we Hate Jerry O'Connell now?
Date: 5/24/99
From: SliderMike
As a Slider Fans whole, how do we feel about Jerry O'Connel leaving?
Ok, So it took me a while to get the Full Story.
So JOC wanted to be Exec. Producer but the Creators said NO.
He got ticked and threatened to leave with his Brother.
Now I can see why they would be skepticle about giving him the Job.
He's an Actor, afterall.
But he also was the Star of the Show.
Now there replacing him with some goofy Quinn Look-ALike.
I think Slider S5 will be Incredible.
But when Wade left it lost soemthing, so without Quinn it will lose
something more.
Remmy, I love that Guy.
I'm so glad Clevent is staying.
Maggie, she's proved herself to be more than a Season 3 bimbo.
Colin, Well he was as dull as could be.
I personally don't think Charlie O'Connell should be acting.
He doesn't have that special quality his brother has.
I myslef am an Avid JOC Fan.
He's so cool, on interviews and all.
But who to say what he's like in REAl Life.
I'd don't know if I more of a fan of him or Quinn Mallory.
Well enough Ranting.
So are we upset that he's leaving?
Do most of you want him to go onto a succesfull movie Carrer?
Or should his Carrer flop and he becomes a nobody?
BTW, What's his Next Movie?
Is anything in the works?

does loes something
Date: 5/24/99
From: jwb0323
I don't necessarily hate JOC but I'm sure his movie career will be
be anything but spectacular. As for the show losing something, I not
only thought it lost something when Wade left, but it also lost something
when Arturo. Who knows, there is always a possibility for both of them
to return. Actually, I do believe Sabrina Lloyd's voice will be heard
in the fifth season. But we can only have faith in Arturo.

don't know what to think because...
Date: 5/24/99
From: Parajo
everything I've heard about him leaving has been over the net. They
all say the same thing (he wanted to be Exec. Producer and left when
they said No), but it is hard to make a decision based on that. For
me it all depends on how he asked for the position and why they said
no. The show will loose something and it would be great if he could
return at some point(i.e. a 6th season if they have one). It definitely
lost something when Wade and Arturo left, but with only Remmy from the
original cast, the show isn't quite the same any more. That's just my
humble opinion though.

actors want to be exec-prod...
Date: 5/24/99
From: CosmicPalRosie
Many actors want to be the head honcho. My brother-in-law's an actor
and he thinks he's God. The best way to be an Exec. Producer is to have
your own show. I mean, come up with an idea, the $$$, the writers on
your own. Sliders without Quinn will lose a lot. They could've done
like the producers of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman did, replace their actors
constantly, but still play the same character. Now, for the female viewers,
this would probabbly be more difficult to accept than for male viewers.
To have a different actor play Quinn, well, crushes do develop towards
male actors. I guess the writers and producers know this psychology
in TV gered toward the younger crowd and prefer to just write them out
of the story and bring in a new character.
I still liked Charlie as the Amish brother, though it's clearly visible
that he needs more acting experience. But, I guess that's what his big
brother was trying to do by getting him on the series. Maybe he'll find
a role that he can play really well someday. If not, he could always
be a male model.

we Hate Jerry?
Date: 5/24/99
From: SliderMike
I think Jerry would be cool Movie Star.
He's been in soem of the best "Stand By Me, Calander Girl, Jerry
Maguire" (Lets just forget about that MTV movie he did)
I think he may just win an Oscar or some other prestiges award.
He's improved as an actor drasticlaly since Slider Premiered.
Now that's he's left.
He can take on a larger role in his next movie.
Arturo, I missed him.
But It wasn't him leaving that got it cancelled, as much as it was the
introuduction of the EVIL MAGGIE.
Arturo was always my least fav Character.,
Don't get me wrong, I loved him.
But Quinn was the Coolest, I have a crush on Wade, then Remmy was the
As for What really happened with Jerry Leaving, We don't know.
I can imagine a Power Hunngry Whining JOC wanting to get his way or
But I can also see the Writters, not having Faith in him and being downright
I am yet to see a S5 episdoe.
I have seen cast Pic.
That Mallory Guy looks a lot like Jerry.
Don't you agree?

