Date: 04/18/1999
From: DSproxima
Does anyone remember the end of "Slide into the Mystic?" The
Wizard on mystic world turned out to be a double of Quinn. He tried
to help the sliders get back to earth prime by re-entering the home
world coordinates calculated through several theories and formulas.
The sliders left that world with high hopes of returning home. The sliders
landed in front of Quinn's home on the next world. Quinn tested the
gate to see if it would squeed or not (as everyone knows this was the
*one* of the methods used by the sliders to find out if they were back
on earth prime). As a result, the gate did not squeek. Due to only a
matter of seconds remaining on the timer, the sliders had to leave that
world thinking it was not home since they did not have anymore time
to explore. However, after thier departure some strange guy walks out
of Quinn's house as he is talking to Mrs. Mallory and she thanks him
for oiling the gate so it would not squeek anymore. I can't remember
what the entire conversasion between them was about, I can only recall
certain specifics the gate. Does anyone know who this
person was? In my oppinion it might have been a kromagg making himself
look human using the magg-mind control technique (go figure). By oiling
the gate he had covered one way in which the sliders could indentify
earth prime. I know this seems a little far fetched considering the
maggs were not even introduced into the series yet when this ep aired,
but one could keep an open mind.

a stretch
Date: 04/18/1999
From: rooboy
I think you're grasping at straws. There's no reason to believe he wasn't
just some handyman there to fix the gate etc. A woman with no man in
the house needs that sort of thing. Hence we have Hire-a-Hubby, or is
that just in Australia.
Sorry if that sounded sexist. I've known plenty of guys who couldn't
fix a squeaky gate. I myself would give it a go (or just let it squeak),
and would have no guarantee of success.

Date: 04/18/1999
From: DSproxima
I am replying to my own post as you can obviously tell. Immediately
after I posted this article I found several flaws in my logic in regards
to "Slide into the Mystic." Oh..I was also very tired so you
will please have to excuse the mistakes in spelling. The question still
remains as to who the man was. If anyone knows please tell and let me
know what you think.

strange thing...
Date: 04/18/1999
From: TemporalFlux
And the part which adds credence to your theory is that Quinn saw the
man who fixed the gate on the world before. Just as they were sliding
out and entering the "Mystic" world...the fellow who would
later fix the gate was laughing at Quinn as he jumped in the vortex
(which immediately makes it odd...would a person normally laugh at a
man jumping into a swirling hole in mid air?). That was at the beginning
of the ep...then at the end of the ep, this same man just happens to
be the guy who fixed the gate?
That was in there for a was never explained, but that had
to be in there for a reason (since the part at the beginning of the
ep was not needed). To be honest, I don't know how to make it fit a
Kromagg scheme (since they hadn't met the Maggs yet and there's no way
they could have...even though other eps had Magg scenes that were deleted
in season two, the original order had those Magg scenes happening after
"Invasion" was supposed to air in the original order - i.e.
PTSS and The Young and the Relentless).
Anyway, I suppose it is one of those mysteries we won't know until
someone thinks to ask Torm'e (if they get the chance). Personally, I
think that was supposed to be the beginning of another plot that was
later dropped (possibly the Earth Prime FBI story?) But in any case,
it appears that Mrs. Mallory asked for the gate to fixed...and I really
don't know how anyone could know that was the test they were using.
It's really something that wouldn't raise a question...except for that
part at the beginning of "Into the Mystic" with the guy laughing
(a part which should have been left out in my opinion).

Date: 04/18/1999
From: jeff23
I am not sure what episode it was but it told that the man was the gardener/handyman.
In one episode he was married to Quinns mother and she was having a
baby.As for the krommag thing that is far fetched but any thing is possible.sorry
about the spelling.

was not Jake the gardener
Date: 04/19/1999
From: QBall79
It was simply someone Mrs. Mallory hired to do some work around the
house. I think they should have used Jake, since he was Mr. handyman
in the Pilot. And I don't believe Mrs. Mallory had asked the man to
fix the gate - I think he took it upon himself, perhaps to deliberately
throw the Sliders off (i.e., the Into the Mystic laughing man), and
Mrs. Mallory was surprised at it, and replied, "Quinn always said
he was going to fix it." I don't think it was a Kromagg thing,
because the Kromaggs had no idea who the Sliders were at that point,
and had no reason to do something like that to them. Furthermore, if
it had been Kromaggs, then they would have known the coordinates to
Earth Prime, and the questioning done in "Invasion" would
have been pointless.

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