Project: Part 2
Date: 06/11/2000
From: Mychand is part two of my little survey although I haven't sorted
through all of part one yet. What am I getting from all of this? LOL...not
sure at this point...I think the previous answers threw me off a bit.
But if you would humor the blonde once again......
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
My's answers:
1. Yes..they are all on Sarah's site. :o)
2. Nope..not in person but I've talked to quite a few of them on the
3. I would like to see NYCFAN and 1013shan come back and post.
4. I would probably just keep in touch through the sliders-friends egroup.
5. Nope...never have and seriously doubt I ever will.
6. Yes, a couple of scripts, all of the Comics and the trading cards.
Oh..and please vote for Chandler:
Thanks! My :o)

one blonde to another...
Date: 06/11/2000
From: capaqu
My answers, for better or worse:
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
- No fanfic. I've never been particularly inventive with narrative.
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? - No, never met any of you!
If not, is there someone you would like to meet? - Hmmmmm, this could
be dangerous...
Let's see:
---> HunterD_Raven: A very interesting guy. I like the way he faces
his own reactions to life, and shows interest in other people's views.
---> Brand_S: I'd like to see just what's so great about s_the_great!
<said in jest, S>
and of course,
---> SpaceTime: I guess I've got a fascination with bad boys.
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
- Parajo comes to mind.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
- Probably wouldn't
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
- Not me.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
- No.

Date: 06/11/2000
From: SpaceTime
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
I've written some, but not a whole lot. I don't really know if you'd
call it fan fiction, but I have put up Earth 211 on my web site (
which essentially looks at the show had it been a success and untouched
by FOX. I also began writing a story called "Telemundo" for
the Virtual Fourth Season and an untitled story for the Virtual Sixth
Season but never finished them.
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
Nope, but I think there's a couple people on here in my area (Sabre,
KllyWlls, JLBanker, ??). I'd probably want to meet Blinker so I could
steal his wallet and post his driver's license here, finally ending
the debate of WHAT IS HIS NAME? :)
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
Executive. I miss that guy.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
AIM, maybe.
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
I know Tf and a whole group of people have met Marc Zicree at one of
the DragonCon panels. I actually met the O'Connell brothers in addition
to Cleavant, but that was entirely by accident. I met JOC in a booth
at Jerry's Famous Deli in L.A. and COC in a bowling alley in Hollywood
(according to Maxim, they bowl there every Monday). Lexilynn has met
Cleavant (she lives next door, lucky lady), and Sarah met JRD I believe.
Now, for Sabrina...
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
A couple things:
- a phonecard
- the trading cards
- a trade ad
Take care,

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Slidemania
1. Yes, but no one ever reads it. :-P
2. Never met any of you in person either, but I'd like to meet Hunter,
Sarah, FogBoy, Flux, buffyboy, Stoker_Chick, and I'm sure I've left
out a few others.
3. Not that I can think of...
4. Email or snail mail
5. I haven't met any of the Sliders cast yet.
6. Nope.

is mine >>>
Date: 06/11/2000
From: vortex62
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
Nope can't say I have
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
Nope never met anyone from the board. I like to meet
with everyone if that is possible :-).
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
Um none comes to mind at the moment
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
Hmm, Universal's Sliders Board and Sliders Egroups
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
Unfortunately, No
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
Yep I got the following off of ebay:
Two Pilot scripts (2nd Draft and a later draft)
Requiem Script
All the Sliders Cards including the chase cards
Season 2 Video Press Kit
All the Sliders Comics
Magazine with Sliders Interview
Book called Hyperspace, guess that can be Slider related.
Oh, and I did vote for your pet..hehe

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Stax_
1. No
2. No . Some I would .
3. Not really , haven't been here THAT along .
4. I'd probably go to the other board . I can never remember my password
there so I almost never post .
5. In Ireland ? Not fecking likely .
6. No but after seeing what the rest of you won I'll begin to compete

