little project
Date: 06/05/2000
From: Mychand
Okay...in light of the current events I've decided to do a little "study"
of the bboard. Please help me out and answer the following:
Part 1
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Oh...and ya know...we are ALL guilty by association..this is *our*
board and we ALL post together......just a thought.

goody. This will be fascinating.
Date: 06/05/2000
From: Tigs
1. I started posting on January 19, 1999.
2. Hm...my AIM buddy list includes: MTwain, Aelita, Mychand, Hurrikain,
Qball79, Chaser9, Robin14334, Blinker, Temporalflux, weeeezer, Slider_Sarah,
BritSlider, LovePidgeon, SL4ever, Hawk50, GoldenAngel, SouthernSlider,
JLBanker, Kromeg/VortexMaster, Echos, Vigeant, MissingSliderRyan, Yeontoo,
BrandS, Sabre Edge, Captain Maggie, JessieMallory, Quixotica.
I don't talk to most of them often if at all. The ones I tend to talk
with on something resembling a regular basis are: MTwain, Aelita, Mychand,
Hurrikain, Qball79, Chaser9, Temporalflux, Slider_Sarah, JLBanker, MissingSliderRyan,
and JessieMallory. Not sure what that says about me.
3. I am currently 26 and female.
4. The webpage I run is at www.geocities.com/tigs2v --it's not hooked
up to my friends because it's not sliders related. I "co-manage"
the Sliderchicks project at www.geocities.com/sliderchicks which is
very much a work in project. Chaser9 was wonderfully kind and set up
my first fanfic site at www.geocities.com/Area51/Capsule/4652/divergence.html
--such a dear dear man. I do dabble in Otherworlds, but only stories
not set up.
5. I'm out of college, in my job, and in graduate school.
6. Hmm. I don't think I can narrow it down to one positive poster;
I do have several in the running for most icky. I won't mention them,
because I don't feel it follows appropriate board ettiquete. Of course,
the people who seem incapable of at least a veneer of civility would
be the first to get out their little keyboards to flame me into hiding--ugh.
Could they be any more formulaic in thier insults? Or beat dead subjects
any deeper into the ground. Ooops. It looks like I got a little off
Anyhoo, girly this is gonna be interesting to watch. Can't wait to
see the conclusions you drow--and draw some of my own.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Informant
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
---- Here... a little over a year, regularly. In all, about 3 or more
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
----- Lots of people. Whoever I contact.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
----- Not quite old enough... yet a little too old. And, yes, I am
male or female... male, to be exact :-)
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
----- Yup. I link as many as possible, but my updates have been slow
the past week or two.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
----- College? Never heard of it. Actually, never interested me, so
I didn't go. Maybe when I'm kicked out of the being a rich celeb, I'll
learn how to rob graves and get away with it, like they do on all those
FOX specials.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
----- I take that saying "me" would be a tad shallow. So
I'll say... (draws name from hat) Oh look... me!

Date: 06/06/2000
From: capaqu
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard? - Off and on for about
a year. Replies mostly.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc? - No one. I'm
antisocial, I guess! Seriously, I have WebTV, and only just tonight
got the capability to use MSN IM. I don't even know how it works, yet!
3. How old are you and are you male or female? - 45 (!!) years young;
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
friends? - No webpage.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college? - Long
out of college; been working WAY too long, too.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
here? - I know I'm gonna get it for this, but ..... I can always count
on SpaceTime to liven things up, whether he posts something or someone
else posts about him!

My. I'll go.
Date: 06/06/2000
From: EustiSlider
1. I've been posting here since Feb, 2000, I think. Maybe it was March.
Brand_S was pretty well into the Dominion War by the time I put up my
"new to the board" post. Either way, not long.
2. I really haven't been hanging out on IM with anyone. I had a brief
hello with QBall79 when I moved the HoF to Slidersweb, but it was when
the latest round of unpleasantness was starting and I really didn't
know quite how to address it. As a result, it was a very short chat.
(I hope I didn't come across as rude, QBall)
Actually, I don't even have many AIM handles to put on my list. Guess
I haven't been here long enough. If anyone is interested, I'm EustiSlider
on AIM, too.
3. I'm 31 and male.
4. I do. It's at http://slidersweb.net/eustislider. I'll link to anyone
with a Sliders site, or even a non-Sliders site, if asked. I did go
out and find several sites to add on my own, but it was more out of
respect for the sites than friendship. I've tried to be a responsible
poster, but I don't know that I've gotten close enough with anyone here
to call a friend.
5. Out of college. (OT: if you have the chance to get your masters
degree before starting work, do it! My last degree just about killed
me. Work, school, family, it's too much.)
6. Several posters keep things interesting here. I don't know that
I could pick out just one. I won't attempt to list every poster that
I respect here, because I'd surely leave someone out. Invariably feelings
get hurt when someone tries to list everyone they like on the board.
Usually the slight is unintentional, but I'll avoid it anyway.
I've rambled quite enough now.

