my lit'l songs." (Buffy Related)
Date: 09/28/2002
From: SL4ever
I’ve had little time this week so this is my first chance to talk
about Buffy. First of all, how great is the new CD? :-P~~~~~~~~~~~ I’m
annoyed that they didn’t include any spoken dialogue, but the
sound quality and extra song snippets not heard clearly in the episode
make up for it. I get the idea that the cast recorded the songs in the
studio and then lipsynced to those tracks during the filming, adding
their spoken dialogue in at that point. If that is true and the studio
recordings (recorded as I said before the spoken dialogue) were used
... that would explain this lacking on the CD. In any case, the CD is
“Lessons” was just as good, especially as Recall said the
final couple minutes. If this is going to be the last season of Buffy
it looks to me like we’re going to have our baddest assed villain
of them all! And not only a badass but a tool through which any previous
character can be brought back, as we saw last week. Historical figures
can be slipped in (is that Humphrey Bogart lookalike actor still alive?)
for humor or metaphor. Trust can became a major issue because you could
never be sure who is really on your doorstep. Seeing Buffy fight herself
would also be interesting. Seeing her fight her mother even moreso.
As would her fighting John Ritter again. The possibilities are endless.
Assuming that what was saw was not all in Spike’s mind. We have
no proof yet that anyone else can see these manifestations. If it IS
all in Spike’s mind then Spike is this season’s badass,
even if he doesn’t know it yet.
This whole Dawn the Vampire Slayer spinoff idea is interesting and
I would definitely watch it, even if her two annoying friends are in
it. But I don’t think it will happen. Unlike Chris Carter, Joss
has always been faithful to the mythology. The long established mythology
is that Slayers are not linked by bloodline. Not only is there not a
blood link, there isn’t even a geographical link. One will be
in China, the next in Africa, the next in LA, the next in the Caribbean,
the next wherever. I’ve always gotten the idea that being the
Slayer’s sister would doom your chances of ever being the Chosen
One rather than enhance them.
In addition, Dawn wasn’t even born human. Because they could
explain her becoming the Slayer by using her Key past but to me that
alone makes it impossible for her to be a Slayer.
A Dawn spinoff series would work a lot better if they don’t try
to make her a Slayer and just do something else with her. On the other
hand, if anyone could think of a loophole it’d be Joss, eh?
Which brings me to Kit and Carlos. (that’s their names, right?
I was so irritated with them that I didn’t get properly introduced)
I have this fellow Buffy fan friend who is convinced that they’re
the setup for a Dawn spinoff (or series continuation if SMG leaves).
Of course, he also thinks that EVERY time an actor leaves any series
it is because they wanted more money or wanted to do movies. It can
never be an artistic decision. He’s a the most cynical TV watcher
I’ve ever met.
Anyway, I don’t see it that way at all. The whole theme for this
ep and this season is “back to the beginning.” Dawn represents
Buffy (the real and only reason that I think she’s training for
Vamp slayage), Carlos represents Xander, and Kit represents Willow.
Obvious, yeah, but it’s supposed to be. If Joss were really grooming
replacements he would riff on the originals, not copy them so obviously.
He’d have two guy friends, or two girl friends, or three friends,
or one of the friends be blind or deaf or something. No, the point is
those three represent the circle of life. The next generation. Not cheesy
spinoff setup.
So I agree with the comments that those two friends are going to remain
on the periphery.
So, we had the monster countdown. Recall mentioned his two favorite
villains. Who is your favorite villain? Mine is Dru because she is really
really creepy. The actress who plays her is brilliant. I like all of
them but she beats out the Master by a nose.
Least favorite of course is the Annoying One. :-)
PS. About Dawn's age, didn't she say in the Musical last year that
she was 15? That would jib with her being 16 now.

must be a sophomore
Date: 09/28/2002
From: Recall317
There were contradictory references inside of the episode. Dawn says
this is her first day of high school, but Buffy says she's got 3 years
left. Seeing as Dawn is 16, she should at least be a sophomore.
Sunnydale may have had a school structure where freshman (Grade 9)
are still housed at the middle school. Considering Sunnydale High had
been destroyed, it makes it all the more plausible.
As to Spike, the evil does appear visible to just him, implying it
may be in his head. When Buffy finds him, Spike says it's just the 3
of us. Granted, Spike was rambling like a loon, but I think the big
evil was in there the entire time.
We'll learn more on Tuesday!