don't hate Jerry
Date: 5/24/99
From: QBall79
I really don't hate anyone, but I'm far from hating Jerry O'Connell.
Sure, he wanted more power. Sure it was laughable to think that after
a season of substandard acting due to producing and directing some episodes
that they would let him be Exec. Producer as well as the star. But if
I were Jerry, and asked for that job, if my boss' first response was
anywhere between a chuckle and a belly laugh, I would be insulted whether
I deserved the job or not. I think there is more to this story than
meets the eye, and we probably won't ever know the entire version.
So I'm giving JOC the benefit of the doubt here. Poolboy19 said that
he was very friendly when they met, like a Season One Quinn - not a
stuck up primadonna. That's enough to convince me that something happened
besides JOC having a big ego and whining about wanting more stuff on
his resumé. Remember, these people work through agents, middle-men,
and not always face to face, and things can happen to information when
delivered second hand (let alone third, fourth, fifth...). With all
that in mind, I am still a JOC fan until further notice. I will check
out his movie endeavors and will root for him at least halfway (if his
movie career flops, he can always go back to Sliders as an *actor* [hopefully]).
But I have to disagree with you, SliderMike, and say that his acting
in season four was the worst I have seen of him. He was great in Seasons
One and Two (and Three), but after that things started to dwindle. I
think it's because he was spreading himself too thin by acting, directing,
and producing. If he would have stuck to acting I think he may have
been okay.
Yep You Bet !!
Date: 5/24/99
From: phoenix9873
I have only seen Jerry in Stand by Me and the Sliders show. So I don't
know if I love JOC or Quinn Mallory. Being a woman I think that the
new Quinn only looks like Joc a little and that's because they both
have brown hair. Otherwise not by a long shot. It's the expressions
on Quinn's face, a look in his eyes and his smile, that help make him
the actor that he is. He uses all of his body to act. Very few actors
have this ability. Sean Connery, Anthony Hopkins, Nic Cage. I just don't
think this other guy can pull it off. It takes someone special, JOC
has it. His brother on the hand I'm sure was a good male model but as
an actor, so far I'm not impressed. Hey I could just have bad taste,
because I don't really like Tom Cruise alot either.....Just my humble
Date: 5/24/99
From: NDSlidersfan
Jerry made a good lead character on Sliders no doubt about it but with
a good replacement and good writting I'll get over it in a hurry, Derricks-Rembrant
was actually my least favorite character and actor on the show since
day 1 and now hes the only original left but I still love the show and
I think the show will conitinue with many more season as long as people
can accept the change. So get over it people and on with the show!!!
Date: 5/24/99
From: kaythia
I don't blame Jerry for wanting to be exec producer! David sucks! Jerry
thought he could do a better job.In the end, everybody else thought
david sucks too. (isn't he the one who brought maggie into the show?)
WELL,point made.Jerry simply didn't want to stick around to see the
show being flushed down the toilet.
Date: 5/24/99
From: SliderMike
I think the new Guy looks a lot like Jerry.
Not as Atrtactive, but they both look like they have a sort of baby
Ok, I'm sad thet Jerry's Leaving but I still Love him.
David, He brought in Maggie.
Oh the Horror.
I liked Tracey Torme :-)
JOC is an OK actor.
What was that with the tears in "Exodus"?
Oh SOOO Fake.
Date: 5/24/99
From: lastslider
Of course I don't hate him. Jerry has always been one of my favorite
actors, and he seems to have a really fun-loving, sweet, goofy sense
of humor (ever see him on NBC's Later?).
I have heard all the stories about why he left Sliders too. But, like
QBall79 said in his so eloquently-put post :), I'm giving Jerry the
benefit of the doubt. I don't know why he left, and I'm sure none of
us fans will. But I do wish him the best in his film career, and I'm
hoping he might decide to do a guest spot in season six, if there is
one (or maybe the 2 hour series finale?)...I know, I'm dreaming, but
you never know..........
By the way, Jerry has three upcoming movies:
Body Shots (formerly titled Jello Shots), about a group of friends
and the consequences after a long night of partying
First Daughter, which Jerry wrote and plans to star in as a secret
agent assigned to watch over the President's daughter, who he winds
