Penetrating, Action!
Date: 2/19/99
From: SL4ever
That is what the first three seasons of Sliders featured! (What did
you think I was talking about???) As well as awesome charactor chemistry
between the 4 original members, humor large and small (Hilary for Prez,
anyone?), and Remmy actually singing and/or crying.
So, let's have it, folks! Since it appears that the Sci-Fi channel
is running all the old eps, in order, in the old Star Trek time slot
(could that hideous dinosaur get out of the way quick enough? NO!),
I have a question. Which ep are you most anticipating seeing again,
or seeing for the first time because you have heard so much about it.
I am not really asking for your favorite ep, because there are 3 or
4 eps that are always mentioned and we all know what they are, especially
the pilot. I am more asking which ep can you not wait to see again or
for the first time, and why?
Personally, I want to see the ep (I can't remember the name) where
Wade is BAD! She has a double who is so BAD! I love it. Nothing better
for me than Sabrina Lloyd anyway. But a BAD Sabrina Lloyd! :-P I can't
stand it! Another one I can't wait to see again is the ep involving
the Dream Masters. I only saw the first 15 minutes of that, and then
I had to go somewhere, and I NEVER got a chance to see it again. I was
soooo pissed. I am dying to see the rest of it and bury my traumatic
post for good. :-)
Well, there are my thoughts on it. What are yours?
PS. The first person that mentions you-know-what is going to be flamed
back to the stone age. This is a you-know-what free zone! :-)

1 and 2
Date: 2/19/99
From: season3survivor
I think I will look foreward to all episodes from seasons 1 and 2.
I don't know if I can narrow it down to one episode.

Date: 2/19/99
From: OzSlider
...the TEN network (here in Australia) still had the rights to season
one and two.
Episodes that I would like to see again (if one had the chance)includes
Last Days, Love Gods, Time and again world, Invasion , ... well come
to think of it, all episodes from one and two.
"Love Gods" was a particularly fun episode when the sliders
landed in a world where most of the male population had been wiped out
by a virus which was released by a middle east country. Due to Australia
being so far away not all of its male population were eradicated. Hence
it was the male Aussies who were elevated to the status of Love Gods.
Along with Quinn, Remmie and the Prof the Australian men were kept in
a sexual slave labour camp...their job to repopulate the industrial
world. (I'm out of breath just thinking about this...)
I also remember the dreadful Australian accent of the Canadian female
"Stoker" from season 3 never aired, so I would naturally
wish to see that episode.
As for Wade being bad, she had a bad double in Season Three's "Double
Cross". That was the episode with Logan St Claire. They kidnapped
the real Wade and replaced her with the bad version.
As for the "Dream Masters" I would be happy with just the
first 15 minutes... it was pretty bad.

know I
Date: 2/19/99
From: spaz119
would have to come in here to post!! I really want
(ahem) to see the pilot again. I haven't seen any of the first 3 seasons
since they first aired and so I am thrilled they are finally rerunning.
If they have to put on reruns, let these be the ones!!
See, spaz can be civil. (Grrrrrrrr)

love that name!
Date: 2/19/99
From: SL4ever
season3survivor that is. What a clever handle! A long suffering Sliders
fan like myself and many others on this board immediately understand
your torment. :-)
Fine, Oz, just shatter my dream of seeing the rest of Dream Masters.
:-) Actually, I had not remembered it being a season 3 trainwreck. Hmmm.
Selective memory, I guess. As for the BAD Wade, I remember now the one
you are talking about. I was thinking of the one where there is a dead
Quinn floating in a pool at the beginning of the ep. That was not the
Logan ep, I don't think. But, like Spatz, I have not seen the first
three seasons since they first aired.
Speaking of whom, :-O I am proud of you! You actually made it through
an entire reply without one vomit-inducing reference! Very good! <pats
her head> Thanx. :-)