Date: 09/29/2002
From: ThomasMalthus
BT was always a worthless layabout.
Have you made it through Season Three yet, SL? If not, you should definitely
check out "Amends", if what I believe (and what Hunter's been
preaching at us for oh so many years now) is true, it should shed some
light on the morphing bad guy situation. That said, I should point out
that my favorite Big Bad is the Mayor. I still think he was the most
dangerous of the Big Bads, and the most humorous. What more could you
ask for?
Agree about Dawn's friends: there's too many strong characters to work
with on this show for Joss and crew to waste time on the bland twins.
I think they're just a solution to the complaint that Dawn has no friends
outside of Buffy and the Scooby Gang. Of course, only time will tell.
A Dawn spinoff? Well, I'd watch too, but only assuming that the strong
ensemble stays as well. Trachtenberg has talent, but I don't think she's
good enough to sustain a show of this caliber without Hannigan, Marsters,
Brendon and Caulfield, with ASH continuing in his recurring role, naturally.
But I still think if they're going to make future seasons of this show
(and not a new show) that SMG should have some part in it. The great
ensemble aside, it is her show. If that's not going to be the case,
I'd just as soon see it end after this year.
Recall: I thought middle schools were for grades 6-8 and junior highs
were for grades 7-9. That's the way things are around here anyway. At
any rate, I agree with your Dawn's-a-sophomore assessment, although
it does seem to me like more of the Scoobs have summer birthdays than
statistical probability would allow.

a Buffy fan too.
Date: 09/29/2002
From: DexterGoad
I think it's a shame that Buffy will probably end after this season.
I doubt they will continue it without SMG. Unless she agrees to come
back, and come back for a good price, it's the end of Buffy after this
season. Though Buffy enoyed a lengthy run, and one without all the changes
which plagued Sliders during it's run.

Date: 09/29/2002
From: Stax_
She mightn't have the complexity of Holtz, the charisma of Angelus,
the wit of Spike or the sympathetic nature of Darla but she came DAMN
close on all accounts. Faith, in my eyes, is the single greatest thing
ME has ever done.
And you're right about the lip syncing.stax

informed reply...
Date: 09/29/2002
From: Informant
Get it? Informed... because I'm Informant! hehe, I crack myself up.
Okay, replying to what I remember.
Yes, the songs were recorded and then played back for the actors to
mouth to as they filmed the episode. This is how musicals have always
been made, best I can tell. Though I do remember one actor who sang
live way back when, and microphones weren't small back then. Provided
all sorts of laughs.
The CD is great. "Under Your Spell" isn't cut off suddenly,
which makes me happy. And I learned that Marti Noxon wasn't wearing
any underwear, which was way too much info, but it explained why she's
on leave now ;-)
As for the Dawn spinoff, it's still in question. They're not sure what's
happening yet, and they're just working this story because it fits the
story, not to set anything up. Marti just said all of this in an interview.
SMG hasn't said no to returning yet, but she might want to at least
cut back on her role. So if the show goes on, which the writers promise
not to do unless they have the same type of ideas that they always do,
it could involve Dawn, or even Faith, according to Marti. They're just
not at the point where they're deciding anything yet. (though if I had
to vote, I'd hope for SMG in at least 16 episodes, with Faith playing
a major role. I don't want Buffy to become Mulder)
I guess they'd have to talk to Eliza about that. They haven't yet though.
If Dawn does go all fighter-chick, it shouldn't be Slayer involved,
in my opinion. In season 5, it was said that the monks kept the Key
around because it was a lot of energy that they wanted to harness, but
they couldn't. So in the end, they were forced to create Dawn just to
keep it out of Glory's hands. Now, in my opinion, Dawn could be like
a lense. Bring that energy into focus, and use it (though, I'm hoping
more in a brainy, easy to learn things kind of way, not a shooting beams
of light out of her hands, and having super strength ind of way). Her
spinoff should be called "The Key", not "The Other Slayer
Named Summers".
As for the baddie, I agree with those who say it's the First. I've
always known the First would play a huge role at some point (see my
Buffy movie script, written a couple years back). It'll be interesting
to see how this is handled if it is. How can you beat the First evil?
My idea is that Buffy, the slayer, has the power within her to beat
that evil. The slayer is made to counter the evil of the world, so if
she can fully realize the power she holds within her, and the nature
of the Slayer, she will be able to beat the First. (there are all sorts
of things that link "Amends" to "Lessons", which
is why I strongly believe it's the First)
I don't think it was in Spike's head. Mostly because the Mayor was
there. Unless it happened off camera, Spike never met the Mayor knew
about Spike, but I don't think they ever actually met. There would be
no reason for Spike to make him part of his mental trip. Plus, this
all fits with the First's pattern of manipulating people in this way
to get what it wants from them. Like it did with Angel in "Amends".
PLEASE let it come back as Jenny again!!! Better still, let Jenny just
come back. I can look past the continuity flaw of her being dead. I
just miss her.
Wouldn't suck to see someone at least mention Kendra or Jesse again
I don't think Dawn's friends were too much like Willow and Xander.
One boy, one girl. That much is the same. But personalities (or lack
thereof in his case) were different. I'll give them some time to get
into the roles. I've given others a while in the past. Willow still
sounds funny to me when I watch season 1 episodes. And Angel... I'm
still hoping David Boreanaz finds the character soon.
I don't know that I have a favorite baddie from the morphing scene.
I liked seeing Glory again. The Mayor made me all kinds of happy. And
Dru was a really great surprise, though I want to see the REAL Drusilla
again. But really, I liked seeing them all.
What do you think of Willow? She was breaking some rules, but she seems
to be getting better. I wonder how much power she still has though.
She made the flower come through the earth, but then again, she said
"I don't think I have that much power" at one point. So I
wonder if she's lost some of it.

