the cruller...
Date: 11/06/2001
From: Recall317
...tame the donut!- Xander
[Caution: While cloaked in Buffy, this post does have SR moments]
Now THAT, my friends, is television. Buffy: the Musical struck me as
a recipe for disaster, but I was completely floored by it. I laughed,
I laughed some more, and I was thoroughly entertained.
Now I just started watching Buffy a few weeks ago on FX but I've since
become a total addict. [Ducks for cover] This show (at least its first
two seasons) is smart, funny and true to its characters. I.e., I've
found my new Sliders. We didn't get the WB out here in Maine until last
month, but our UPN affiliate has been airing Buffy since '99-00. So
it's not like I'm kicking myself for missing out: I couldn't watch it
even if I wanted to. Much as I couldn't watch the 4th and 5th seasons
of Sliders until last November. Much as I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN ALL OF
I hear the show starts to follow the Slider formula of utterly decimating
its characters by Season 5. I also hear this Dawn girl plays the role
of Colin as the "lost sibling" needed to "hold open a
gate." C'mon Joss, when you're ripping off Peckinpah, how low can
you go?
But all is redeemed temporarily with the first breakout season 6 ep.
It's extremely well written, and that's quite an accomplishment considering
its mostly in verse, and it actually pays homage to continuity. What
a concept! Referencing things that occured two, three, and five seasons
ago! It's almost like the production staff was there from the beginning...[Hey
FOX Execs, I'm talking to YOU! Imagine where Buffy would be had Whedon
been forced out in favor of our vampire lovin' writer Josef Anderson...I
shudder] And great extraneous moments. "They got the mustard out!"
Now that's comedy! And we even had a classy demon with high style points.
I lament the fact that Tormé never got a chance to push Sliders
to its potential extremes, especially in the wake of this Buffy episode.
Even in the 6th season, Buffy's creator could still produce an instant
Man, did we get screwed.
PS. 100 points to anyone who can name the movie "Respect the cruller;
tame the donut" references. Hint: it came out in 1999, and the
soundtrack is outstanding.
I nearly lost it when Xander uttered that line. Another reason this
show rocks.

addiction spreads...
Date: 11/07/2001
From: ThomasMalthus
Beginning text must be destroyed!
Woohoo!! Another "Buffy" fan on the board!!
To reply: Whoever has been informing you about Season Five is seriously
wrong. "Buffy" never approaches "Sliders"-level
shark jumping (and actually comes closest in Season Four, not Five).
People were very afraid that Dawn might be a sign the show was losing
steam, but this has been disproven time and again (at least for all
those who were willing to give Ms. Trachtenberg and Joss the benefit
of the doubt). Plus Dawn doesn't look like a duck when she runs.
The show references stuff from past seasons all the time. It's one
of the many, many things I love about it.
I claim the 100 points and cement my eternal fangeekitude by pointing
out that that line was from "Magnolia".
If you're having problems getting episodes (missed an FX rerun or something)
I've got everything from Season 3 on on tape. You're welcome to borrow
anything you'd like.
Once again, welcome to the fold.

Once More, With Feeling rocked! nt
Date: 11/07/2001
From: ThomasMalthus
Beginning text still must be destroyed!!
No topic, no topic
The text is microscopic
So why did you even look?
There was no bait on the hook
This ceaseless rhyming, I must stop it
Because I'm getting tired of this...tender embrace!

the trachenberg girl on a soapie,
Date: 11/07/2001
From: sliderseth
with Sarah Michelle Geller (called All my Children(which I`ve never
seen) which had Jack in from The Young and the Restless too) and Shannon
Doherty was going to be on. Now Sarah inviting her friends on???
Seasons 4 and 5 of sliders got continuity: The exploring of anti-gravity
in TROMB(Which goes all the way to the pilot); mentioning and showing
scenes from past episodes all the time, trying to resolve the Wade storyline,
getting back home, Tracy introduced the Kromaggs and David only trying
to expand the storyline (and does a very good job) etc.
And lots of Charactizations : Exploring Mallorys past (Easy slider,
NGFOetc ) Maggies past( TROMBetc in fact all the characters.

Points for TM
Date: 11/07/2001
From: Recall317
72 Points After Taxes
Impressive, TM, most impressive. I was really shocked to hear that line
it as it most likely went over the heads of 98% of the audience. I doubt
"Magnolia" managed to gross even $10 million and if you say
the title of the film, most people think you're talking about "Steel
Magnolias"--slightly different. ;)
Thanks for the offer on the tapes. Right now I'm just watching as they
come on FX. Two a night! But I'm not building a tape collection just
yet. I only tape when I know I won't be home. Fortunately, I wasn't
home last night and taped "Once More, with Feeling." That's
a keeper!
I'm still getting used to the S6 cast. I don't currently care for Tara
or Dawn. It seems to me they have to many regulars at the moment. Cutting
down the cast will increase focus on the storylines and keep a tighter
script. The Halloween ep was all over the place trying to give everyone
screen time. They'd have been better off just ignoring a few characters
and staying focused on the spoof. The juxtaposition of arcs just didn't

a Buffy-newbie too.
Date: 11/07/2001
From: IamBoris2001
I've just recently started watching the re-runs on FX myself. So much
great stuff was said about the show on this b-board, I had to check
it out.
I haven't been watching it all that regularly, but that which I have
seen, I must admit I have indeed been impressed by. I'm looking forward
to catching up.

