Eusti's note: This was the 1st post of SL4ever's MSTing of Requiem. The remaining parts can be found on Blinker's Gate Haven.
Requiem MSTied 1

Date: 2/1/2001
From: SL4ever

Timmy Big Hands: It smells like an ogre in here!

<SL4ever doesn’t say anything. He can be seen doing something in the corner. Henry The Wonder Dog is lounging on his back across four theater seats, exposing his tummy.>

HTWD: Yeah, it was ugly. I was sleeping up front here and a bunch of people from the Story Game Wing shoved him through the door. Later they let him out. He seemed like a nice sort except for the Kari CD he had. Blech.

TBH <indicating SL4> : What’s his deal?

HTWD: Oh, he heard a rumor that the Tourney is back on so he’s applying his war paint.

TBH: Oh Jesus God Almighty. He’s taking this Spacetime vendetta a little too far isn’t he?

HTWD: What the hell did Spacetime do to him? I’ve never seen him this way. His whole mission in life has become crushing ST on the flaming field.

TBH: You don’t know what Spacetime said about SL4ever a couple months back???? Man, where have you been?

SL4: <maniacal laughter as he applies the paint.>

TBH: Hey SL! Come on, boy, Requiem is about to start!

SL4 <putting battleax and war paint aside.> Smeg. Okay, I guess I’ll rip into this horrid ep while I’m waiting for the next round. I wanted to wait until after the tourney so that these posts can’t be used against me.

TBH: Bring it on. If your opponent tries to jump ugly with us, Henry and I’ll get involved and NO ONE wants that to happen! >:-D

HTWD: Yeah, don’t worry about that. I trust your ability to defend the horrible things we’re getting ready to say about this wretched episode.

Torch <peeking in from the hallways door> : Will you get on with it!?!?!

<The Sliders are walking together in a beautiful park, with Remmy trailing a little.>

SL4: Always with the parks on Sliders. Could we just once have a No Park World?

Diana: “I wish we could stay here forever.”

SL4: Aren’t we the little genius? All you have to do is not jump into the vortex and you can stay here forever. Sheesh.

Mallory: “After two weeks, the peace and quiet would drive you crazy.”

TBH: What if we’re already insane from your whiny voice and your appalling attempts at wit?

Maggie <checking timer> : “Not to worry. We leave in the morning.”

HTWD: Leave it to Maggie to bring everyone back down.

Remmy <holding a handful for flowers he’s picked.> : “Um, smell these.”

TBH <mimicking Remmy> : They make you higher than Keith Richards on his birthday! I love this world!

Diana: “Sure beats the toxic smog on the last world.”

SL4: If it was toxic, wouldn’t it have killed you? Where did they dig up this brainiac?

<Remmy takes a deep breath and starts coughing.>

TBH: That’s a stirring endorsement for how those stupid flowers smell! Take another whiff, Remmy.

Maggie: “You okay?”

HTWD: Yeah, I’ll be fine. I would suggest you stop applying your whorehouse perfume with a fire hose, though.

Remmy: “It’s a good thing we left that world when we did. The air there nearly did me in.”

SL4: WE GET IT! Yes, yes, we’re aware that you’re trying to suggest the passage of time between this ep and the previous ep by mentioning worlds we haven’t seen. We get it!

Remmy <embarrassed because he is the only one it bothered this badly> : “Must be my hay fever acting up.”

TBH: Good ole hay fever! That little excuse has covered up everything from drug use to smoking to chair sniffing.

Maggie: “You look tired Remmy.”

HTWD: That’s just a polite way to tell someone they look like >:-#

Remmy: “No, I’m fine.”

SL4: No, actually she’s right. You do look like >:-#

Diana <punching some keys on the paddle> : “As for this new world, there, data and coordinates logged and stored.”

TBH <sounding like a five year old Mallory> : Awww! When does someone else get to play with the PDL??? Waaaah!

Diana: “Now what should we call this place? … Pleasant world?”

HTWD: Oh, that was thoughtful. She’s intelligent AND creative! If only she had Colin’s charm she would be the perfect replacement for him!

Mallory: “How about Empty World? As in no one’s home.”

SL4: How about you not steal the name of one of my :-#-ing fan fiction stories???

Remmy: “I vote for Paradise World. But if a snake offers you an apple, just say no.”

TBH: And if you had “just said no” Remmy, you wouldn’t have been reduced to uttering puerile lines like this all season long.