the end, there can be only three!
Date: 09/29/2002
From: SL4ever
BT is a three party moron!!!
I forgot about Spike's "three" reference! I remember at the
time I was like "WTF?" but then things started popping and
I lost track of that. Which is a good argument for Buffy not jumping
his >:-# about that. That and the fact that he was loony as you said.
Still, it'll be interesting if she asks him about it Tuesday.
Where I grew up I was fortunate to have only two kinds of schools,
elementary (1-8) and High School (9-12). This whole thing of changing
schools every couple years is tedious so I’m glad I missed it.
But I’ve heard that now they have it elementary (1-6), Middle
School (7-8), and High School (9-12). I’ve always heard that Middle
School and Junior High were the same thing only those names were used
in different parts of the country. So you’re saying that in some
parts kids now have to go to FOUR different schools? Jesus.
Anyway, I think you and Recall are right about Dawn's age.
That’s a good point about so many of the Scoobs being born in
the summer, but it makes sense actually. People born in the summer are
almost always extremely cool. >:-P All the Scoobs are, so it makes
perfect sense to me. >:-D
I don’t think that Willow is breaking the rules by using magic.
(or did you mean not attending class or whatever she had skipped which
prompted Giles to look for her?) Giles said that the coven said the
magic is a part of her and that it always would be. That implies that
going cold turkey was the worst thing she could have done. She needs
to find a way to control it. That requires using it. If she uses it
all the time and learns to control it she might be able to prevent what
happened last time from ever happening again. Not using it, while demonstrating
her gallant self control, was just running away. You can run away for
a while but your demons will always catch up to you in the end. Willow
has to face this and overcome it. This is all speculation, but that’s
what I got from her being in England and learning from the coven.
That’s a very good point about Spike never meeting the mayor,
this is a big argument in favor of it not all being in his head.
So what does everyone make of Adam referring to Spike as “Number
17” instead of “Hostile 17” as the real Adam (and
the Initiative) always said? Does it mean that Spike is no longer a
threat to anyone?
I haven’t seen “Amends” yet but it’s jumped
to the top of my list with what you all have said! :-P~~~~~~~~~

Date: 09/29/2002
From: Informant
I think Dawn's 16. Joss said she's now the same age Buffy was when the
show started, so that would mean 16. Plus, Buffy asked the principal
if he wanted to suspend Dawn for three years. I'm guessing the lack
of a Sunnydale High caused some sort of confusion in the system there.
Poor Dawn. You know she was working all summer on some of those lines
she used in class, just setting herself up to be one of the cool kids,
and then she has to go and look all crazy.
Willow was skipping her lesson. But at the same time, she was also
causing a flower that didn't belong there to grow. Meaning, she was
still breaking the rules of nature by bringing the flower through the
earth. She has to learn to respect the rules more. She's doing better,
but she has a long way to go still.
When they were talking about the coven fearing her, she used a line
like "I don't think I have that much power". So I think that,
while she still has some, she doesn't have the power she had at the
end of last year. The dark magic, or the magic that Giles dosed her
with (I'm guessing the other witches would want that back). As for the
rest... All I want is for her to be Willow again. Plain old Willow who
doesn't shoot things out of parts of her body (did that sound gross
or what?). The magic was all about running away from who she was. So
I really wanted her to lose it.
But I think that if that is to happen, it will take time. Like you said,
she can't run away from the problem, but I don't want her to be super
Willow anymore. Maybe, as life goes on, the power she had will fade
as she finds her real power. The magic was always fake power for her.
If she does keep using magic, I hope she uses it as much as Tara did
in season 6.
Not sure about the thing with Adam calling him "number 17".
Could be like you said. Or could be that Adam never saw Spike as hostile
toward him.

I have to wait for it!
Date: 09/30/2002
From: Slider_Sarah
That's not fair! But at least I have cable this year! Last year I had
to get my sister back home to tape it for me off Sky, but cable will
do, even if it ain't as good!
I didn't realise that you had two schools as well, SL! Over here, for
the most part, we have Three, but I was unusual and only had 2. But
only because my Infant and Junior schools were merged, But it still
helped. For the most part our systems here are:
11-16/18 cos after 16 school is optional.
And sometimes the first two are really the same school anyway. There
is some that have lower, middle and high schools, but only in certain
areas of the country. I don't see the point in changing so often either!
I've only skimmed the comments, not having actually seen the episode
yet (anyone know when it will come over here?)
I aways assumed they lipsynched to a pre-recorded track. I thought
that was just the way it was always done so never even thought about
I do remember reading stuff where Joss was asked about a Faith spin-off.
He said that if it did happen, it would be a very different thing from
Buffy just because she is a MUCH darker character (I think she's fantastic
though! My fave villain! And one of my housemates isobsessed with ehr)
I think I've heard him talk about a potential Dawn spin-off too, but
I don't remember what he said and I don't have my sister's magazines
to hand.

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