timer here<<------
Date: 06/06/2000
From: JLBanker
1. I have been around since day one at least as a reader. I don't know
when the date was of my first post was since I was an MCA board activist.
You can say I have been posting in the Sliders community and chatting
on IRC since late 95.
2. I talk with many on IRC from the Sliders community... I don't want
to give you my list because I have about 88 names on my buddy list and
about close to 50 of them are sliders related... so I won't put them
up... but you know who you are :)
3. I am male and 26 yrs old
4. I have a portfolio web page that isn't update much but I have some
of my art and design stuff... http://homepage.mac.com/jlbanker check
it out and tell me what you think
5. out of college and working at a Real Estate company doing advertising.
I have a computer on all day so I used to post a lot because every break
I would go to the bboards. And that is why I messed around way too much
here too... I used to be very bored :). Check out the web page I made
for the company I work for at http://www.guarantee.com :)
6. I think Informant makes the most interesting posts... one of the
reasons I still come here from time to time... I have almost totally
disapeared but I stop by and look for his posts. I have never been interested
in fan fic and I am tired of making the trolls look stupid which used
to be big time fun for me. I would set traps for them with my alternet
handles and grab them :)... boy do I miss my old McHenry handle :)...
oh the memories :)
In closing I don't plan on disapearing. I will always be around and
the fact that I still keep in touch with many of you on IM assures that
I ain't going no where... My IM handle is JLBanker... don't worry about
bugging me on there if I don't like you or you annoy me there is a nice
block feature :)

fair poll, so here it goes
Date: 06/06/2000
From: cc_deville
1- posting about 6 months now
2- ???
3- male, 38 years old a/o May 27th
4- no, not yet
5- college graduate, 1984
6- Informant, Brand S, Slidemania, HunterD Raven, Blinker, Sleepingtiger
(aka TIGS?), Slider Dee, capaqu, the British SLIDER groups ...geez I
know I'll forget someone and hurt their feeleing (advance sorry)...
I guess anyone who posts about 3X a day with fresh revelant ideas or
fanfic info should be considered a leader of the board.
Personal note: I wished that HURRIKAIN posted more than he does, I
enjoy his stories and insites.
Another note: chocolate-mozart, where are you??
...and of course, ME!! (pats self on back, coughs up hairball!)
rock and roll
hoochie koo

Date: 06/06/2000
From: TimeFluxEMC2
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
I have been posting here since the middle of April 2000. I posted here
with SLiDeR2525 until the end of April. I then deleated that one and
chose this handle because it goes better with what my webiste is about...
and it sounds a Hell of alot better.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
I don't hang out with anyone here on AIM because I really don't know
anybody here that well. Besides, I have been told that I am boring.
I mostly talk about my theories on different scientific subjects. I
have also been told that the way I argue things, I would make a great
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
I am a 17 1/2 year old male.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Yes I do have a website. The URL is at the bottom of this page. I don't
link to my friends websites/webpages because they don't have one and
even if they did, they are not very interested in science. I only link
to science related websites/webpages.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
First of all, no one is too young for college. If you did a little research
you would see that there have been 10 years going to college. No, I
am not in college. I still have 1 more year of high school left.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
There really isn't any one poster that keeps things interesting here.
There are actually quite a few posters that I think keep things interesting
here. There are alot of talented writers here. Some of whom would have
an excellent chance of getting their fan fic published if the people
who own Sliders gave them permission to do so.
"Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Vance454
1. I'd say about a year.
2. Matt, (SpaceTime) JL Banker, TF, just about everyone on the bboard!
3. I am 16, and i'm male.
4. Well, I don't own my own webpage, but I do write stories for one.
In fact, a new episode of Sliders: The New Series just premiered.
5. Nah, too young. I'm going into the 11th grade of high school next
year. Woo hoo! I'm a Junior!
6. Well, i'd have to say a few. Matt, don't leave man. And dakslider
too, he's cool. And last and definetly not least, TF!!! He provides
us with major info. Not to say that Matt doensn't...
"Thanks!" No Problem!!!
vance454 on aol im

questions, questions...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Slider39
1. Just over 6 months.
2. Nobody from here.
3. 39M
4. Yes, No.
5. Yes. We are never too old to learn.
6. No.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: HurriKain
1. Since June 1997. (Wow, has it been 3 years already?)
2. So many people...Slider_Sarah, sleepingtiger(Tigs), Sliding_Capt_Bridger,
SabreEdge, dellyone, Mychand, MTwain, SL4ever, Blinker, Infomant, TemporalFlux,
QBall79, Aelita, SliderNum5, Slider142, Robin14334, Yeontoo...and many
others I forgot. I have a very HUGE buddy list.
3. 19/m
4. Yes but its sucks right now. I do link it to my friends but not
before I warn them. (PageBuilder sux!!!)
5. College baby. Sophomore.
6. hmmm... I would have to say HunterD_Raven with his rants and fics.
Blinker and SL4ever with their brand of humor. Mychand and Tigs with
their fics.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: TemporalFlux
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
I've been posting here since February 20, 1998...literally the day
after it was created. Before that I was mainly on the MCA Universal
Netforum which I began posting on frequently in March of 1997 (I had
been reading and moderately particpating off the MCA board since 1996).
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
I rarely get a chance to choose...practically every time I sign on,
someone contacts me (which I enjoy...it's just that I can't peg it down
to the type of concentrated group I think you're looking for). When
I do choose to contact someone, it's usually because I have some bit
that's pertinent to the person I'm contacting. Pretty much like here
on the board except in real time and a bit more private...only differences.
Same basic group of people with the addition of family members, friends
I grew up with, sources, and fans from other Sliders boards and groups.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
24 years old and male
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Do I have to answer the first question? ;-) As for linking to all of
my friends, the answer is no. Friendship isn't a criteria I use to determine
what I list (my main criteria is what would I find at this new site
I wouldn't find somewhere else that is Sliders related). However, I
have been terribly behind on my links sections with an emphasis on the
Fan Fiction section (it's the one part of my site I have done basically
nothing with for close to a year...just been concentrating on other
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Out of college and in law school (basically graduate level work). Going
for a Masters in Business in conjunction with the law degree, so I have
about 2 1/2 years left roughly (that's kind of a worst case scenario
accounting for if classes don't fall perfectly for me to take in one
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
If I had to pick one, I would have to say Blinker. He has stayed around
through thick and thin and has put more heart into this board than anyone
else I know (and for those reasons, it's obvious to me he's the perfect
choice - he has made it his goal to keep things interesting here for
a long while). He always has something entertaining and/or informative
to contribute, and he doesn't have to resort to kindergarden antics,
vulgar language or vicious cruelty to do that. That's something that
can't be said for alot of people...including myself to a degree.

