Earth 10153: Where Jerry rules...

Date: 01/06/2001
From: Recall317

...with an iron fist!

"What if you could travel between infinite universes? All of which could be simulated in the backlot of Universal Studios? Where nepotism is the way of the world? And where your dreams of becoming an Executive Producer came true? I found a way to coerce Sci-Fi to make it all happen."

Welcome to Earth 10153, where Jerry O'Connell succeeded in his power play and assumed total control of the show for Season 5. Follow Quinn, Colin, and those other two supporting actors as they face a peril even greater than the Kromagg threat - Jerry's ego.

For those of you in Season 5 withdrawal, take a look. All episodes are in an easy to swallow capsule form.

For those of you at egroups, this is Earth 005. Thanks to all over there for their feedback.



Date: 01/06/2001
From: QBall79

The finale brought a tear to my eye.


I meant to say this on egroups, but

Date: 01/07/2001
From: nole9

you posting here makes my life a bit easier.

I loved the whole 005 series. Amy fanfic that can incorperate Yogi Bear, a man-dolphin, 38 Quinns, and an all girl biker gang on a world where orange juice is $3.20 a pint, well that just about sums up his greatness.

My favorite part, just edging out the wedding, was Remmy singing over Wade's grave while the others went nuts shooting Kromags. I can picture this scene in a slow motion monatge-type scene. I laugh just thinking about it.


One question.

Date: 01/07/2001
From: dreamkitty

What effect did entering JOC's psyche have on you?


Cracked Kitty


Date: 01/08/2001
From: Recall317

I appreciate your comments and taking an interest in Earth 10153. It was a lot of fun putting together. As for getting inside the head of JOC, I enjoyed it. So much that I may feel compelled to do it again...

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Nominated by Blinker


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