TV Guide BBS put it so eloquently when he said that Sci-Fi Channel
was going to "throw new episodes of 'Sliders' on its programming
block in January."
So once again, I've proven you wrong. Without using a URL. But I'm
not actually here until Saturday. Sometimes it's just too much fun to
point out your horrible indiscretions. Too much fun...

:-D (NIM)
Date: 03/11/1999
From: TemporalFlux
NIM = No Internal Message

Date: 03/12/1999
From: SciFiWatcher
Thanks for the reply. I think I'll stick to the web sites for my info.

you know how it SpaceTime!
Date: 03/12/1999
From: Executive
The Internet is addicting, so I found time to get on-line before Saturday
after all! Plans chance --- just ask the Sci-Fi Channel, and the info
they gave TV GUIDE's John Walsh last October...

should have read "change"...
Date: 03/12/1999
From: Executive
By correcting my typo in the previous post, I hopefully won't again be
attacked by a certain user who will remain nameless. Now if only he would
change... (Yes, I also left the word "is" out of the post title
-- so sue me!) ;-)

Date: 03/12/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I can't believe he *actually* used the opportunity to do it *again*!
This is some of the funniest stuff I've read in a long time...and what
makes it even more funny is that he's actually serious! :-D

slight correction TF,
Date: 03/13/1999
From: Slider_Sarah
In the UK at any rate, the information on the internet is *not* free.
We have to pay for the phone usage because local calls are not free.
This is even if you use a free ISP (I do - crispinsonline). It can get
very annoying. A friend of mine ran up a £280 bill (around $450
to US) and her parents banned her from the net.
Also, I agree with what you say about Linaweaver's guide. To me it
lacked enthusiasm and you know that the bit in Young and the Relentless
that he left in confused me immensly. He also claimed to have lots of
little information like why Sabrina dyed her hair red, but other than
that, he had very little. I'm hoping that when my guide at my site is
finished, it will be far better and more informative.
And before I go, Executive (I'm fairly certain he'll be drawn to anything
correcting TF, it's not set in stone, but fairly certain). You obviously
did not read my comments in the "Logic Lapse" post where you
were arguing. Especially the comment about incorrect info. I've provided
you with a link
BTW, TF, thanks for your very polite reply to my comments.
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."

Date: 03/13/1999
From: GReaperJr
How old are you all anyway? 11? 12? It seems that Slider_Sarah who is
only 16 is MUCH more mature than the rest of you. Is this some kind
of love spat or what? Why not argue in your own thread next time and
quit ruining someone elses so the rest of the board can skip it all
together since you obviously won't take your battle off the board and
into e-mail. It isn't fair that everyone tells RealRealSlider and the
rest to take if off the board but tolerates all of you.

Date: 03/13/1999
From: GReaperJr
The previous was not directed to TF. He looks like the only innocent
one in this since he apparently does not start these arguments.

Date: 03/13/1999
From: Executive
TF has a way of twisting everything I say. The truth behind my statement
that you and NoMaggs "backed me up" in my review thread for
"Roads Taken" translates to simply that neither of you disagreed
with my time travel theory at the time we discussed it. I understand
that you were as confused about the "bubble world" concept
in that episode as was I and other fans who have seen that episode.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I meant by that, and I hope that
clears it up for you!

Date: 03/13/1999
From: Slider_Sarah
I don't think it was just TF who saw it like that because I did the
first time I saw it even before I read TF's reply.
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."
P.S. I see you did read my correction then.

me get this straight...
Date: 03/14/1999
From: THE_braniac5
...Exec is the leader of the world's deaf-mutes? I mean, he claimed
that two people were backing him up because they DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?
How pathetic is that? Anyway, back to the ORIGINAL reason for this thread
to begin with (Exec's fantasies aside), Linaweaver's shi-...er, publication,
is not for die-hard sliders fans. There are enough discrepancies that
anyone even remotely familiar with the show will catch them immediately.
Makes you wonder if Linaweaver is Exec, doesn't it?

Date: 03/14/1999
From: Executive
Does nothing on this board but to come and harass me. Makes you wonder
if he is somebody else in disguise, doesn't it? ;-)

Date: 03/14/1999
From: GReaperJr
Interesting theory, snort. Actually you would be really surprised to
know who I really am too. Maybe I should have used my normal handle
so that you could see once and for all that not everyone LOVES you like
you think. Maybe B5 is just someone like me who is so tired of you putting
everyone else down and acting like you are so much more superior. This
is why I don't mind TF giving you a hard time back since someone needs
to put you in your place. As for why I really won't use my real handle,
I don't feel like being harrassed by you and your "up you butt
so far" buddy. Unlike you who only comes here to promote your "other"
boards and fight with TF, I come here for Sliders.

Date: 03/15/1999
From: Executive
For your information, I have discussed SLIDERS quite often in the past.
With the show in reruns I don't have as much to say about this show
as other series these days. Do you?? TF and Braniac5 are the only people
here who have long been a pain in the ass. Are you looking to add yourself
to the list as well?
By the way, I am not Snort so please don't make false accusations.

Date: 03/15/1999
From: GReaperJr
Nope. I have said my peace. I am not one to hound. You won't hear from
me again. It would be nice if the rest of you would follow this example.
What good does it do to continue on and on with this?

Date: 03/15/1999
From: THE_braniac5
I am me. You are...you are...well, anyway, let's put it like this. I
have actual, physical witnesses (about 10 or so) who post on these boards
and can attest to the fact that I am NOT Tf. How many people do you
have that have seen you and snort in the same room at the same time?
Thought so. Later, snort.
Don't like it? Prove me wrong. Snort.

stupidity has no limits, Braindead
Date: 03/16/1999
From: Executive
Mainly because I never accused you of being TF!! Can you read? I'm not
Snort. I have always posted as EXECUTIVE and THE EXECUTIVE because I
have nothing to hide.
If you don't plan to contribute something ** positive ** to this forum
when you post (and you haven't yet), then I suggest you leave. The flame
wars between TF, you, and I have occurred because that is the course
YOU have chosen to take. Now for the moment it looks like TF is done
fighting. Are you finished yet?

let me get this straight.....
Date: 03/18/1999
From: THE_braniac5
...Exec-u-Snort won't admit to his secret alias? Wow. He really DOES
understand what the word "secret" means. Now, if we can just
work on "manners"......
Snort snort snort snort snort!

foreshadowing <End>
Date: 09/16/1999
From: Blinker

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4705
Nominated by Recall317
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