Date: 11/07/2001
From: Informant
Yeah, Michelle and Sarah were on the soap together. They are good friends
in real life which is why, when Joss was looking for someone to play
Dawn, Sarah suggested Michelle. However, Michelle had to audition for
it. Sarah can't just casp people. Michelle had to prove herself as the
best choice and it's no surprise that she got it since Michelle was
an established and known actress before Buffy.
Shannen isn't going to be on the show.
And Rudolf Martin who played Dracula on the show, who played Sarah's
boyfriend on the soap was probably cast because he just played Dracula
in a big tv movie on the USA network, so it made sense to cast him there.
Sarah's been acting for almost 20 years. She has worked with a lot of
people, and it's no surprise that people she knows would pop up in some
of her other projects.
Ever hear of Kevin Bacon? There's a whole game about how you can connect
everyone in Hollywood to the guy. He's only been acting for about five
years longer than Sarah.

Buffy newbies
Date: 11/08/2001
From: Joey_Starr
to complete your initiation you must take turns flaming sliderseth.
If you have already done so in the past, you may provide a link to be
exempt. Though I know just for the hell of it that you would just the
same flame him anyway.
There now if sliderseth accuses me of "rallying the troops"
against him, at least he has something to go by.
All jokes aside, welcome to the fandom that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
We are glad to have you join us. See seth? Sliders fans and Buffy fans
CAN live in peaceful harmony!
Just another nitch in the anti-seth movement

Date: 11/08/2001
From: Joey_Starr
Shannon appearing as a guest on Buffy was nothing more than a rumor.
This had been addressed by both Sarah AND Joss a while ago.
Can seth get anything right?

said was not is!
Date: 11/09/2001
From: sliderseth
Get you past and present tenses right!!!

Whedon is a Magnolia fan
Date: 11/09/2001
From: Stax_
Exhibit A : The above line
Exhibit B: He has stated in interviews that Aimee Mann's songs were
a source of inspiration behind his own in " Once More, With Feeling
". The opening line of Aimee Mann's song " Deathly "
provided the basis for the entire Magnolia screenplay.” Wise Up
" is at the centre of the film's most heartwrenching sequence and
Aimee Mann provides 80% of the material on the Magnolia soundtrack.
That Whedon would mention any songwriting he was doing in the same
sentence as Mann is courageous .I haven't seen the episode and won't
be able to do so for some time but, unsurprisingly, from the clips I've
heard the quality of songwriting is inferior. They suffer too much from
squeezing explanatory lyrics into a melody that can't take them and
tinny singing voices. But as I've said Whedon is brave and the songs
are a strong first effort .He isn't in the business of writing songs
and the cast aren't in the business of singing so you can't really be
that harsh on them.
Recall ,if you like the Magnolia soundtrack buy,borrow or steal Bachelor
No. 2 .It COMPLETELY dwarves Mann's previous work .Not as melancholy
but more cynical and bitter ,ingredients they make just as good art
.A masterpiece in the true sense of the word .
Exhibit 3: Whedon's direction seems to have been influenced by Paul
Thomas Anderson’s. Certain shots like the rapid camera push-in
on Joyce's body, the slow zoom in on Anya during her monologue and the
Steadicam shot of the doctor walking through the halls in The Body are
clever tricks very reminiscent of Anderson.
Exhibit 4 : This may be stretching it but Anya's monologue in The Body
reminded me instantly of Julianne Moore's breakdown in the pharmacy
in Magnolia. Both original pieces in their own right but both also possess
certain similarities like inarticulate ideas and instant hysteria.
Is it scary that when Aimee Mann, Magnolia and a Joss Whedon penned
episodes of Buffy (all minor obsessions of mine) converge, if only for
2 three word lines, I should get such a kick out of it .I guess it's
somehow gratifying to see artists you admire admiring each other.
Ah well.stax

it's Mann, it must be good
Date: 11/10/2001
From: Recall317
In the beginning, there was text
I don't have Bachelor #2 yet but I'm planning on picking it up soon.
4 of the Magnolia tracks are on it so that already bodes well! Funny
thing is, I had almost given up on Mann before I picked up the "Magnolia"
soundtrack a month ago. While "Whatever" is a great piece
of work, "I'm With Stupid" did nothing for me. I had a gift
certificate so I decided to give Aimee another shot. Glad I did! That
CD has not left the machine. I even downloaded it into my computer at
It doesn't hurt that I'm a longtime fan of her husband, Michael Penn.
Pretty much everyone in that clique- Penn, Mann, Jon Brion, Fiona Apple...I
like them all. What a cool group of people they'd be to hang out with.
I'll be looking for more references in Buffy eps from now on. Maybe
even get some soundtrack action going for my boy Penn...not bloody likely,
but one can hope.
Thanks for the info!

