joc and coc is new stars on buffy...
Date: 6/8/99
From: TemporalFlux1

[3 of 21] I agree, qwert6000
Date: 6/8/99
From: [unknown]

[4 of 21] You'd be surprised, Quert6000
Date: 6/8/99
From: Executive
You don't know TF like I do. I've caught him in the act of posting under other handles to attack me on 2 long-dismantled SLIDERS boards, although they both didn't require passwords for posting. He even impersonated me once on the old FOX forum! That was a long time ago and no longer possible to prove on either side. But why would anyone want to impersonate TF anyway under the name TemporalFlux1 here? The most plausible theory is that they are one in the same, because Flux is crazy enough to do that.

[5 of 21] New cast
Date: 6/8/99
From: [unknown]

[6 of 21] It was I, Executive...
Date: 6/8/99
From: SpaceTime
Just so you can be shot down on another spurious claim, I can tell you with 100% accuracy that Tf did *not* impersonate you on NetForum. That was me. I think I also impersonated Syrup but I can't be sure.
The day you catch Tf doing something underhanded is the day your review of "Obsession" becomes solid FACT.

[7 of 21] My personal favorite...
Date: 6/8/99
From: TemporalFlux
Was how Exec made a hypocrite out of himself here:
Oh yeah...I am in awe at his powers of ignoring.
Of course, there's always more to it than that...for anyone who doesn't know Exec, read through my response to his above accusations and see how legit they were by looking at the proof (which he won't ever give):
As for this impersonator...let's use Executive logic. Exec in the same post talks about how *he* has been impersonated on several other boards...well, according to Exec's own reasoning in teh same message...the only person who would do such impersonation which makes sense is that person himself. I always love how Exec can't point the finger at someone without unknowingly pointing back at himself before he finishes the message.

[8 of 21] Nice try, TF...
Date: 6/9/99
From: Executive
Good to see you are still cowardly relying so much on links that prove nothing other than we have been feuding forever! If you read what I said about "TemporalFlux1" I suggested the THEORY that you are him based on your behavior on 2 boards that you (for the most part) caused the destruction to -- that isn't the same as saying you are. You just seem like the most likely candidate, although the runner-up -- your old "friend" The_Cynic just happened to show up to post in this thread and no other.
Why don't you stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself? This is way beyond boring at this point!

[9 of 21] Here's where you get caught AGAIN!
Date: 6/9/99
From: The_Cynic
EX-LAX wrote:
>Good to see you are still cowardly relying so much on links that >prove nothing other than we have been feuding forever!
Actually, they prove where you lied, and contradicted yourself. Please explain how it is cowardly to post links to messages to back up what one has said. You never do, because you can't help but get caught up in your own web of deceit. People here know what a fraud you are Exec. You can't fool people anymore.
>If you read what I said about "TemporalFlux1" I suggested the >THEORY that you are him based on your behavior on 2 boards that you >(for the most part) caused the destruction to -- that isn't the >same as saying you are.
Perhaps not, but THIS is:
"They did however attend a movie premiere together, and that's how the dating rumor got started. Sorry, TemporalFlux impersonator (unless you're one of his other personalities)"
This is from your 1st post in this thread. Now Exec, I know you aren't too bright, so read the last line of it slowly: "UNLESS YOU'RE ONE OF HIS OTHER PERSONALITIES." In that simple line, you make the blatant accusation that TF is using more than one handle. I'd like to see you try to deny this one. I hope everyone on the board gets to read this, so they can see what a liar and troublemaker you are. You are BUSTED!!
> You just seem like the most likely candidate, although the >runner-up -- your old "friend" The_Cynic just happened to show up >to post in this thread and no other.
Not true. I have posted in a number of other threads NOT related to exposing what an obnoxious, stupid, illogical, troublesome loser you really are, such as:
and a number of others. Guess you've been proven wrong again. And again, you accuse me of posting under another name here with NO proof at all. No surprise. And just for getting in that cheap shot, I am going to make sure that you don't get away with any more crap around here like that. On top of that, you also ignored my post stating that you had no need to attack TF like that by making thaht accusation. That was ALL I said. As I predicted, since you couldn't attack anything about the post, you avoided it and went to qwert6000's post to attack TF again, though all he/she said was that you shouldn't have started it again. Here we see (AGAIN) YOU starting the fighting by throwing in a jab at TF. Now I see you are also fighting with SPACETIME as well. I guess we're all the same people, right Ex-Lax? Sorry, bud, but you've been burned again.
>Why don't you stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself? Actually, the only person making an ass of himself is you by starting this fight and avoiding all the issues, such as how this would not have started if you had not made your unfounded accusation. Go and justify putting that line in your message, I dare you to.
>This is way beyond boring at this point!
Humiliating you never gets boring Exec. Besides, if it is so boring to you, then you shouldn't have attacked TF and then me. Give it a rest Exec. You're out-numbered and out-classed.

[10 of 21] Exec's 100% right on one thing...
Date: 6/9/99
From: Blinker

[11 of 21] Give it up, Cynic
Date: 6/9/99
From: Executive
Cynic, you just busted YOURSELF by proving that you come here to cause problems for me because you have nothing better to do, and that was the point I was making in regard to you. Those links you had to rely on to defend yourself are very few and far between. 97% of what you write is an attack on me, so you continue to soil your name. In the * first * post in this thread I was gracious enough to leave your name out (we also posted at the same time, which is why your first response preceded mine). If I had mentioned it before TF chimed in, you would have bitched about my including it so you just continue to prove that your ego is just as huge as Temporal Flux's if not greater. I don't deny that I initiated what I said about TF here, but if you read the old posts on the boards that he uses Flux is the center of most of the arguments that have taken place. You ought to know that, Cynic, Critic", "Danbagel", or whatever the hell your name is since you posted as "Daniel_2" against him on this board using some of his old MCA NetForum fallouts and you even admitted it in the first one. The only advantage you may have is that the Dominion staff purged quite a few of those old posts that clearly implicate you. You stabbed your old friend TF in the back.
Blinker: As I stated in an earlier recent post, I read in a science fiction magazine article in 1996 that Sabrina Lloyd had decided to change her hair color as part of her new look for the 3rd season of SLIDERS. That never should have been an issue in the first place...