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
1.Yep....Earth 214 is mine. Located at
2.No....I haven't. addition to the ones already listed.
4.I don't know...I haven't talked to anyone here on AIM.
5.No, but I think I saw Zoe McClellan recently. ;-)
6.No, I haven't.
There you rational usual. :-)

blonde to another
Date: 06/11/2000
From: SouthernSlider
Girl, do you just stay awake nights thinking up this stuff, or do you
delegate work at your job so you can sit behind a closed door in your
office and think this up on company time? Whichever -- you're doing
a darn good job! Keep it up.
Oh, and glad to see you post your answers this time without us having
to beg for them.
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
Yes. I've written 8 fanfics and my 9th one is in progress on the JOC
board -- "The Guardian of Time". Some of them are posted on
Sarah's site. 4 or 5, I think. But all of them are on the JOC board
"Lovers and Other Strangers"
"Lovers and Other Strangers, II"
"Mirror Image"
"Lost and Found"
"Just Once"
"Here Comes the Slide"
"Gone With the Slide"
"Slide 2K"
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
Yes. Foxtrottin' <she posts mainly on the JOC board, though. Don't
know if she lurks around here> and I met in Savannah back in May.
I wish someday we could have a Sliders BBoard Convention. There are
so many more I would love to meet. I tried to meet you, My, last October,
but got fouled up with my stupid cloustrophobia. Maybe we could try
again this October and include Eusti. He goes to the game too.
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
Through AIM, e-mail, and sliders egroups.
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
I certainly haven't, but it is a dream of mine to do that someday.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
Nope, never tried.
Well, for what it's worth, there ya go.

whole lotta nos!
Date: 06/11/2000
From: nole9
1. No fan fiction.
2. No, I've never meet anyone. I barely know people well enough to
email them, let alone meet someone.
3. I wasn't really around for "the good old days".
4. The egroup as well.
5. No, I doubt any of them will be coming to my little corner of the
6. I have never even been to Ebay, so that one's a no.

as interesting as I thought...
Date: 06/11/2000
From: Impulse49
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
Yes I have. It's at
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
I sure miss silly, whacky, outta control and horny Spaz.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
E-mail, and AOL Instant Messenger, I guess.
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
No, but I've talked to Tracy Tormé.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?

Date: 06/11/2000
From: humaggs
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
No. I would like to meet TemporalFlux.
I have a question, who here have you talked to on the phone?
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
There was someone who had her birthday very close to mine. Her handle
ended in 14. I think her handle started with M. Before she left she
was wanting to change her handle but I don't think she ever did.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
I would go on some other Sliders bboards and Newsgroups.
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person? I didn't, but I think Slider_Sarah met JRD.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
I won most of the 10 Sliders comics off of ebay the rest I bought at
a local comic book store. Recently I won a copy (I think its a copy)
of the Sliders Bible off of ebay. Thats it so far.

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
Here we go all over again:
1.)I *have* written two chapters of a story that frustrated me and
I gave up on. I'd been working on another one, which, I was very proud
of since September I think. I never worked up the nerve to post it,
so it's on my computer still.
2.)Nope, not one. I'm sure a lot of people would be fun to actually
see and have a race-to-face conversation, but that might take some of
the spark of it away.
3.)Oh gosh, there were many, MANY people whose posts I used to read
that were a great contribution. It's a shame. I can't pick a few individually,
4.)Maybe through a newsgroup.
5.)Maybe, but not me!
6.)No. ~:O(
The good doctor

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Mychand
To answer your question...I've talked on the phone with Britslider,
spaz119, Tigs, Sarah, SL4ever, Hawk50, 1013shan.....I think that's it
but I feel like I'm forgetting someone. I've talked to Tigs the most...she'a
valley girl! LOL...sorry Tigs, couldn't resist.
My :o)

my answers
Date: 06/11/2000
From: cc_deville
1- yes, I started about 3 months ago, and got some positive replies.
But my spare time quickly disappeared and I shelved it. too bad, because
I was trying to work 2 sets of sliders, one group was our original group
(Quinn, Wade, Profesor, and Remmy) and another of alternatives we all
know (Quinn-alt, Maggie, Diana, Mallory).
2-I have never met anyone...but I wish that we were better organized,
or better supported by SciFi, in which they could have a concention,
like the Star Trek following.
I would like to meet everyone, especially TF, Blinker, Spacetime, QBall,
Tigs, Slider Dee, the Brits, and Hak-man.
3- not sure
4- definitely not sure
5- I saw JOC in a village bar by NYU, past out drunk about, oh 3 or
4 years ago! I was funny. I didn't speak to him though.
6- no, never been to ebay, I don't trust the site, too many confidentiallity
problems with their files being hacked all the time.