Date: 2/19/99
From: Poolboy19
Actually, the ep you mentioned with Quinn's double floating in a pool
was titled, "The Young and the Relentless", which is an episode
I particularily like. I hope you all get your episode wishes during
the scope of the reruns!
Have a gr8 Day!
thinking of...
Date: 2/19/99
From: DarkMite
The eps. where Wade is soooo incredibly "naughty" is "The
Young & the Relentless". Not to be rude, but just about EVERY
season 3 episode sucks to high heaven!! Double Cross, The Guardian and
maybe 3 (at the most) are the only good S3 shows and the sad part is
Dream Masters is the WORST of the lot. I can't believe that FOX actually
went out of its way to rip off other movies (& did it poorly too).
There is my 2 cents & I didn't even mention any head gear!
Date: 2/19/99
From: SouthernSlider
to see "Love Gods" again. (wonder why?) I remember it being
one of my favorites. There are several I never saw from season 1 and
2, so it's so exciting to know they are returning. I would especially
like to see the one with Logan St. Clair. I never saw it or don't remember
it if I did (would I not remember it if I had seen it?), but a lot of
people talk about it and it was mentioned on "Lipstisch(?) Live",
so I am really interested in that one.
Date: 2/19/99
From: Robin14334
I never saw it, I started watching later in the season, and I'd really
like to see the first episode. Actually, I'd like to see the first several
episodes. With the exception of Fever, I didn't see any episodes until
Eggheads, I think it was.
P.S. Hey I wonder what Sabrina Lloyd would look like in a b... nevermind.
: )
Date: 2/19/99
From: Mychand
Being that I have NEVER seen any of the first three seasons I would
be happy to see any ep they want to show. Of course, I think I really
want to see the pilot!! Thank goodness I'm getting the chance...FINALLY!!!
Mychand :o)
for you !
Date: 2/19/99
From: Slider142
I was one of those who watched every new unique show that premieres,
so I saw the whole three seasons on Fox . I only missed one episode,
Invasion, I hope SciFi gets that far... Also, I'd love to see any of
the classic episodes over again, somehow they have a different feel
to these sterile 4th season eps .
love to see the old episodes again!
Date: 2/19/99
From: SupremeTrekker
Sliders was a kick-@$$ show in the beginning, I would definitely love
to watch (and tape) all the old episodes. I loved the original cast
and the premise... but unfortunately those things are in the past...
Da Trekker
Pilot, of course...
Date: 2/20/99
From: lastslider
as well as Fever, Last Days, Love Gods, The Weaker Sex, The King Is
Back, The Prince of Wails, In Dino Veritas, Gillian of The Spirits,
Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome, Time Again and World, Obsession, Invasion,
Luck of The Draw, Into The Mystic, Rules of The Game, Double Cross,
The Guardian, Dream Masters (I actually LIKED that one, alot), Dead
Man Sliding, The Prince of Slides, Murder Most Foul, and, I hate to
say it, but Stoker... one of the few horror-movie ripoffs at the end
of season three that I liked.
How's that for a list? :)
keep sliding!
*who better remember to pick up ALOT of blank tapes in time for March...*
Date: 2/20/99
From: SciFiWatcher
I missed this episode the first time around, and I've hear so much
talk about it. That's the one I want to see. I hear Quinn and Wade kiss
in that episode.
is this starting?
Date: 2/20/99
From: QBall79
I can't wait to see (and tape) the Pilot (of course), along with eps
like Last Days and Gillian of the Spirits, and all the other Season
1 and 2 eps I missed. I started watching the show at Luck of the Draw,
and was left hanging until Season 2, and I missed a lot of Season 2
also because I worked, and my family forgot to tape eps for me. Needless
to say, I will do all I can to tape these classic episodes. By the way,
a provacative title!
Date: 2/20/99
From: Boof
You definately got my attention with that. Mine would have to be, well,
all of them. Mostly though, I really would like to see Gillian of the
Sprits again. It was the one where Quinn was on a different plain than
the others. The only one that could see him was a little girl. The very
close second one I would like to see is the one where his double is
a girl. Can't remember the name.
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