Diana: “There’s a thought. This could be a world where humans haven’t evolved.”

HTWD: That would make the dogs the rulers! Woo Hoo!!!

Mallory <gesturing to the path and pond> : “All this didn’t just happen, somebody made it.”

SL4 <buries head in hands> :You know Diana, when a retard like Mallory debunks your theory of no evolved life by pointing out PAVEMENT YOU’RE STANDING ON ... I really think it is time we investigate the people who gave you a PHD.

Maggie: “Yeah, but who?”

TBH: People who got tired of grass stains on their Dr. Martins, I would assume.

<Remmy staggers as if hit a mortal blow. The others react in shock.>

HTWD: Uh-oh. Flower sniffing overdose can get ugly! Somebody call the paramedics!

<Scene change to Remmy standing alone in a swirling void.>

SL4: Wow, this is cool. I’ll see you guys later, I’m going to the flower shop.

Remmy: “Maggie? Mallory? Diana?”

TBH: Yes Alex, the question is, ‘who are three no-talent loser replacements for the REAL Sliders?’

Remmy: “What the hell is this place?”

HTWD: This is Flowertopia. Just go with it, Remmy. Flap your arms and fly as if you were supported by rose petals.

Remmy <reacting to a spectral light appearing in front of him> : “Man, now what?”

SL4: Uh-oh. I think he got a bad blossom. This could turn into a bad trip!

<From Remmy’s point of view we see a female human figure back lit so intensely we can’t make out any features.>

TBH <voice of Remmy> : Damn. I heard Britney Spears was a star, but I didn’t know they meant literally!

<Scene change to the garden world where Remmy is on his knees staring ahead of him with a glazed look. The others are around him, looking concerned.>

HTWD: Look honey! I told you when Robert Guillaume quit his role on Soap he would wind up stoned and homeless in the park! Serves him right! Just walk past him, don’t stop!

<Suddenly Remmy takes on a very surprised look of recognition.> : “Wade?”

Diana: “Who’s Wade?”

SL4: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most disgraceful line of dialogue in the entire series. After so long with Remmy and Maggie, Diana has never heard of Wade. >:-#

Maggie: “Someone we lost a long time ago.”

TBH: You didn’t lose her, you >:-#. You were GLAD she was booted of the show!

To be continued ...


Date: 2/1/2001
From: Blinker

SL4 <buries head in hands>: You know Diana, when a retard like Mallory debunks your theory of no evolved life by pointing out the PAVEMENT YOU’RE STANDING ON ... I really think it's time we investigate the people who gave you a PHD.

This is going to be a fun instalment indeed...

TBH: You don’t know what SpaceTime said about SL4ever a couple months back???? Man, where have you been?

Well, I can extrapolate. Is it anything like what he said about ThomasMalthus, HunterD, Tigs, TemptressInfinity, Informant, TemporalFlux, QBall79......

- Blinker 7:-P

Oh, goody, another MSTied ep

Date: 2/1/2001
From: SouthernSlider

But you just HAD to diss my Colin, didn't you. Shame, shame, shame.

You are in rare form with this one already.


'Bout f:<)in' time

Date: 2/1/2001
From: Recall317

Oh yeah...I've been waiting for one of these for months...

Starting February off the right way! Go SL4ever!


Remmy: “Maggie? Mallory? Diana?”

TBH: Yes Alex, the question is, ‘who are three no-talent loser replacements for the REAL Sliders?’



Woo hoo!

Date: 2/2/2001
From: EustiSlider

Now here's an episode that was just begging to be MST'd. We'll have to find a script for Slither or The Breeder to top this.


Bwhahaha >>>

Date: 2/2/2001
From: vortex62

Good stuff :). I must go smell the flowers now...


Double Woo hoo!!

Date: 2/2/2001
From: ThomasMalthus

Yes!!!!! <TM pumps fist in the air while tearing up pictures of Maggie, which is harder than it sounds>

SL's riffing again!! All's right with the world!


The MSTing Returns. :-) Bwahahaha

Date: 2/2/2001
From: dellyone

Remmy <embarrassed because he is the only one it bothered this badly> : “Must be my hay fever acting up.”

TBH: Good ole hay fever! That little excuse has covered up everything from drug use to smoking to chair sniffing.

Where in the five years did Remmy ever have hay fever? ROFLMAO.

Good one to rip, SL4. Waiting for the next part.


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Nominated by EustiSlider


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