totally sure. Like I'm not all val
Date: 06/11/2000
From: Tigs
You spilled my secret My....I'm apalled.
1. Written fanfic and it's spread around. Uhm.... Divergence at
*Created and maintained through a hefty time grant from the Chaser9
Struggling Writers Foundation.* I also do E1125, E209715, and E409 (or
something with Chase). Infinites aren't up anywhere, but they will soon
hit (as soon as I have time to type them).
Then I hope to add to the existing projects.
2. Met Sarah, Brit, and Pidge. Would love to meet My, Twainy, flux,
Jessie, and Chase among others. So don't feel slighted if I dinna mention
ya. My brain is beyond fried.
3. Would love oh so much to see more of Lovepigeon, spaz119, weeezer,
Twainy (cough cough), and (cough cough) SL4ever (cough SlideWars cough)
4. The ones I've bonded with I email, IM, snail mail and phone anyways...or
some combination thereof. So....i's all good.
5. Big ol' no.
6. 'nother big ol' no.
ps. For those who remember my rant on the JOC board last year about
the dam*'s done!!!!!!! <Tigs does the happy dance>

answers, part II
Date: 06/11/2000
From: EustiSlider
OK, let's see here.
1. Absolutely no fan fiction. Anyone who read my Beret War posts will
thank me for that.
2. I've never met anyone from the board. There are several that I'd
like to meet. SpaceTime, QBall79 (though probably not both at the same
time), Blinker, S, Sarah, just about anyone other than the trolls. I'll
look for you and Southern in Jax come October. ;)
3. I haven't been around long enough to really miss anyone.
4. I'd probably post more on other boards, maybe AIM. I've actually
had a few chats since Part I. I'm not familliar with e-groups.
5. I've never met anyone from the cast, but my sister did go to middle
school with Sabrina Lloyd. I've even seen where she signed her yearbook
as "Brie."
6. I've never bid on anything, but if that repo timer comes down to,
say $50, I'd probably bid on that.

Date: 06/11/2000
From: Informant
1. Yes. I have a fanfic and some sequels (probably more on the way).
I think that the first two are posted on Chaser9's site... the third
was bad, so it's best forgotten.
2. Nope. I'm too private to meet anyone. Maybe after I'm a rich celeb.
3. Expert.
4. AIM. Maybe e-mail, I guess.
5. Haven't met any, but I'm sorta connected to Jerry in a "Six
Degrees" sort of way. Maybe if I pulled some strings, I could get
close enough to kick his arse.
6. Don't think so.

want answers?!
Date: 06/11/2000
From: QBall79
1. I've written a few fanfics in my day, but have held them off until
their proper airing on Earth 71999. I am also working on one right now,
which is my first alternate history. It's called "Hang it Up",
and it is a season 6 episode as well.
2. I've never met anyone from the board that I didn't know before.
Some people I might like to meet are Chaser9, Blinker, Tf, Sarah (whom
I almost got to meet... kind of), My, Tigs, goto, Vortex62... the whole
gang basically.
3. One word: EXPERT. But that ain't happenin'.
4. AIM and e-mail.
5. Sarah met John Rhys-Davies. Poolboy19 (aka Poolboy69) who used to
post here met Jerry O'Connell. Other than that, who knows? I know I
never have.
6. Nothing huge. A photo sheet is all I remember winning on Ebay. I
won my card set on Yahoo Auctions, and my jacket came as a result of
me contacting someone through Ebay. Most of my purchases have been NSR.

Hunter Replies
Date: 06/11/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
1-Stoker 2000, somewhere within the past month of BBoard posts.
Slidecon2k(only did 2 parts since i got ZIP replies) and Doom World-Posted
in my section of the BBoard Hall of Fame.
2-Not yet.
3-I got 3 letters for ya E-P-T!
4-the Universal BBoard, other than that,probably not at all.
5-Not yet, i hope i get to meet one of them (not JOC or COC...due to
my wish to not be charged with something from Disturbing the Peace,
to Assault, to Manslaughter)

I answered the other one...
Date: 06/12/2000
From: Slider39
1. No
2. No, maybe
3. Unknown
4. Possibly some of the fan sites.
5. Not I
6. No

Date: 06/12/2000
From: darkslider
1. Yes, once....but I never want to speak of it again. NEVER. It concerned
Geiger's experiments and using it to kill every Kromagg....but, as I
2.Nope. But I would like to meet:
Jorge, Tf, Brand_S,The_Cynic,Blinker, Sarah, Yeontoo, Sabre(remembered
this time!;) ), RM, and Executive(just so I can be sure that such a
train wreck of a person really DOES exist and that the government readlly
DOES horrid experiments with de-evolution really ARE POSSIBLE)
3.One person.....The_Cynic. WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!
4. Ask SpaceTime to get a hold of them, since I am moving in with him.
5. SpaceTime is ALL THAT MATTERS, so NO.