my answers...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: JessieMallory
1. A little over a year now, started March, 1999
2. So far, Tigs and TF on a regular bases, but also talk to SE, Y, Tex,
Info, JLBanker, QBall79, Mychand, Nat76, Brand_S, Chaser9, (all occasionally).
If I forgot someone sorry.
3. Female/age over 18
4. Not yet, but when I do everyone should be included in the Sliders
Community. (At least that is my hope)
5. I take classes when, and if can afford it.
6. TemporalFlux is first to come to mind, but HunterD, Info, and Tigs
they all keep inspiring me.
I hope that helps!!

Hunter Answers
Date: 06/06/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
(note: didn't read the other responses yet)
1-Since sometime during S4s Rerun Hell.
2-Nope, but i am thinking about getting AIM or an AO(hell) Messanger
3-18(19 on JULY 23rd) male.
4-No webpage.
5-Not in college yet, just wasteing my life (LOL)
6-Other than Myself? I'd say Info...and a "Classic" poster

I head off, I can do this...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: FogBoy
1) Posting? Only since a week or two after 'The Seer'. Lurked since
about two weeks before the S5 premiere. I don't know the exact date,
but the rerun that inspired me to first look over the board was 'Virtual
Slide.' I think that after that they aired 'Slide By Wire' and then
'The Unstuck Man.' I may be wrong though.
2) I mail back and forth with a few very nice people from the board,
but I mostly IM and such with people I know in the personal sense. Still,
I'm open to trying to message with others.
3) I try to just keep it to "in my early 20s" usually. I
know it doesn't hide much, but it gives me a false sense of security.
4) Yes, I do. But no, I don't link to all of my friends... many of
my local friends don't have websites, and I don't link to every one
that does. And many people that I link to in terms of "boarder"
sites aren't specifically my friends since I don't talk to them much
outside of this board, at least not at the moment. By that I mean that
I have links to all of the S6 sites I know of and to some of what I
believe are the best Sliders sites on the web, though I don't necessarily
talk to everyone that runs them all. I also think I'm missing a few
of the "best", too. But for now I have a good start.
5) In college, actually about to be "in college" in England
for a month.
6) No. There's a lot that contribute, and at any given time the poster
that I feel is currently giving the "most interesting" post
series changes. Right now I'm most interested in HurriKain's 'Resident
Slider' story. I hope it's still around somewhere when I return from
England. :)

my arm!
Date: 06/06/2000
From: SFDarlin
I wasn't going to reply, because I don't consider myself a poster. I'm
much more of a lurker. Well, someone asked nicely over at the other
board so here I am.
1) I made my first post about a year ago. I was new to Sliders so I
think I asked a question or two. (No, I didn't ask 'what happened to
Colin and Quinn.' lol!) I found this was a good place to come for information.
2) Who do I hang out with off board? Nobody really.... well.... there
is one poster I IM with (You know who you are)
3) I am a 30yr old Female
4) I don't have a web page
5) I'm out of college and working
6) I think there are many interesting posters. I don't want to single
anyone out.
That's it!

