Question awnsered by Mr. Torme >>

Date: 02/29/2000
From: Sheridan220

Hi all

I emailed Mr. Torme tonight and asked him, how and why he came up with the name SLIDERS, here is the reply:

"The answer to your question is pretty simple - our charectors "Slide" between Earths that exist in different dimensions. Thus, Sliders. Why would we choose anyting else?
til we talk again... Tracy"

finally, an awnser.

With regards
Sheridan220 -
Sliders: AWB -

LOL! (end)

Date: 02/29/2000
From: QBall79


What the hell?

Date: 02/29/2000
From: JorgeCis

Tracy Torme=Bill Clinton ?

They both answer questions without really answering them. ;-)


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Nominated by Blinker


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