of The S Chapter
Date: 06/12/2000
From: Brand_S
1) The closest I came is the Dominion War. I've been working plenty
on other stuff, though. I'll be darned if I'm gonna be a one-hit-wonder
like King Harvest, ? and the Mysterians, Blues Image, Mr. Mister, and
Elvis Presley!
2) I haven't met anyone here in person. I'd like to meet...
· Space and dark. Since, technically, I'm a test-tube manufactured
growth-accelerated amalgam between two of their sperm cells given life
in an experiment gone horribly without incident, I'd sure like to meet
my two dads! The closest thing I get to that now is this stupid sitcom
with Paul Reiser, the least funny man on the face of the earth.
· Hunter and EPT. The Triple Threat could do great things if
we all were together in person!
· Stoker_chick. At the risk of sounding like one of those people
those TV Internet specials warn you about, if I knew someone like Stoker_chick
offline, I would SO ask her out!
· Yeontoo, just to see what that Southern goddess looks like,
and if she's really as nice as she'd have us believe.
· Le_Modus. Even though I don't know to what degree I could communicate
with him, damn, I'd love to meet this guy. I could learn a lot of things
from him, and one or two of them may actually help me in school!
· Blinker and Jebbert "Informant" Bush, so I could
get me some more real names to add to my collection!
· capaqu, just so I could take all the lurker out of her system
and make her one of the most active regulars here!
· Echos and Kromeg. They're so cute together!
· The Dec-10 Boyz, if only because Jorge would make an awesome
hero and Sabre's two pictures just don't tell us much!
· The Ferocious Five: Quixie because she gives me the impression
that she'd be great to hang out with, Klly because she's so energetic
and would probably be fun to talk to, Quintarr because you can't go
wrong with being Klly's cousin, Sarah because she's the best Brit ever,
and CaptMaggie so I can see just how much she looks like Kari Wuhrer!
· dellyone and JessieMallory.
· TemporalFlux, because there are a few things I'm thinking of
doing and I'd like to know how to make them look more legal than they
really are! That, and I could use any cartooning advice he has!
· Everyone in Gallery, just so I can verify! Everyone knows SpaceTime
is TEN times hotter than that picture makes it look! If you don't believe
me, just check out all the Real Sex specials Space did for HBO! By the
way, Space, I'm STILL waiting to hear about your zany torrid experiences
with that early 90s pre-goth Madonna!
I don't know what I'd do if I DID meet someone here in person, though.
I'd probably be ultra-nervous at the prospect of it. Then I'd choke
and sound like a bad Jerry Seinfeld impression. Creepy.
And yes, My, I'd like to meet you too!
3) Parajo and EPT. 'Nuff said.
4) AIM, although I'd like to think most of the people on my list there
are really friends of mine instead of just fellow Sliders chatters.
5) Nope. Sorry.
6) I only use eBay for NSR stuff, but I'll look into it.

Date: 06/12/2000
From: HurriKain
1. Out of the 5 fanfics I worked on, I only finished two of them, plus
I am working on one.
Lounge Banshee (first fic, done)
Field Trip (JOC board, unfinished)
Celebrity Deathmatch: Sliders Edition (archived at Blinker's site (,
Sliders TNG: ep. 2 "O'Connellism" (Main board, incomplete)
Resident Slider (Main Board and Blinker's site, in process)
hopefully I would get to finish the othere when I have time, but Resident
Slider has my full and utmost attention.
2. Unfortunately no, but I taked to Sarah over the phone. Hopefully,
I can get the chance to meet her. I would also like to meet, sleeepingtiger,
HunterD_Raven (are you a New Orleanian?), TemporalFlux, Blinker, SL4ever,
Mychand, SouthernSlider, BritSlider, Vance454, SpaceTime...just to name
a few... but I need to put in a lot of overtime for that to happen.
3. Well, I haven't seen Blinker in a while. And where is SL4ever...
4. I would keep in touch through AIM.
5. Not that I know of. I know Sarah met JRD.
6. Sadly, no.

