vote for Farscape at the SF wire
Date: 04/07/1999
From: trapperben
Trap here. I'm a big fan of Sliders, but I'm also a big fan of Farscape.
Sliders future is already assured for another season, and possibly another
season after that. Farscape however may not be so lucky. The SFC needs
to know that the show is liked, so please vote for Farscape. YOu don't
need to vote for First Wave because the SFC is already committed to
66 eps of it. And no offense to the PolterFans out there, but in my
opinion, the quality of this new season of Poltergeist has been terrible.
So please, to assure the future of a great science fiction series, vote
for Farscape. If you don't believe me, just watch it.
trusty trapperben

Little Premature
Date: 04/07/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I personally don't think Farscape is in danger got great
ratings on premiere night and is currently leading the poll. Doesn't
it seem a bit greedy to come campaigning for it here? What more do you

bad info from the Fluxman
Date: 04/08/1999
From: Executive
As of this posting, "Poltergeist: The Legacy" is leading the
poll with 47% of the vote. "Farscape" has 33%. The only shows
on that list that I like are SLIDERS (which I just voted for) which
is now at 12% and "First Wave", which is in last place.

Date: 04/08/1999
From: TemporalFlux
You imbecile! You can't even read the poll right! LOL!!

wasn't the same poll, moron!
Date: 04/08/1999
From: Executive
Sci-Fi Wire had a different poll this morning (which was color coded)
and it reflected the figures for the shows I listed in the previous
post. Which poll are you going to believe?

Date: 04/08/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I'm going to believe the poll that EVERYBODY's been seeing all week
which had Poltergeist at @7%, Farscape at @47%, Sliders at @33%, and
First Wave at @13% (the readings have fluctuated some...but have stayed
just about the same the entire week)! Whether color coded or not, the
poll has always read the same...and it did NOT change this morning to
the fantasy figures listed in your unpropagated, unsubstantiated, uninformed
attempt to slam me. You *blew* it, man! But thanks for showing any new
users how "good" your info is (something I and many others
have known for years). :-D
See the poll for yourself if your reading this and haven't seen it:

doesn't matter which poll is right
Date: 04/08/1999
From: Executive
But since I have your attention TF, I wanted to ask you a question.
In a recent post a few weeks ago somebody provided the address to The
Expert's page and that person was surprised to see it brought back.
So was I. The funny thing is that the link to his site was exactly the
same as yours (which I previously only looked at once out of curiousity)
except that "library.html" was on the end. It linked back
into your site!
Did Expert give you permission to recycle portions of his webpage or
did you steal it? I don't recall you announcing this like you do with
everything else regarding your page. We know that The Expert's site
was a fan page and non-copyrighted, but surely if the man wanted to
restart his site he could have done it without your help.
Now you'll probably take this as a "dig" against you, but
I would be curious to see what you have to say about this.

Date: 04/09/1999
From: TemporalFlux
Exec gets backed into a corner, so he brings up something he didn't
have the guts to talk about when it was orignially said...need I say
this is "typical" for this slimeball?
The library (not Expert's entire site...or are you really this dumb)
has been on my site since the beginning (thus part of the *first* announcement
of the opening of the page). As for's up there with
*his* name on it as he did it, isn't it? Once again, are you really
this dumb? The relationship between Expert, I and that site is between
him and I...and it never will be any of your business. But needless
to say, I wouldn't have something still up on the net if I knew he would
My question would be why you would singularly choose to go after me...I
have seen you brag on SpaceTime's site...a site which uses what was
the bulk of Expert's old site (the episode guide) *word for word* with
the only credit being a mention in the "About us" section.
Yet...Executive says not a word about that. Wonder why? Maybe because
he isn't your target? Maybe because he's backed you up before? I personally
haven't said anything to SpaceTime because the credit *was* given somewhere
on his site...but you have just demonstrated that you believe that given
credit apparently isn't deemed to be enough sign of "permission"
for you. So, why the prolonged silence with him?
You've lost this one, scumbag...but feel free to continue to make yourself
look even more cowardly, ingnorant and otherwise the prime example of
the gutter of humanity. :-D

Flux is a thief as well as a liar.END
Date: 04/09/1999
From: Executive

you are illiterate as well?
Date: 04/09/1999
From: TemporalFlux
Well, at least that explains why you couldn't read the poll. LOL! :-D
P.S. Even if you did make yourself look like a continuing idiot, I
guess it was the only dodge you had for the issues I brought up, oh
"honorable" one. :-D

I told you there were TWO polls
Date: 04/10/1999
From: Executive
So bviously you are the one who is illiterate.
As for your unbelieveable explanation about those portions of Expert's
webpage always being a part of yours: If it were true than Expert himself
would have announced it on the NetForum but he didn't. I don't recall
you ever announcing it either, thief!!

the classics.
Date: 08/19/1999
From: Blinker
Anyone remotely interested in the endless Executive fighting is heartily
encouraged to read this thread.
And yes, there was only ONE poll (which Execrable misread)... what
he took for a second was the modified look of the first, after he'd
responded to it (thus removing his voting mechanism.)
Blinker 7:-)

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Nominated by EustiSlider
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