[12 of 21] Well, Blinker...
Date: 6/9/99
From: [unknown]

[13 of 21] Nice try Ex-Lax
Date: 6/9/99
From: The_Cynic
Cynic, you just busted YOURSELF by proving that you come here to cause problems for me because you have nothing better to do, and that was the point I was making in regard to you.
[No it wasn't. You just accused me of using other handles and denying that I posted about anything else, which I proved wrong, rather than respond to my simple post that you were instigating a fight. Also, I did not bust myself, I busted YOU by exposing your lies again. I know you'd like to *BELIEVE* I busted myself, but just because you can't tell reality from fantasy doesn't mean that the rest of us can't either.]
Those links you had to rely on to defend yourself are very few and far between. 97% of what you write is an attack on me, so you continue to soil your name.
[Hardly. I know you'd like to *BELIEVE* 97% of my posts are against you, but they aren't. Either support your statistic with proof or give it up. And it wouldn't matter how many on-topic posts I made because it is obvious you'd make the same lame assertion regardless. We've already seen how you just throw in any insult you can think of without putting any reasoning into the process. The only name being soiled is yours for starting this fight in the first place and avoiding the issues.
NOTE: You also never explained how it is COWARDLY to support yourself by putting links to past messages to prove your point.]
>In the * first * post in this thread I was gracious enough to leave your >name out (we also posted at the same time, which is why your first >response preceded mine).
[Sure. And we all know how dependable YOU are... And you are SOOOOO gracious for leaving me out of your attack on TF. *Snicker* If you were really gracious, you wouldn't have attacked anyone. Sorry pal, but that line doesn't cut it.]
If I had mentioned it before TF chimed in, you would have bitched about my including it
[Which proves what exactly? I said I'll nail you any time you attack someone, so this doesn't mean a whole lot. You act like it's supposed to be some great privilege to be insulted by you or something, which shows what an ego YOU have. Geez, why don't you re-post your stupid parody again while you're at it? "Look at me! I'm the Executive! Read my parody for the thousandth time and compliment it because I get no respect in real life! If you don't like it, then I'll insult you and say you have no sense of humor."]
so you just continue to prove that your ego is just as huge as Temporal Flux's if not greater.
[Again, would you care to explain how pointing out that you attacked TF to cause trouble indicates I have a big ego? You never explain this reasoning, as on the FOX board when you claimed that my posting my renditions of your schlock indicated I have a big ego.]
I don't deny that I initiated what I said about TF here,
[Now this is interesting because you did deny intitating things by saying that you said it was only a theory that TF had other handles. Now that I showed you saying that TF DID use other handles, you then change your story and say that you never denied instigating the fight. EITHER WAY, YOU ARE LYING!!!!! Thanks for hanging yourself:
1.You first said TF had other handles. 2.I point out that that was an unprovoked attack. 3.You claim you never initiated the fight because you claim it was just a theory. 4.I point out where you said it was a FACT. 5.You admit you instigated the fight, then claim you never denied it (see # 3 to show what a crock that line is).
but if you read the old posts on the boards that he uses Flux is the center of most of the arguments that have taken place.
[He's at the center of it because you keep attacking him. This also is a nice attempt to dodge the issue. You admit you started the fight, then throw in a claim about something else to take the heat off you. Doesn't work that way. This has nothing to do with the fact that YOU instigated a fight with TF, thus proving (with your admission to doing so above) that you were intending to cause trouble.
You ought to know that, Cynic, "Critic", "Danbagel", or whatever the hell your name is since you posted as "Daniel_2" against him on this board using some of his old MCA NetForum fallouts and you even admitted it in the first one.
[And where is your proof of this? If you are so certain it was really me, then you must have proof of it. You never addressed my post rebutting your claims that I was Danbagel. However, *I* and a number of others DO have posts of YOU impersonating me and admitting it to Danbagel after you sold him up the river to save yourself, you coward.]
The only advantage you may have is that the Dominion staff purged quite a few of those old posts that clearly implicate you. You stabbed your old friend TF in the back.
[What posts would those be, exactly? Would it be:
or perhaps the messages where I expose you like:
and the reply to your accusation that I am Danbagel (which you never addressed because it would show what a liar you are) at:
Give it up. Your story holds no water and is as empty as your head. Explain which posts
implicate me, loser. There aren't any because YOU were the impersonator.
Please explain how it is that I allegedly wrote those messages and I apparently admitted to not liking you in that post, yet for some reason I allegedly turned to you for help toget TF? Your story doesn't hold up, Executive. I'm going to see that people find out about this, believe me.]
[On a related note, it should also be pointed out that I only fight with YOU executive, yet you fight with many people and always have. The lie that we're all the same person doesn't cut it. Accusing me of being Danbagel, TF, Vertigo, Dr Smith, Braniac5, or in all likelihood SPACETIME (which should be next) isn't going to help you, especially when you can't even support your lies with as much as circumstantial evidence. You LOSE... AGAIN!]

[14 of 21] I think Blinker is right...
Date: [unknown]
From: [unknown]

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