"The Weaker Sex" nitpick
Date: 04/27/2000
Is it just me, or did Wade enjoy Women's World on "The Weaker Sex" just a little too much? It didn't really seem like she was very sympathetic when they threw the brick through Arturo's campaign headquarters....or when they tried to assassinate Arturo.
It almost seemed like Wade thought Arturo had it coming to him. And she's supposed to be his FRIEND!! Yeah, some friend, Wade!
It just seems out of character that Wade would excuse that kind of violence and oppression. I guess that's why I prefer S2 Wade and S3 Wade over S1 Wade.
On another note, I thought it was a hoot seeing Hillary Clinton as prez. :-P

Worse in script
Date: 04/27/2000
From: TemporalFlux
In the original script, Wade actually sold out Arturo by giving away his secrets to Ross.
That's in part two...along with another interesting missing scene. We were originally supposed to find out it was not Ross behind the assasination attempts...but in fact one of the men on Arturo's staff (who didn't want society to change).

I was thinking the same thing!
Date: 04/27/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
I've seen that episode so many times, and still, I'm waiting
for Wade to show a little loyalty like Quinn did. Now, the
bashing was enough but the threats and then the attempted
murder were too much for the Wade we know to stand by.
It did seem out of character for her to be so harsh, I agree.
I seem to think of Wade more in her Season 2 characteristics.
She grew a lot during that time and she was just more...
likeable I suppose.
The good doctor

On Wade and TWS...
Date: 04/28/2000
When I first saw this ep. back inn '95, I just thought that was Wade's character. After all, she wasn't really strictly defined just yet at that time.
Since then, I've come to agree, obviously. Wade is much nicer than she is in TWS!
Glad it wasn't any worse, though.

Hillary Clinton as President???
Date: 04/28/2000
From: Afl
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's bad enough we have her traveling around Upstate NY campaigning and she keeps turning up practically in my back yard. She keeps turning up closer to my vicinity than I ever want to be near her or her husband! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!
Can you tell I don't want her to be senator of NY? And you know her reason for wanting to run for senator of NY is because she wants to use it as a stepping stone for the presidency. A thought I do not wish to think about.
Guliani 2000!!!
Although, he may not be running. He was just diagnosed Wednesday with an early stage of prostrate (sp?) cancer. They caught it early enough that he could recover very quickly and it shouldn't be a problem. He's going to be deciding whether he's going to continue campaigning or not over the next few weeks. He's in my prayers.

Weak .....
Date: 04/28/2000
I think the professor explained why....Wade was in a uncustomary position of power on that world and didn't want to see it jeopardized. Kind of pissed me off that she was acting so superior though. But then again in that world she was....

I agree--one of my least favorite S1 eps
Date: 04/28/2000
There were a couple of annoying things about it, besides Wade's unseemly gloating.
(1) There was a suggestion that men in Women's World were relegated to the same status as women are in our society (which is why Wade so enjoys seeing the shoe on the other foot). In actuality it was more like the female role in our society in the 1950s. I think it would be ridiculous suggest that in the 1990s, the only role a woman could get on a political staff would be as a secretary, or that a woman could surprise anyone by running for mayor of a large city.
(2) There was no consistent idea of what the gender roles in Women's World were like. One moment the women in this world were behaving exactly like the male stereotype in our world -- such as the love 'em and leave 'em woman who picked up Remmy. The next moment it looked like Women's World adheres to pretty conventional, by our standards, notions of sexual differences (men are aggressive, women are gentle) but draws different conclusions from them: i.e., men are too aggressive to be entrusted with power. (But if they believed that, why would they entrust men with child care?)
Actually, though, when it comes to male-bashing, "The Weaker Sex" wasn't nearly as bad as an Outer Limits episode called "Lithia" (it was actually shown on Sci-Fi last Monday, but I had seen it before on Showtime). It takes place in a postwar world where all the men have been either killed in the war, or died from a virus caused by biological warfare experiments which affects only males (the women reproduce by using frozen sperm supplies but no male babies survive, because of the virus). A male soldier who has been in cryogenic suspension awakens into this all-female world, which is oh-so-peaceful and harmonious and nurturing, and his evil male influence causes all sorts of violence and mayhem. BTW, as you can probably guess from my handle, I am a woman and I am totally opposed to sexism -- whether it's against women or men.
(Getting off my soapbox now...)

This is one of my favorite eps...
Date: 04/29/2000
From: SliderNum5
Because it was entertaining to watch.
And about Wade: she was pissed off at all three of them because they wanted to make this world exactly like theirs. And Wade thought it was good the way it is. Besides, Wade isnt Arturo's friend at this point. She has only known him for a couple of months (and I would be annoyed with him if I were Wade too!).
This was a very intelligent episode. I love the episodes where the Sliders are homeless and try to do anything for a buck. That's REAL!

And another thing (on Wade)...
Date: 04/29/2000
From: SliderNum5
We aren't dealing with melodramatic characters here (or at least we're not supposed to). Characters have flaws, weaknesses, anger. She can't be loveable Wade every episode. I like that they showed another side to her.

wade in weaker sex
Date: 05/01/2000
wade probably wanted to be in management in doppler before the slide. she probably feels miffed that therre was no woman president and she k ows that wmone are second class citeznes in this world./ (or hers, whichever you prefer.)
imagine bewing given the chance to make your dreams come true, where your gender is a plus, instead of a minus. wade was not only able to advance int eh company when she joi ed in that world, she was also able to get jobs fof them. (which autrturo politely declined)
did anyone notice that instead of men checking out women, wade's female bosss was checking out my wonderful jerry?
nevertheless, professor was right. she wasnt' used to so much power, where gender made a difference.

re: outerlimits ep
Date: 05/01/2000
i saw that one! i wondered how they reproduced without men! that had me scratching my head! thanks for clearing that up1 i walked in on it in the middle of the ep (just started watchign the show. did you see the one about the alien expedition?)

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