The CD CD lie... exposed.

Date: 1/13/2000
From: QBall79

In an AOL Buddy chat last night, I was confronted with an accusation that the recent release of "Beginnings" by Cleavant Derricks was a scam. Whoever it was attacked me saying I staged the whole thing, with the help of co-conspirators JLBanker, Slider8_, and well, you're right.

I don't know how this information escaped past the four of us. I was under the impression that we wanted to keep this thing under wraps. I mean, all of our reputations were at stake... again!

I concocted the idea of a Cleavant Derricks CD months ago, and formed the bogus "Cleavant Derricks CD Campaign" at To make the whole hoax believable, I reported that I had kept contact with Cleavant's neighbor Lexilynn through e-mails. Lexilynn, of course, is an old time poster from the MCA Netforum days. Well, the handle "lexilynn" was actually orchestrated by myself in 1995 while posting as The_Cynic and TemporalFlux. Every time you read the "News from Cleavant" posts at the MCA board, you read what I wrote.

The Cleavant Derricks CD is not being recorded, and every cent that has been gained from the selling of this fraudulent item has gone into my pocket. The lie was a combination of a moneymaking scheme and an attempt to give Cryin' Man fans some hope that they would one day be able to hear him in their stereos. Clearly, this hope was dashed last night when I was approached about the conspiracy. I told those in the chat room I would announce the lie to the bulletin board, and I am doing it now.

I have one more thing to reveal before I end my post and read your furious responses: I am actually Cleavant Derricks. I assumed the handle of lexilynn at first mainly to give me a way to contact the fans and tell them what was going on in my life. I took up other handles on the board to fend off that Executive character. I didn't do it under "lexilynn" because I didn't want her to get involved in the politics of the forum.

When I decided to orchestrate this bogus campaign for a CD, I chose Q-Ball79 to throw people off - I was originally going to use CryinMan79, but it seemed too obvious. Now, I feel that this thing has gone too far, and that my fan base has probably been damaged beyond repair as a result. That is why I have come out and admitted it all.

Apologies to all those who sincerely thought a CD was in the works. Maybe someday we'll see something, but for now, those hopes are unfounded.

Take care,

By the way...

Date: 1/13/2000
From: QBall79

For those of you with Smothers Brothers cough lozenges for brains, that WAS a joke.


Hee Hee

Date: 1/13/2000
From: Donner

A perfect parody of SpaceTime's asinine prank! You have my praise!


Date: 1/13/2000
From: Informant

For Cleavant Derricks, it sure did take you long enough to get Tracy Torme's phone number!


I'll never trust you again! How could you! How could you lie to us like this, then try to make us believe it was a joke?
How could you?

Well, now that I think of it... it's pretty easy!

Good show, man!


Date: 1/13/2000
From: mrbrown1602

SpaceTime's the one being mocked now, brotha. =)

Mr. Brown

Never announce you are CleavantDerricks!

Date: 1/14/2000
From: danpretzel


*tears streaming down* what? you mean...

Date: 1/14/2000
From: KllyWlls's a lie? hahahhahahahaha...good one!!!!

hehehehe..*still laughing*


Lol!!!!!! (end)

Date: 1/14/2000
From: SliderT


LO F'n L

Date: 1/14/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

Good one man.

Didn't belive this lie, from the begin

Date: 1/14/2000
From: Sheridan220

too many lies, so if someone comes up and says it's a lie, I'll not belive them

Nice work though "Cleavant" :)

Including a duet with singer Kari Wuhrer

Date: 1/14/2000
From: mindflux

good one Qball


Date: 1/14/2000
From: SpaceTime

Good one, chief.


LOL... Qball79.. *shakes head*

Date: 1/14/2000
From: CaptMaggie

I was actually going for it until about halfway through... lol and then when you said you were CD I figured you were joking. Good hoax of a confession being a hoax, BTW. *grin* Thanks for the laugh.

Keeper of Sliders Keeper, Maggie's Blues, Wades s1 hair, blah blah blah...

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