The following paragraphs conclude all information on the season finale.
The sliders slide into another Kromagg invaded world, but are unnoticed.
They take refuge in a old abandoned building until the slide in 21 minutes.
They find two terrified woman hiding from the Kromaggs who just escaped
the breeding camps. Rembrant realizes one to be Quinn's mother, the
other a woman named Claire.
When the timer hits zero and the time comes to slide the two woman
are offered to come along and jump at the chance. Everybody slides,
except Mallory who is blasted by a Kromagg laser, the Maggs found then
while searching for Mrs. Mallory and Claire. Mallory manages to slide...but
falls into a coma on the other side.
The Sliders quickly help Mallory to his feet and scramble away from
a crowd of people who witnessed the group slide in, they repeatedly
chant "Sliders!". They make it to the Chandler and get a room.
Mallory is in a coma. Diana concludes that she must seperate Mallory
or something drastic may happen.
Diana begins to sneak the proper machinery and tools necessary to construct
a device to separate Mallory from the local laboratory. And she starts
construction with Maggies help.
Meanwhile while Rembrant watches some television he finds "Sliders"
on television. He is surprised at this and decides to do some detective
work on the subject. He finds out that at the same time he and the others
first slid, the doubles of this world slid as well, but they returned
in 6 months and over the course of the next 6 months Quinn and the doubles
pitched an idea to a television network for a show about the adventures
they had while sliding. It fell through and became a successful television
Rembrant tries to locate his double and the other doubles but only
discovers them gone...they dissappeared two years ago. But Rembrant
does track down the actors who play the Sliders and has an interesing
chat with them.
After a week of working on the separation device Diana tests it...but
only to fail. She becomes upset and almost gives up...when the device
acidentally becomes an unanchor device Colin and another man become
completely free from being unstuck. Although Colin lies unconscious
in disfigurment the other man appears to be in perfect form. When asked
his name he replies it to be unimportant but tells the sliders to refer
to him as *THE SEER*
In return for Diana unanchoring the seer he offers to help Diana create
a separtion devoice for Mallory. He reveals many things to her during
the construction of it. He was a respected scientist on his world. He
originated from Kromagg Prime and worked with Michael Mallory. He became
trapped in the slidecage many years ago and upon trying to escape became
unstuck in the multi-verse, he has seen many things, each and every
parallel world many times.
Finally after finishing the device they test it on Mallory who awakens.
It succeeds, separation the two. But poor results follow, Quinn becomes
disfigured like Colin, so does Mallory and both fall comatose. But The
Seer assures that the disfigurment is just a temporary side effect of
the separation. He says that in case it isn't temporary that they should
slide the 3 Mallory's to Kromagg Prime to get help form Michale Mallory.
The Seer now has deciphered the co-ordinated to bypass the slidecage.
The Seer enters the co-ordinates for Kromagg Prime into the timer and
gives it to Rembrant.
In response to Mrs. Mallory grieving for Quinn The Seer reveals that
Mallory(Robert) is Michael's son, not Quinn. And following this revelation
Mrs Mallory also reveals a secret.
Suddenly with vigorous rage the disfigured Quinn awakens and in the
current delirious state he is in punches Rembrant and takes the timer.
He activates the vortex and slides, the other delirious Mallory and
Colin follow and the vortex closes behind them.
Immediately after this, a large mob of SLiders fans begin beating down
the door of the hotel room. The Seer reveals his timer which has been
unactive since he was first unanchored and gives it to the sliders.
He tells them to go and that he will stay on this world to live the
rest of his life in peace. Claire offers to stay with him.
The Sliders accept the timer and activate the timer. The sliders bid
farewell and slide out. Mrs. Mallory accompanys them.
The last scene will take place inside the interdimension. Rembrant
laughs at the fact that this adventure will never end. He says maybe
the next world will be suitable to live on.
Guest Stars:
Roy Doltrice(The Seer)
Linda Henning(Mrs.Mallory)
Jerry O'Connell and CHarlie DO NOT appear in this episode.