The timer had an umbilical cord type relationship with the equipment
in Quinn's basement (that dimmed the lights when he used it at high
power levels). Once the timer was advanced and thrown off the pre-set
program, this umbilical cord was severed. The timer was then acting
on its own power source only...and this was an incredible strain unless
regulated. It's much like human biology...a baby alone is not as strong
as the mother who carried it...but the baby can function by itself once
it has come to term. This is analogous to the timer/equipment relationship...the
difference being that the "3rd trimester" timer could never
grow to be more powerful on its own.
That's why the Helix Spiral equations were find a
time in each dimension where the timer could open a portal without using
enormous amounts of power. By doing this, the timer was regulated and
didn't burn itself out. Baby was given a walker, as it were.
But you ask yourself...why didn't Quinn just find more equipment to
hook the timer up to and get them home that way? This was actually attempted...though
it's subtle and many viewers missed it.
In "Last Days", Quinn had the first opporunity to try this...but
the generator burned out. Then "Eggheads" arrives and Quinn
is again looking for the sliding equipment because he believes it can
reset the system and get them home. He didn't get his chance to try
there though. This resetting of the system would have given the timer
the power to find its way back always knew the way, just didn't
have the power.
From that point forward, it seems that Quinn gave up on the proposition
for no reason...but that's not the case. Just a few episodes later,
Quinn would test his sliding equipment theory out in "Into the
Mystic". When the Sorcerer says he can send Quinn home, he did
just what Quinn theorized in "Eggheads"...he reset the system
by using his own sliding equipment. The irony is that this theory worked...but
Quinn and the other Sliders were left believing they never made it home
due to the enormous changes since they left (co-creator Tracy Torme'
has confirmed they were really home at the end of "Into the Mystic").
Believing the sliding equipment theory was a failure and that way home
was lost...Quinn no longer tried it and had no options left except to
hope for a random slide home.
Once the Sliders switched timers in season three, this chance was completely
gone. To our knowledge, the Egyptian timer held no components of the
original timer...but Logan St. Clair's timer still retains the original
timer's geo-spectrum stablizer which she stole. That one piece could
potentially (not potentially...not certainly) be used to relocate Earth
Prime if the sliding equipment theory was implemented again...which
would place more value on finding Logan St. Clair.