Date: 06/12/2000
From: MTwain
1) yes
If I'm lucky it will purge already!
2) no
3) yes
4) no
5) no

another poll from My
Date: 06/12/2000
From: dellyone
1. I guess yes if you count the Group X posts I did for Beret War II.
It's on EustiSlider's site and here. On the official 'X-Files' forum,
I received two first runner ups and a third place for my submissions
to three short scene fanfic contests. BTW, that's the style I was following
for the Group X posts.
2. I haven't met anyone on the board in person. I'd like to meet those
on the Studios USA board and posters on the JOC board. I can't remember
anyone else since my brain is tired.
3. Blinker. I miss his TWIW.
4. Aim, email
5. No, I haven't met any cast members.
6. Nope.
Commander in Chief
Group X

voted for Chandler. (end)
Date: 06/12/2000
From: dellyone

Chaser rants . . I mean speaks!
Date: 06/12/2000
From: Chaser9
Here we go!
1) Oh gosh yes! Most of it is housed at
2)Nope, but there are several people here that I would LOVE to meet
. . . Waiting for SlidersCon . . .SIGH.
3)Too many people to list. Needless to say, there are a lot of old
handles I'd love to see grace these pages again.
4)E-Mail, AOL IM, Yahoo Messenger, whatever it took to still talk to
my Sliders buds!
5)No, but someday . . .c'mon SlidersCon!
6)Can't say that I have . . .

Date: 06/12/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
Well, nothing solo. I participated in the BWII and involved in some
parties, but nothing original. I'm working on another type of fiction
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
No, but I would like to some day. People I would like to particularly
meet are Yeontoo, Vortex62, SpaceTime and darkslider (I know if I visited
with them up in LA I would probably be spending the night in lock-up
;)), all the USA crew, Temporal Flux (cuz I'd put his butt on retainer
before his fee got too high ;)), JorgeCis, JessieMallory, go-to, CritterDee.
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
CritterDee and go-to
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
AIM, email, Icq, other boards
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
Nope, but I plan to.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?

little marble falls out of the bag.."
Date: 06/12/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear Mychand,
Sure, hun, I'll humor the blonde... But I am misunderstanding... the
previous answers threw you off a bit?
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
~~nope, but I have been reading some
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
~~No, I've not met anyone from the board, tho, its sounds fun. Who
would I like to meet? I want a Sliders convention, .. the movie? the
game? just cause? and do I have to give reasons?
Let's see.... I'd like to meet Sabre_Edge, JessieMallory, Spacetime,
darkslider, Vortex62, CritterDee, Brand S, HunterD, JLBanker, JorgeCis,
dellyone, Vig, Echos, Kromeg, Eustislider,(okay, the WHOLE USA board),
Tigs, Sarah, TemporalFlux, Informant, goto,(oh gee! just everybody come
to a convention here in Mphs Tn, and let me meet you)
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
~~I don't see Chaser9 post often anymore
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
~~ USA Board, E-Group, AIM, ICQ, and that other board ;)
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
~~Don't I wish!
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
~~ I've been to that site once or twice. Not even registered (but might,
heard they had lots of old books there)

Date: 06/12/2000
From: SFDarlin
I'm such a push over for a poll!
1) No Fan fic
2) Never met anyone
3) Nope
4) I have no idea.... never gave it much thought. I just stumbled upon
this place, so here I am!
5) I have not actually met a cast member.
6) Yes

Date: 06/12/2000
From: TimeFluxEMC2
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
No, I am too busy working on my idea for a really good war story novel.
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
I have never met anyone here. I think it would be interesting to meet
everyone here.
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
I haven't been here long enough to answer that.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
There are Sliders bboards all over the internet, I'm sure I would be
able to find a few to post on.
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
I haven't any of the Sliders cast members, although I do plan to someday.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
Not yet, but I have tryed a few times. I'm a teenager without a job,
so I usually only bid on things that I know I can win with my first
"Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

Sarah, My:No:Email:No:No ! (End)
Date: 06/12/2000
From: OzSlider

Date: 06/12/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
1. Yes. Some of it is at my site. Some of it is in progress on the
JOC board (did I really leave you guys hanging in the middle as Wade
Turner's husband walked in?), my E71999 eppy airs next week and Sliderschicks
ep is in progress.
2. Met, yes two BritSlider and sleepingtiger. Since Brit lives literally
3 miles down the road it was pointless not too. And if all goes to plan
I'll be meeting Robin14334 on the 18th July :-) Spoke to a few people
on the phone and there's loads I'd love to meet!
3. Yes, there are loads of people.
4. Email, IM, phone, snailmail, lots of ways.
5. Technically I've met JRD, as has BritSlider. We've spoken to him
at anyrate.
6. No, nothing. I bid on a couple of items, but since I don't have
a credit card, I have to limit myself.