for tigs..
Date: 06/06/2000
From: darkslider
I'll indulge ya!
1. I've been here for about two years, if memory serves me.
2. Let's see: SpaceTime, Jorge, TF, Brand_S(whenever he comes out!),
Sarah, vance, RM, Blink, Sabrr, Info, and Yeontoo.
3. I'm 22 and all male.
4. Yes. and NO.
5. I think we all know the answer to that, but I'd also have to say
that there are some others who fascinate me as well:
-EustiSlider (I like his posts, and the way he thinks. It's quite refreshing
to see new thoughts on this bboard! PLUS, his site is KING.)
-HunterD_Raven (Lovin the rants, man!)
-TemporalFlux (This has always been a constant. I read his stuff all
the time. I keep coming back for the info and his insight in to the
show. His wisdom AND his thoughts always intrigue me)
-Informant (I may not agree with alot of the ideas this man has, but
he is a definately a superb philosopher.)
-Brand_S (He is a mix of chaos and creativity, whenever I see him. He
is one talented guy.)
-EPT (The only man who I fear getting into a flame war against. That
guy's thought process amazes me..)
-and SpaceTime. Lord, SpaceTime. His knowlegde, creativity, generosity
and persona fascinates me more each day. He never ceases to impress
me with each passing day. If anything keeps this Bboard alive and awake,
it's him. and for that, we owe him. BIG)
-There's others, but I'm rambling more than a 90 year old schiozphrenic
man in the home, so I'll stop. Just know that just becuase they don't
post often, doesn't mean they're not influential to me! Isn't that true,
Yeontoo, Sabrr, Sarah, Jorge, vance and RMScream?
-I've babbled enough. But know this:
Those who lack formula lack order. Those who lack order are behave innapropriately,
wildly, and completely without grace. Thus, those who lack order and
formula are dogs. So, which would you rather be? If you have a bone
to pick with the "trolls" confront them, do not show that
you are worse than they are. If there is such a problem with me, my
e-mail is here. I will not attack you if you have a valid reason that
we can discuss. Either way, do not verbally back-hand someone while
calling them "predictable trolls". It makes you look foolish
and cowardly. (And I seriously doubt that you are either!)

Date: 06/06/2000
From: darkslider
I need less alcohol in the bloodstream! Forgot the e-mail!

a way to come back!
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Chaser9
Here we go!
1)Since late 98, between September and November
2)Oh let's see, Qball79, Blinker (back when he could use it . .sigh),
Tigs, Mychand, TF,Sarah, Spacetime, Informant every now and then . .
. forgive me if I've left any of you out.
3)23 male
4) Yes I do, The Otherworlds (http://www.slidersweb.net/otherworlds)
I try to link to all my friends, but my links page is slightly outdated.
5)In college
6) Well, I'd have to say Blinker. He's always cooking up some new humorous
thing to keep us on our toes.
Btw,nice to be back.
Later all

Date: 06/06/2000
From: SpaceTime
For better or worse, here's my reply:
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Like some of our more venerable members of BBoard (i.e. Executive [hehehe]
and TemporalFlux), I hail from the MCA/Universal Netforum, where I guess
I can safely say I was as big an ass there as I am here. Actually, probably
worse over there. I think there was a two week period in 1998 where
I was, for lack of a better description, DonProc. My origins stem around
summer 1997.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Aside from people off the Sliders bulletin board, these are people
I'm in contact with the most:
- darkslider
- Slider_Sarah
- JorgeCis
- Sabre-Edge
- TemporalFlux
- Yeontoo
- Brand_S
- before his Gestapo-like company stole away his laptop, Blinker
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
22. Male. Of course, QBall will probably claim I'm lying about that,
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
I run a couple web pages. If you'd like to see a large sample of some
of my writing, feel free to check out [name redacted by request]. I've also put
out a little 'zine called [name redacted by request] that is available at [name redacted by request].
I also maintain [name redacted by request], though it is entirely at your discretion
to determine how much of it I own.
I link to some of my friends, notably the excellent Gate Haven by Blinker
and Dimension of Continuity by Tf.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
I graduated from USC in 1999 with a bachelor's degree in print journalism
and a minor in cinema-television. Eventually I will write the great
satirical novel. Until then I pen reviews of Sliders episodes and write
BBoard fiction with Darkslider.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Without question, the most interesting poster here is Darkslider. Let's
face it - the BBoard is a cult of personalities. You've got the mindless
trolls, the bungee posters, complete morons and ill-informed dolts.
You also have brilliant people, people who in all honesty shouldn't
be posting here because they should be enacting law, building dynamic
new technology or creating great works of art. Darkslider has no compunction
behind telling ANY of these people to stop wearing the Magilla Gorilla
trousers when orally copulating with a GOAT. That's why he's so beautiful.
Everything is fair game. I've never laughed so hard or cheered so loudly
than when reading his posts. He makes this board INTERESTING in a time
when there is precious little reason to be interested in it. I know
when Dark makes a post there'll be more references to obscure 70s dramas
than you can shake a stick at. He made "Executive drinks his own
pee" a catchphrase around here.
Without him here, the BBoard is a drag. Something we'll all find out
soon enough.
- ST

can participate in this!
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Yeontoo
Part 1
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Lurking since last April, but posting since August 1999
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Well, I have quite a few on my list: Sabre-Edge, Spacetime, Darkslider,
JLBanker, Tigs, MissingSliderRyan, Vigeant, Asher, Jorge, TemporalFlux,
JessieMallory, NTCorp, RMScream, Hurrikane, Vance, BriaS, CaptMaggie,
Sarah, Slider8, Bennish, nat76, JerseySlider, goto, Sheridan220,Echos,
Kromeg, Quixotica, QBall79m Blinker, and Chaser (I can't think of more,
and I got some I forgot who they were).
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
18+ and female
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
nope, no webpage
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Spacetime, Blinker, Brand-S, HunterD, Informant, and TemporalFlux mostly.
I do enjoy Eustislider, dellyone, JessieMallory, Tigs, and Hurrikane
when they post.
Oh, and My? This says Part I at the top, where is Part II?

