POLL: Who wants to go down the chute?
Date: 03/30/2000
I must admittedly pay homage to Slider_Sarah for this post, as I got the idea for the title of this post after reading her hilarious review of "Please Press One" on her website. =) (if you haven't already, you should go check out Slider_Sarah's "Season 5 Opinions" page; they're awesome!)
Okay, so this post is only *KIND OF* a poll, kind of my ranting about "Please Press One"
Here's my poll question:
Remember that chute that Remmy, Mallory, Diana, and Arlo slid down in order to get inside of Data Universal? Who here would have liked to take a "ride" down that slide?
Now onto the ranting...
For me, "Please Press One" was the second-worst episode of S5 (only "Easy Slider" was worse). Did anyone notice that FOUR of the episodes in the 5th season involved Maggie getting kidnapped in some form ("Please Press One", "A Current Affair", "The Return of Maggie Beckett", "A Thousand Deaths")
I still can't believe what a complete IDIOT Maggie was in this episode! (okay, so she was even dumber in "Slither", but still...)
Why did she stay by the vending machines after they scanned her? Didn't Maggie realize that something odd was going on, and that she and the others should get out of there quickly.
Then I thought all the interaction between Maggie and Guy seemed a bit over-the-top. Maggie didn't even seem scared that she was trapped inside Data Universal and might miss the slide!
And why would Maggie be stupid enough to sit in that chair while she was talking to Guy? She should have noticed the cuffs on the chair, especially after that gizmo from "Net Worth" (by the way, did anyone notice that the chair from "Please Press One" was the same one they used in "Net Worth"?)
Maggie should have especially known to jump out of the chair as soon as Guy mentioned the phrase "mind scan". But no, she just sat there like an imbecile even though she didn't know what the Data Universal people were capable of!
In the waiting room with the Refusers, James said he had been there for 6 years - - how did he and the other Refusers bathe, or get exercise, or even go to the bathroom? Sure, they got their meals delivered to them through a chute, but where were they supposed to clense themselves (we aren't seriously supposed to believe that they just sat around in the waiting room for years on end and neglected their hygiene?)
And if Guy was a computer, how was he even able to think for himself independently (which he began doing near the end, where he snuck behind Sector Control's authority) or develop feelings of friendship for Maggie?
Can someone tell me why Mallory, Remmy, Diana, and Arlo each screamed as they slid down the chute? That was a bit dumb. Come on, it couldn't have been THAT exciting for them!
Is it just me, or did those little overseers kind of remind you all of the DRDs from FARSCAPE. Although you'd think Maggie would have thought to just kick them away when they came after her.
This episode was so stupid it was funny.
Any other thoughts on "Please Press One"?

Date: 03/31/2000
From: FogBoy
Gotta go with Damron on this one. 'Please Press One' is one of the prime examples of how an episode can hit every sliders cliche (one member is kidnapped, a rebel/some rebels helps them to get him/her back, they change the world for the better at the end and help destroy the domineering hand of 'the man') and still be entertaining. Really, Guy and Arlo did it, not to mention one of the better pieces of action the show has had in a while when Mallory helped conquer the black mail truck. The star of the show is Guy though. His interactions with Maggie are just so fun they make the whole trip worthwhile.
As for the chute thing, I figured they screamed for the hell of it. Hey, gotta have some fun while you relive the same kind of plot over and over!
I presume a wall could raise and provide a bathroom in the waiting area. Waiting areas always provide a bathroom.
On Guy defying the powers that be, it seems pretty clear that he had some form of A.I. going on, or else he couldn't interact with Maggie as he did.
Maggie didn't strike me as dumb at all in this episode... she fell for the truck thing, sure, but she also smooth-talked Guy and blew a hole in a wall to boot.
Anyway, not an impressive episode. Very low budget, but fun. Fun is good.

slide the chute
Date: 03/31/2000
From: kipper2222
I thought the episode was pretty weak. Unimagnitive, if I may say so. Maggie did seem a little dense. All that sliding and she couldn't see any of that coming? I think not! Me, I might go down the chute, to save a friend or something.

That's MINE!!!! :-)
Date: 03/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
You know what I think of PP1. Yeah, it was stupid, the characters were dense and it was rather unimaginative... but I didn't hate it. It was still fairly enjoyable.
Oh and the overseers and the DRD's from Farscape BOTH look like a rip off of the Skutters from Red Dwarf (1988-?). Skutters rocked. There may be something earlier that looks like them too, but Skutters are a classic. The original, non-CGed ones that is.
I WANNA GO DOWN THE CHUTE!!!!! :-) So I'm a child at heart. Wait, technically I AM a child.

That's MINE!!!! :-)
Date: 03/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
You know what I think of PP1. Yeah, it was stupid, the characters were dense and it was rather unimaginative... but I didn't hate it. It was still fairly enjoyable.
Oh and the overseers and the DRD's from Farscape BOTH look like a rip off of the Skutters from Red Dwarf (1988-?). Skutters rocked. There may be something earlier that looks like them too, but Skutters are a classic. The original, non-CGed ones that is.
I WANNA GO DOWN THE CHUTE!!!!! :-) So I'm a child at heart. Wait, technically I AM a child.

That's MINE!!!! :-)
Date: 03/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
You know what I think of PP1. Yeah, it was stupid, the characters were dense and it was rather unimaginative... but I didn't hate it. It was still fairly enjoyable.
Oh and the overseers and the DRD's from Farscape BOTH look like a rip off of the Skutters from Red Dwarf (1988-?). Skutters rocked. There may be something earlier that looks like them too, but Skutters are a classic. The original, non-CGed ones that is.
I WANNA GO DOWN THE CHUTE!!!!! :-) So I'm a child at heart. Wait, technically I AM a child.

That's MINE!!!! :-)
Date: 03/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
You know what I think of PP1. Yeah, it was stupid, the characters were dense and it was rather unimaginative... but I didn't hate it. It was still fairly enjoyable.
Oh and the overseers and the DRD's from Farscape BOTH look like a rip off of the Skutters from Red Dwarf (1988-?). Skutters rocked. There may be something earlier that looks like them too, but Skutters are a classic. The original, non-CGed ones that is.
I WANNA GO DOWN THE CHUTE!!!!! :-) So I'm a child at heart. Wait, technically I AM a child.

Date: 03/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
What the Hell happened there?????? I know I tried it more than once... but it usually tells me it already exists. Weird.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/19325
Nominated by Blinker
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