Sliders relationships that never were...
Date: 10/16/2002
We all know there were eight sliders during the during of the show, typically in combinations of four. However, many of the sliders never really got to meet each other.
Just curious what everyone's thoughts are: how do you think the following pairs of sliders would have gotten along if they had known each other? What would their relationships have been like?....
Who would have been friends? Who might have bickered with one another? What kinds of conflicts might have arisen, especially if the storyline had continued past Season 5 ("The Seer")?
What's everyone's opinion on how the following possible friendships/rivalries might have played out?...
Arturo and Colin
Arturo and Diana
Arturo and Mallory
Wade and Colin
Wade and Diana
Wade and Mallory
Quinn and Diana
Quinn and Mallory
Colin and Diana
Colin and Mallory
What does everyone think?
Fortunately, we can keep the speculation alive through fanfiction.

Earth 214 has played with this a little
Date: 10/16/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
BT should be left to be friendless and alone.
I've always thought that Arturo and Diana would get alone perfectly, and I tried to play with that in Earth 214.
If that were true, I saw Diana and Quinn as rivals, fighting for Arturo's true respect. Just like siblings fight over a parent.
As for the others, I don't know, but I'll give it a thought.
Arturo/Colin- I don't see Arturo liking Colin. Just like he didn't have much patience for Rembrandt or Wade at first, he wouldn't have liked Colin. Despite his relative "genius".
Arturo/Diana - Friends
Arturo/Mallory- I think the Professor would've hated Mallory. All the parts of Quinn he hated with none he liked...
Wade/Colin- Even though Quinn seemed to stop loving her, I think she always loved him. So, she would be nice to Colin, even just for Quinn.
But I don't know how she would've responded to finding out about Quinn's "true" homeworld...
Wade/Diana- They would've been best friends. Just like Maggie and Diana bonded, Wade and Diana would've bonded. Maybe even moreso than the Maggie/Diana relationship we saw.
Wade/Mallory- She would've liked him, but maybe just for Quinn. Mallory seemed to be a playboy (playgirl?), and Wade wouldn't have liked that.
Quinn/Diana - Rivals, like I said above.
Quinn/Mallory- Not sure how this would work, but I think Quinn would've been intruiged by this double.
Colin/Mallory- I think they would've gotten along. But maybe just because Colin didn't seem to hate anyone...
Are you ready? Its coming...

My two cents on the subject
Date: 10/17/2002
From: The_Seer
BT wouldn't get along with any slider.
Arturo and Colin - I figure Arturo's relationship with Colin would develop somewhat along similar lines to the one he developed with Quinn over the time they spent sliding. The Professor would serve as a role model and a father figure to Colin and Colin would be very receptive to it. However, the relationship would never be as special to Arturo as the one he has with Quinn.
Arturo and Diana - Diana would probably be very receptive to having Arturo fill the role that Geiger had once filled for her, which was that of a scientific mentor. She would probably be just as, if not more, receptive to input from Arturo than the scientifically gifted Quinn. Arturo would, of course, relish filling the role as her teacher.
Arturo and Mallory - I imagine for Arturo this would be almost like having Bennish sliding with him all the time. Mallory would drive the temperamental Professor absolutely nuts. I imagine Mallory would have some contempt towards Arturo at first but over time it would soften somewhat.
Wade and Colin - I'm sure Wade and Colin would get along fine. Colin is easy going and could get along with anyone. Wade would probably get along with Colin more than she'd get along with Arturo and Quinn.
Wade and Diana - They would probably get along very well and would have their moments of female bonding. If Maggie was around then I imagine poor Diana would often find herself being caught in the middle whenever Wade and Maggie went at it.
Wade and Mallory - I figure this to be a classic "love-hate" relationship. Mallory would probably drive Wade nuts (maybe even more than he would Arturo) and vice versa but I could also see them be attracted to each other in some ways. Still I would never see them as a long-term couple or anything (a brief fling perhaps but that would be it).
Quinn and Diana - They would probably bond because of their common interest in science and physics. Diana would probably be eager to learn all she could from Quinn and Quinn would probably welcome the opportunity to mentor someone the way Arturo tried to mentor Quinn.
Quinn and Mallory - Quinn would probably have some special interest in Mallory at first because of him being Quinn's "fraternal" double but the novelty would wear off quickly. They would generally get along okay with each other but, given that they are on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of background and interests, they would never become real buddies or anything. I could see them having an occasional battle over Wade (if Quinn was the Season 1-2 Quinn).
Colin and Diana - Given that they would have innocence and gullability in common, they would probably get along with each other quite well. Hey, if Diana could get along with "Fog Boy" then "Farm Boy" should be a slam dunk.
Colin and Mallory - Mallory would probably find Colin strange or goofy at first but over time I'm sure he would be accepting of him. Mallory would probably even try to take Colin under his wing and get Colin involved with him in some kind of mischief or scheme that would result in the both of them having to be bailed out of trouble by the other sliders.
I think the take you have on all these relationships in your own fanfic series is pretty good and in some respects is similar to mine. Speaking of your fanfic series, any new episodes on the horizon?

The_Seer, about my fanfiction...
Date: 10/17/2002
Yes, actually, I do have a new episode coming out within the next several days. I won't divulge the details, though...
I've been absolutely fed up with myself for slacking off on writing more episodes, but I've been so damn swamped with school and maintaining my political website.

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