Date: 06/06/2000
From: humaggs
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
I don't know when I first started posting here, but I started posting
at the MCA Universal Netforum on March 1, 1998 (I think). I probably
started posting here at about the same time.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
I don't have AIM, I used t have ICQ, but I was having problems with
it so I uninstalled it.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
I am 16 and male.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Nope, I don't have a webpage.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
To young for college.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
There is alot of interesting posters here, but I would have to say TemporalFlux
is one of the most interesting. Most of his posts are interesting and

makes his marks...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Lurked starting in March 99, started posting some where around that
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Long list: Yeontoo, SpaceTime, darkslider (there is an "e"
in my name ;) ), JorgeCis, Vortex62, dellyone, Vigeant, TemporalFlux,
Brand S, Slider_Sarah, Tigs, Echos, Qball79, JLBanker, did I forget
BTW Sabrr Edge on AIM. Hmmm... that might explain dark's spelling problem.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
22, male
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Not yet, but friendship really wouldn't be applicable because it is
for business.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Yep, still college.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Not one in particular, but a sizeable group of unique posters keeps
things interesting.

Tigs asked me..
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Vigeant
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Me? Well, I have lurked around since the S5 primere just to see the
reaction. I really don't post much here anyway..
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Okay, JLBanker, Yeontoo, Echos, previously with Blinker :(, S, Missing
Slider Ryan/Dellyone, Kromeg/VortexMaster, Info, Slider Sarah, Quixotica,
and several others who I don't talk to much..
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
Male.. Age? Umm...skip this one
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Yep, I have a page: Http://insane.50megs.com . And I would link to friends
if I wasn't lazy. I will soon... really :)
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Too young for college...
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Naah, come to think of it why AM I here? ;) Actually several posters
but I don't want to single anyone out.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: nole9
1. Only been activily posting for the last couple of months. Been lurking
for over a year now.
2. No one, stupid Webtv.
3. M, Mid 20s.
4. No.
5. Graduated a few years ago.
6. I couldn't pick out just one person. What keeps me here is the great
fanfiction, the Buffy stuff, and the sense of community. Even though
that last one takes a beating evrey once in awhile.

is just like the good old days.....
Date: 06/06/2000
From: OzSlider
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Well I started posting back in May 1998, when season 4 commenced in
Australia, sometime before the U.S.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
I keep in touch with Sarah and My, but not as often as one should.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
Well I am now 41, and I am male.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Out !
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Well My, you should post here more often !

My! Will you be adding yours?<end>
Date: 06/06/2000
From: EustiSlider
It only seems fair.

goes, y'all
Date: 06/06/2000
From: SouthernSlider
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
--Since the day I got my computer, October, 1998
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
--Foxtrottin', Tigs, Sarah, Hawk50 more than others. Robin and My occasionally,
but my chats have gone downhill lately. I'm on-line more in the mornings
than at night now. Most are at work or in class at that time of day.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
--I will be 50 later this month and am enjoying my age emmensely. Life
only gets better, so you young whippersnappers have a lot to look forward
to. I am female.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
--Way out of college. I'm even out of work. I took an early retirement
from teaching high school math for 21 years. Now I'm writing. Imagine
that, numbers to words.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
--Definitely, not one, but a multitude. Some good, some bad, some very,
very bad. But it all makes for very interesting reading. I know who
to read and who not to read, and who to take with a grain of salt.
This was very interesting, My. I'm with Eusti -- where's your answers?

can do half of it right now
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I can do half of this now. But only half because I'm at school and don't
have my buddy list. Or much time. and go away Chris and Richard! This
is not interesting in the slightest to you!
1. How long you been posting?
Since late August/Early September 1998.
2. Who hang out with?
I'll answer this one later.
3. How old and gender
17 and female.
4. Webpage and link to friends?
Yes, http://www.slidersweb.net/sarah/ And used to link to my school
friends' sites. And I would the others but the links are something I
haven't updated properly in ages.
5. Too young for college. I think by yur reckoning I'm a junior in
high school. Correct me maybe?
6. Many of them. I'll answer later.

SS !!!
Date: 06/06/2000
From: OzSlider
Geez both of us dont seem to be getting any younger!!
...and I thought I was old !!

here is mine >>>
Date: 06/06/2000
From: vortex62
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Hmm, since late 98 early 99 time frame
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Mostly talk to TF, Sabre Edge, Yeontoo, Informant,
Qball79, Goto, Jessie Mallory, Bennish, CritterDee,
Slider Central, Slider Sarah, and Sheridan220.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
37 Male
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Yeah, I got one here somewhere....If I find a Site it goes
on my links page :-)
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Part time college student
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Actually I think Blinker is the man that keeps the board
interesting, but for Information it's TF.

writing fanfic for a few moments>
Date: 06/06/2000
From: dellyone
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Since Sept. 1999.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Long list I know I'll forget someone.
Sabre_Edge, Yeontoo, Tigs, Vigeant, Echos, Slider_Sarah, HurriKan, Kromeg/VortexMaster,
JLBanker, Brand_S, CaptMaggie and Quixotica.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
30 and female
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
No webpage
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Out of college
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Not one, but a large number of posters. I don't want to single them
out because I know I will forget someone.
Thanks Yeontoo for the mention.
<returns to writing her extremely long and complicated fanfic>

Date: 06/06/2000
From: SouthernSlider
I may be nearing 50, but I look 40, think 30 and act 20. Age is all
mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter! Think young, be
young. I'll never grow old.
But glad to know there's a few here closer to my age bracket. Sliders
is not just for the teeny-bopper group.