for Episode III...
Date: 06/12/2000
From: Blinker
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
That's about it that's seen the light of day (or monitor.) 'Othergates'
is in the shops for retooling.
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
>>> I wanna meet the Magnificent Seven from the good ol' AIM
days... well, at least the six who weren't me.
- Chaser
- Mychand
- QBall79
- Sarah
- Tf
- Tigs
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
>>> Expert, 1013shan, NYCFAN, Boof, certain unnamed Slide
Wars-writing pissants...
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
>>> The eGroup, I suppose. Please don't raise the spectre
of such a possibility... 7:-O
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
>>> Yes, but it sure ain't me.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of eBay?
>>> No, nor have I tried. 'Specially after seeing the ulcers
eBay's giving QBall... 7:-I
- Blinker 7:-/

want ulcers?!
Date: 06/12/2000
From: QBall79
LOL at your comment Blink... just thought I'd let you know I finally
won a lot. All those ulcers paid off!

Date: 06/12/2000
From: Sheridan220
1. Have you ever written any Sliders fan fiction? If so, where is it
Somewhere on this board and on my hard-drive
2. Have you ever met someone (in person) from the bboard that you didn't
know before you began posting here? If not, is there someone you would
like to meet?
Nobe, haven't met anyone yet, but would like to meet all
3. Is there someone who is MIA on this board that you would like to
see come back?
I dunno.
4. If this board wasn't here, what other way would you stay in touch
with the Sliders community?
Prolly through Sliders listserver and MCA bboard
5. Is there anyone here besides ST that has met one of the cast members
in person?
nobe, can't say so.
6. Have you ever won something Sliders related off of ebay?
Luck of the Draw script

have a few answers
Date: 06/13/2000
From: RandomsEdge
no, I don't do fanfic
Yes, I'd like to meet Yeontoo, Brand S, and my twin Sabre_Edge. As
a matter of fact, I'm in Memephis Tennessee this week until friday.
Specifics in the email.
I've met them all.
I rarely look at Ebay, but when I do, its at comic books.

I'm late was out of town!!
Date: 06/13/2000
From: JessieMallory
My answer to part II
1. Yes, Terra Prime, a Spinoff that starts where PTSS leaves off, and
I am currently working on the next story installment. It is housed on
Vortex62s Site at on the Sliders homepage
under fanfiction. Im also currently working on two episode of
Sliderchick Season 6.
2. No, Yes, I would love to meet several people from here. My list
I guess includes Tf, Tigs, Tex, Yeontoo, Sabre, Info, S, Banker, Chaser,
Q, Critter, My, and everyone else (Sorry if I forgot someone Im
3. More Chaser and Blinkers TWIW.
4. E-Groups, AIM, Yahoo messenger, email, ICP, basical any and every
way possible I could to keep in touch with people here.
5. No, not yet that is
6. Comics, and other non Sliders Stuff

Date: 06/13/2000
From: Stoker_chick
1. I've written sliders related fan-fiction, relatively speaking, however
it wasn't the type that people on this bboard tend to read/write. Never
had a chance or a desire to post it anyway. :)
2. Not that I know of, however I am getting suspicious by hints of
how close I live to bb.
I'd die to meet triple threat. And in risk of sounding like one of those
gullible twelve year old girls in those chatrooms being hit on by those
guys they warn you about in the news, I wish it were possible to find
guys with some intelligence who aren't scared off by anorexic looking
gothic chicks. I would never reject S.
I'm curious as to what would happen if ALL of the members of the USA
board were given the opportunity to meet. That would be what I would
call a real party.
3. EPT, from the FEW posts I've ever witnessed of his.
4. USA. I doubt that I'll ever again have the opportunity to use my
own PC, so I have a feeling chat and IM are ruled out. Maybe e-mail
(if I ever get off my lazy ass and get in touch with people).
5. It depends on the specificity of cast member in your opinion. One
guy who played some no line person passing by on the street in a couple
of season two episodes has been going to school with me since elementary
school. But I have a feeling he doesn't count (his name is Max Ligosh--
he was also in Hackers, Joe the King, and a bunch of indy films that
never made it).
6. no, never took the time to try.

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