Date: 11/11/2001
From: Brand_S
The only thing I'm in more genuine admiration of than your eye for shitty
music is your eye for good music. Aimee Mann is AWESOME! I hated "Magnolia"
with a burning crimson passion, but that soundtrack is one of the best
things I've ever heard... although sadly I still don't own it.
Although for the record, I'm also getting into Lenny Kravitz too. The
more I hear of his music, the cooler he gets. I've even gotten to the
point where I recognize members of his backing band!
As for the shitty music, I'll go get the Air Supply albums...

yo' face !
Date: 11/11/2001
From: Stax_
Magnolia was genius .
The ambition ,the audacity ,the originality .I find it very hard to
argue for Magnolia without insulting the intelligence of everyone who
disliked it so I'll just quit with this three line anecdote .
Magnolia provided me the impetus to purchase a DVD machine .I wanted
it just so I could buy and watch the Magnolia DVD box set .It was THAT
good .
But Brand_S I can forgive you this considerable character flaw .You
like Aimee Mann .I know I'm preaching to the converted but her magic
doesn't lie solely in her near perfect melodies but also in her lyrics
.They ooze intelligence .She has peppered her songs with references
to the works of Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald and
Daniel Clowes ,all writers that share her cyniscism and humanity .
I really like "I'm With Stupid " from what I've heard .It's
practically unattainable in Ireland and I shy away from internet sites
you can order on .And I'm not saying that in a crazed Farscape fan kind
of way ,I thought "Whatever" was only okay .But "4th
of July" ...
Get Bachelor No. 2 please .For your own sake .stax

Date: 11/11/2001
From: Stax_
Of "You Do","Driving Sideways","Deathly"
and the acoustic version of "Nothing is Good Enough" ,the
4 Magnolia tracks on Bachelor No. 2, only "Deathly" still
dazzles in it's surrounds ."Nothing is Good Enough" is definitly
improved upon within the addition of lyrics .
And to bring the clique full circle Paul Thomas Anderson ,the writer/director
of Magnolia ,is Fiona Apple's boyfriend .stax

of Falling Frogs
Date: 11/12/2001
From: Recall317
They're heavier than they look!
I can't give "Magnolia" rave reviews. I agree with you on
the ambition and audacity, but it didn't fully execute. Now granted,
I've only seen the film once so I may have missed a lot of the subtleties,
but it didn't tie together in a way that left me satisfied. At moments,
particularly when the quiz show is underway and the action is picking
up from all sides, I thought the movie would deliver. But then it didn't
stop. It went on for an additional hour and in my opinion, didn't need
to. And that's my criticism of PT Anderson. He needs an editor. "Boogie
Nights" was doing a great job until it refused to end.
Now Anderson is a fine talent and clearly many actors can see this.
You don't get Tom Cruise in a film unlikely to gross $10 million unless
he adores the script. But it seemed "Magnolia" was a three
hour homage to "Wise Up". It literally felt tailored to a
four minute song. But it didn't end! And I didn't see how the end of
the film related to the beginning of the film. Where is the irony in
a rain of frogs? As touching as this film is, I needed more from the
plot. (I can hear Tigs banging her head against her desk in frustration
with me right now.)
Unlike S, I don't have a burning hatred of the film, but I can see
where his frustration lies. And we do all agree that the soundtrack
is phenominal. :)

the thing about Magnolia is...
Date: 11/12/2001
From: Brand_S
Tom Cruise's role REALLY REALLY made me want to punch him in the face.
This is compounded by the fact that I watched this movie with my sister...
my LOUD, RADICAL FEMINIST sister... as well as my right-wing, uber-prude
But what frustrated me was that the story wasn't as interconnected
as I would've liked. It would have been great if the nine main characters
and their storylines all converged into one at the end, but instead
the only thing connecting them were frogs falling from the sky.
But there were some great touches, like the Ronald Opus-based thing
at the beginning and that painting that read "But it did happen..."
(which presumably was supposed to foreshadow the frogs), but I guess
I was just looking for something completely different when I watched
it. And I couldn't agree with Recall more when he said that the film
just wouldn't end.
As I see it, some films are like Enya songs. They can be extremely
good while being short and concise... even IF I always associate Enya
in my writings with running gags about "Aunt (Orinoco) Flo."
I just wish I could think off the top of my head of any good dramas
that were less than 3 hours long. Damn you, Dances With Wolves, JFK,
and Saving Private Ryan!
And Stax_, what are you mad at ME for? You're the lucky one. You live
in Ireland. Ireland has EVERYTHING! Do you know what I would give to
live in the same country as U2 or the Cranberries or... okay, just U2
and the Cranberries, but the point is, you're still part of the only
people who can actually keep track of Dolores O'Ridian's ever-changing
hairstyle, and you are at the birthplace of natural red hair as well!
I call that LUCK... unless you're like one of my offline friends, whose
dad is from the Protestant part of Ireland and mom from the Catholic
part of Ireland; in that case, I would suggest moving here if I were

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