answers are...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: coolslyder
1) 4 months
2) no one
3) 20 female
4) no
5) yes going to the fourth year
6) yeah, I like it when HunterD, QBall79, and Timeflux post. Forgive
if I missed some, most of the sliders come up with very interesting
articles. Just that these are the ones that popped into my head.
Slide with ya later

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Blinker
...is why she's the QUEEN OF THE POLLS. 7:-P
1) How long have you been posting on the bboard?
About a year and a half.
2) Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Ahh, how I miss those days... 7:-(
3) How old are you?
<shifts craftily> Somewhere between 28 and 30... ahhh, screw
3.5) Are you male or female?
4) Do you have your own webpage?
-----> http://slidersweb.net/blinker/
4.5) If so, do you link to all of your friends?
Only the ones with Sliders pages.
5) Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
NOOOOOOO!!!! <panting> I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!
6) Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Nope. What keeps it interesting is the community we have. In between
the good, the bad, and the ugly... there's never a dull moment.
> Oh...and ya know...we are ALL guilty
> by association..this is *our* board
> and we ALL post together......just
> a thought.
Does mean we're all responsible for Executive????
- Blinker 7:-D

Good to see you My
Date: 06/06/2000
From: nycslider
1. April 99 (Lurker until August or so... then moved over to JOC Bboard
but continued to lurked in the main bboard)
2. Aelita and others from the JOC bboard. Sorry not been in contact
lately guys.
3. 28, Female
4. No page.
5. Graduated from NYU!! Theatre Department. A couple of years before
the O'Connell's Did.
6. I think that TF, informant (also for the buffy and angel reviews:)
) Qball all the fanfic writers. Hey we all make this interesting so
I say everyone!!!
I know I am not around much anymore. Keep posting I am lurking and
be good!!!

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
I think I've started a fad! lol!
Okay, stuff!:
1.) Oooo! I finally figured that out. December 12, 1999! So, on the
the thewlth I'll be celebrating my 6 months anniversary of actually
2.)O, I'm *MUCH* too mysterious for that. Can anyone recall when I've
given an e-mail link out? There was one ONCE...
3.)I'm female, but as for my age I am *sneezes*
4.)I have an imaginary one. ~:O)
5.)Well, let's see, if I'm *supposedly* a doctor, I should be out of
medical school too. Then again, doctor could be a nickname so, it's
up to you to decide. So, it's a guess.
6.) O, too many to name. I think everyone posting is a lot of fun!
There's not one, but there is a few.
I've got to say, that Hunter's rants keep this place alive. And SpaceTime
and darkslider are hysterical. And Info and his opposite side of thinking
are a good blend. Blinker's great too, and Tigs is up there for her
fanfic! Slidemania's a wonderful writer as well. There's PLENTY more,
but I thought I'd shorten it.
NOTE: Sorry, Mychand, I'm sure most of my answers were a pain.
The good doctor

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Stax_
1. October '99 but was reading since early June of that year .
2. Got no IM.
3. 17 in September . Male .
4. No webpage .
5. I'm finishing secondary school next year . In U.S. terms I'm a junior
, Ithink .
6. There are a few .stax

S Chapter
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Brand_S
1. I've been here almost a year. You'll know when it's been a year when
I give the signal to celebrate!
2. Most people who know me well can tell you that I'm about as talkative
as a mouse unless I have something humorous or interesting to say, and
I never start conversations. When I do feel like talking, I talk to
Yeontoo, Sabre_Edge, and Vigeant most often. I also hang out with Matt
and Zach, or as I call them, the second- and third-smartest people here!
I try to talk to Tigs a lot because she's one of my favorite people
on this Board, but I hardly ever get the chance. I also occasionally
speak with CoolSlider, Slider_Sarah, JL, Blinker (through e-mail), dellyone,
vortex62, Echos, Kromeg, the V6 team, JorgeCis, and Quixotica. Whenever
I'm in the same chat room as them, I talk to TemporalFlux and Informant
There are a whole bunch of others too. I know I forgot a few people,
but I decided I'd go Elia Kazan and name some names for you anyway!
3. I'm a 17-year-old guy, although the similarities between me and
every other teen on the planet end with my age.
4. My site's NSR, so I try to keep it mutually exclusive from the time
I spend here.
5. I'm in both college and high school.
6. vortex62 is, like, my role model, but I hardly ever see him around
here. The Triple Threat really keeps it going, especially that S fella!
Stoker_chick is another really intelligent teenager like me, so I like
having her around. Informant keeps the place going with his au naturel
conservative ways. Le_Modus is great to see when he's here.
TemporalFlux and Blinker keep the place interesting too. TemporalFlux
has done an extremely admirable job taking everyone's crap and keeping
his cool 95% of the time. I can't think of anyone else who could possibly
do what he does for even a day. Blinker is incredibly funny and very
nurturing of my humorous side!
Despite all of this, though, it's gotta be Matt and Zach! These guys
are my heroes... and gods too! They take being the Shit to whole new
And hey, some of the more nondescript posters, i.e. Doctor_Quinn, Tigs,
My, provide a good solid foundation!