up falling in love with...production on this film has been halted until
Jerry gets through his legal troubles (TNT produced a made-for-TV film
of the same title with a similar premise), and finishes work on his
next film...
which is Mars (also known as Mission To Mars), about a crew sent to
rescue the first team to go to the big red planet...Gary Sinise, Tim
Robbins, and Val Kilmer also star...four of my favorite actors together
in one film? Things just don't get better than that. Jerry's part will
probably be small though (something along the lines of his role in Scream
Ultimately, I don't hate Jerry at fact, I'm still as much a
fan of his as I was after I first saw him in Stand By Me several years
ago (I think I was about 10). I've enjoyed his films (even Calendar
Girl and that roach movie) but to be honest, Quinn Mallory was his best
role. He just brought so much to the character, that no other actor
could. Like one other poster said, very few actors can do that. I hope
he'll decide to come back for even just one episode, just to finish
the series (God forbid the show ever end!), and give the fans what they've
always wanted: a happy ending. Maybe a 2-hour TV movie (like the Pilot)
that brings everyone back together (Quinn, Wade, Remmy, the *real* Professor),
and gets them HOME. Heck, they could even have Quinn & Wade get
married. I know I wouldn't be complaining :)
Oh yeah. Sorry to get away from the subject here.............I am still
a very loyal fan of Jerry's (I even have a website devoted to him) and
I wish him the best in his career and life, and hope it brings him much
success. I'll miss watching him as Quinn every week, but hey...there's
always re-runs.
Sorry to be so long-winded. Hope you didn't fall asleep here :)
Keep sliding!
Live on
Date: 5/25/99
From: SunElf
I would definitely like to see Quinn/Jerry prosper in his career. I
enjoy his acting; he is one of the few people that I feel bring a touch
of introspective tenderness to a character. I haven't reviewed any interviews
or personal information on him, so I couldn't base an opinion on him
as a person. However, I do believe that his personality must be showing
through his acting, and I don't consider this a negative, just a flavor.
And as far as his next movie, why not a Sliders movie? With the OG
cast? (Don't mind me - I keep pushing for this since I figure it's the
only way I'll get the OG cast back.)
Date: 5/25/99
From: SunElf
OK. I know I'm doing this backwards, but I posted first, then read
the other responses. Which in turn has compelled more thought on the
subject at hand.
I have to say that I most agree with QBall79. As well, in defense of
Jerry, I would probably feel the same way about leaving the show. If
one were to put his energy, time, and concern into a project which had
beauty and potential, but which was then diluted and deprived of depth,
he would probably be loathe to continue with it. His goal, perhaps then,
would be to attempt to return that project to the worthwhile, rewarding
undertaking to which he had originally been willing to devote himself.
More than likely, he would find the optimal route of success for this
plan would be to enable himself with the power to change the course
of the project, or to be in charge of it. If he could not succeed in
this attempt, why would he want to continue to participe in the ugly
demise of it?
Well, that's all speculation, from my point of view.
is a strong word
Date: 5/26/99
From: bucklind
I don't think I could ever say I hate anyone, let alone JOC. I am disappointed
he left, I look forward to watching him (and everyone else!), every
night. But we do need to see his side. It's not like he's inexperienced
in producing. THe majority of season 4 and other past episodes were
produced, and sometimes directed, by Jerry. I think he had a right to
be ticked cuz he thought he deserved it. I don't know, the show will
definetly be different, but to say I hate JOC cuz of it, no way.
Date: 5/26/99
From: SliderMike
I would like to appoligize to everyone for using the word "Hate"
When I should have used "Dislike"
No one should hate ANYONE
I cannot wait to see Joc's New Movies.
Espcesiclaly the "First Daughter"
Acting, Directing, Producing, now writting.
Is there anything that guy can't do?
For the Record.
I am and will always be a Jerry Fan.
In some ways I'm even happy he left.
Lets face it, Sliders is not Slider anymore.
It's an enjoyable show, Yes.
But Quinn Mallory was lost long ago, the Quinn we knew anyway.
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