Date: 06/06/2000
From: buffyboy
1.I've been posting since December 1998.
2.I don't have IM or any other form of it (yet:).
3.13, male.
5.Too young for college.
6.Informant, anyone from the JOC Board.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: kipper2222
1: I've been posting since about March or April
2: no one
3: 23 years old, Sex: Female
4: no web page (yet, soon I hope)
5: out of college (community college)
6: HunterD keeps things intresting (in my opinion)
Smile, it makes people wonder what you're thinking.

answers part two
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
(HK, I think you emant 1998 :-)
What ones haven't I answered? Uhhh....
2. Who do I hang out with off board.
Oh eek, huge list. Um, let's see. HurriKain, Tigger, Mychand, SL4ever,
QBall79, TemporalFlux, JorgeCis, Chaser9, SpaceTime, darkslider, Robin14334,
Slider142, Infy, Yeontoo, SliderCentral, Echos, Vortex62, Sabre_Edge,
Alternity_Orange, Aelita, MTwain, SS, goldenangel, Foxtrottin, Hawk50,
Claspius, Ann_Fredericks, MSR/dellyone, and hundres more on AIM. I know
there's more so don't be offended!
Oh and Blinker on the icky thing known as yahoo which is evil :-( And
BritSlider who I don't IM with much now, but I see him from time to
time away from the board.
6. One poster? No way! Loads! i love Tigger's fanfic, Blinker's humour,
HK's skitty thingies, Hunter vs Infy, when the old posters return :-)
everyone and everything! Well, almost.

did forget people!
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I think I forgot Oz and Vigeant and Cowboy.
Maybe more too.

I go...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
1-A little over a year...(Yeah, that long)
2-No, I don't :`-(
3-Quinn=Male age 18-52
4-I have my own FANFIC webpage...but no.
5-All of the above ;-)
6-SpaceTime and Blinker...because you never know what they'll say next!

reaction. . .surprise, surprise.
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Stoker_chick
Anyway, I'll go for it. Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately, it's
complicated, and probably not for reasons you think. Hell, here are
my stats:
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
I believe since the end of January this year if my memory serves me
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
I haven't really had any conversations on AIM since I had it confiscated,
so the most extra-bboard communicating I do is just on the USA bboard,
and e-mail with Tigs.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
I'm 16 (I swear this year never fucking ends). Female, if I actually
have to signify that with a response, unless of course anyone assumed
any gender-bending, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Past tense, and no, sorry, not SR.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Ending sophomore year in HS
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Definitely not one, but there have got to be some reasons that I keep
returning here other than curiosity of the current troll. Definitely
what's left of the triple threat.
D and S know I love them, I wish I could have friends with actual personalities
(if they consider me a friend) off-line too!
D's rants never fail to spark a flame of some new project of mine to
research some sociological problem with our world.
And when I am actually able to catch one of S's posts (post dominion
war), it's always something that engulfs everyone's attention, either
with its intelligence or originality.
And I could never forget Tigs, with her poems which have become more
addictive than the alcoholic beverages they are posted under combined.
Otherwise, I'll definitely give points to Info for his buffy relativity,
which never disappointing, and really any of the USA posters as well.
Hope I didn't offend anyone by lack of names ;(, but I gotta finish
Peace out.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Sheridan220
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Been lurking around scince Sliders began on SCI-FI. Began posting when
Sliders season 4 was ending.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
Vortex62, Slider_Sarah, BEnnish, SlidersCentral, Noodling & ChrissaSlider
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
18 year old, male
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
http://sliders.fanhosts.com, and I list every site I can find.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
Got 2 years left of collage.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
TF, Blinker, SpaceTime to name a few....

guess I can do this...
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Beyond2000
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
> I've beeen posting here for about 6 months, though I don't post
that often now.
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
> Nobody. Truth is, I really don't spend that much time online.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
> I'm 16 and last time I checked I was male.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
> No webpage.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
> I'm too young for college right now as I'm just finishing my sophmore
year in highschool, thoughI do plan on going to a college.
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
> There are few who keep it pretty interesting, but I won't name

Date: 06/06/2000
From: mrbrown1602
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
A while now... actually I made my first post near the start of Season
4, but I went on sabbical for a while and didn't come back until Season
5 - when I began to piss everybody off.. life is fun, ain't it?
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
The only person from the board that I even have on my AIM list is "the
allmighty" Spacetime.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
I'm 16 and male.
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
HELL YEAH! The Mr. Brown Network - www.mrbrown.net. I don't link all
my friends, because they don't all have webpages, but most are there.
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
HA! I'm too young for college. 2 more years. =)
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Err.. there is no "one" poster... there are several. I especially
love the petty fights, they're amusing.

my answers
Date: 06/06/2000
From: Wade_lookalike
1-posting since March this year, give or take a month
2-I don't hang out on the board with anyone, BUT I do work with trueslider,
he's a real good guy
3- female, 24
4- no web page
5- out of college, CPA
6- I like reading everyone posts, the fanfics, rants, breaking news,
et al.
I guess, Hunter, Brand S, QBall, the Beret war trio (sorry if I don't
remember your handles) the "oldies" of the board.

Date: 06/06/2000
From: chocolate_mozart
I guess I'm the newest of the newbies!
1) I've been on the board for a month and a half, thanks to cc_deville.
I usually 'lurk', but post only if I have something relevant to say.
2) I sometimes meet up with cc and his brother, trueslider (yes, there
twins, fraternal!)
3) 22 female (this is sounding like a personnel ad!)
4) no web pages,...yet
5) just graduated from NYU drama major
6) everyone who posts is interesting, even those that are in poor judgement.
(personal note to cc - I am being very foward here, but...
I am crazy about you, meet me back at the bar in the village this weekend,
bout 9'ish, my treat!)
I hope he reads this!

be there!! <end> 7:^)-
Date: 06/06/2000
From: cc_deville

Date: 06/06/2000
From: SlidersCentral
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard?
Since June of 1999
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc?
TemporalFlux, SpaceTime, Coolslider2005, Quinn15, Bennish, Sheridan220,
JL Banker, Slider_Sarah, and everyone else practically who has AOL IM.
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
I am 16 and male
4. Do you have your own webpage? If so, do you link to all of your
Yes and Yes
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college?
In college, but only part time
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
Everyone. If anyone left, the board would loose something interesting
(good or bad)

Date: 06/06/2000
From: Mychand
Thanks for all of the responses. Oh..and yeah, I forgot mine SS so here
1. I've been posting here since about Sept of 1998.
2. I keep in touch with mostly the "old timers" from the
board like BritSlider, Sarah, Spaz, TF, Tigs, Chaser9, HK to name only
a few. I even hear from NYCFAN and 1013shan sometimes.
3. Female (My friends know my age. Shut up BritSlider!)
4. I have my own web page but it still needs a lot of work at this
time. www.geocities.com/Mychand66/ and I am part of the Sliderchicks
project as well. Currently I only link to those I've known awhile because
that's all I've asked and I don't like to link to anyone without asking.
5. I have a BA in Elementary Ed. I don't know what I was thinking!
6. There are so many humorous and interesting people here but I would
have to say Blinker. He always manages to make me laugh.
Oh, and Blink...YIKES! That's a scary thought....hmmmm.
My :o)

blah blah
Date: 06/07/2000
From: Nerd_Bro
1. havent been posting that long really.. i used to be on scifi's irc
server back right before sliders started playing on scifi tho..
2. i hang with nobody off the board really.. my IM name is Rob016,
my icq number is 19244314, and im on IRC as Boyer.. someone drop me
a line some time and say hi
3. 17, male
4. no webpage
5. too young for college i guess
6. all those annoying posters probabaly keep it interesting more than

got a few answers
Date: 06/07/2000
From: RandomsEdge
1. Since Novemeber 1998. I have used multiple handles.
2. I have AIM, and I talk to everyone mentioned here, but under a handle
that is better known.
3. I love females, ages 13-65
4. no
5. no
6. Me, I'm on Qballs side about the Jorge and Yeontoo thing too

are my answers ......
Date: 06/07/2000
From: Slider_Dee
1. how long have you been posting .... since Oct/Nov 1999
2. who do you hang with on AIM ..... I use Yahoo Messanger, what is
3. how old are you? ..... mmmmm .... old enough to have a teenaged
daughter (which probably makes me one of the older ones on the board
since most of the board are teenagers or have very recently been teenagers)
male or female? .... definately female!
4. webpage? .... nope
5. college? .... graduated college (major math) quite a few years ago
6. poster who keeps things interesting? .... several really, I watch
out for you mychand, for southernslider, eusti_slider, informnant, TemporalFlux,
Hunter_D, capaque, cc_deville, SFDarling .... and i try and avoid SpaceTime
and all of the crude flamers that inflict themselves on the board from
time to time

I didn't know!
Date: 06/07/2000
From: SouthernSlider
We're both math people, besides living in the same state. How funny
is that! But I've got you beat. My children are already in their twenties...and
both are going to be married within the year!

so late!
Date: 06/10/2000
From: dsdlvsjoc
1. How long have you been posting on the bboard? posting? well, i did
it a couple years back under dsd915 but i wasn't nearly as vocal. i
took a year or so off, and now i am back, but with a new user id
2. Who do you hang out with off the board on AIM etc? alki, qj and
3. How old are you and are you male or female?
4. Do you have your own webpage? y If so, do you link to all of your
friends? yes, but it is in a different part of my page ian it is labeled
cyberpals link page./
5. Are you in college, out of college or too young for college? not
in college
6. Is there one particular poster that you feel keeps things interesting
here? don't flame me, but no.

look who you drug out the wordwork
Date: 06/12/2000
From: weeeezr
I am female... your never too old for college... ive been posting since
the great and wise mychand created this board..
ive been kinda sorta offline for a few.. HELL along time.. so i rarely
come to the board.. i miss the veteran.. the new people.. HIYA weez
aka imzadi here... youll be seein me around...
and OBVIOUSLY its southern slider, ST and hawk... oops sowwie .. twainy
too... if i ever get a puter im gonna be catchin up on all that fanfic
im missin out on..
im still around...
i keep in fair touch with some of you.. i love yas and i miss you too,.....
i havent been in a good scrap since i was forced to abandon my post
as sheriff of the board! .... hmmmmmm wheres fishbone??? lol.....
take care.. ill be around...
always missin yas
weez aka imzadi

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/21133
Nominated by Blinker
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