The BEST BAD MOMENTS of Sliders!!
Date: 08/28/1999
I was inspired by the recent review of Exodus Part 1 to do this: what are your FAVORITE BAD MOMENTS from Sliders history? The moments that just make you WINCE? The moments that make you crack up laughing at how huge a plot hole you just witnessed? Don't get me wrong, the GREAT moments greatly outweight the bad, but I thought this would be fun. Here are mine, off the top of my head:
(not an exact quote) "on our world we had right wing extremist groups that tried to have their way. On this world, I guess those people WON!" - Quinn Mallory, Season 4, "Prophets and Loss"
>>MY COMMENT - I CRACKED UP LAUGHING when I heard this! How lame! What an OBVIOUS attempt at a political statement by the writers!
The ENTIRE sequence of events from the moment the Professor was injected by Rickman to the moment he died - Season 3, Exodus Part 2
>>MY COMMENT - OUCH! Momentarily made me embarrassed to be a fan.
"I hate wearing wet clothes." - Maggie Beckett, Season 3, "This Slide of Paradise"
>>MY COMMENT - hmmmmmmmm .... what in the WORLD did the writers want us to look for after she made this comment? How disgustingly OBVIOUS!!!
(not an exact quote) (After finding out he might be able to get info to rescue Wade from a computer) "There's not enough time. We need to run!" - Quinn Mallory, season 4, I THINK the ep was "Dying Fields" but I could be wrong
>>MY COMMENT - oh yeah RIGHT! All of a sudden Quinn could care less if he finds Wade or not.
ANY MOMENT in Season 4 when Colin is RUNNING.
>>MY COMMENT - OUCH! How can you be a bad actor while RUNNING? Charlie proved it can be done. I told my friends (who I was JUST getting interested in Sliders around this time) to "ignore the new kid".
Entire Episodes that are Wince-Inducing
"The Fire Within" - the main character in this ep is a flame that talks. Nuff said.
"Roads Taken" - I know SOME people like this ep but I'm sorry -- the "bubble world" idea just screamed "WINCE!!!" to me!
"We must have slid into the future!" - Quinn Mallory, Season 3, "This Slide of Paradise"
No explanation necessary if you know the Sliding rules. Interesting that the WORST line is the LAST line from the end of the weakest season of all - season 3. Kinda summed up season 3 nicely, huh?
Well, thats mine! I'm sure there are tons I missed. What are your favorite bad moments?

Date: 08/28/1999
From: SliderMike
Dragonslide when the Wizard possessed Quinn's body.
Jerry got up and did that evil voice "At last I have ahieved what has eluded me for centuries" (Not the exact quote, I'm sure)
I could'nt stop laughing.
That moment proves Jerry was a bad actor before S4 as well.

you hit them just right for me!!
Date: 08/28/1999
From: 1013shan
I know i am preobably forgetting a bunch of lines that were either riduculous or offensive... but if I had to pick the ONE ABSOLUTELY out-of -character, ridiculous and absurd line... it is the one you mentioned...(it's not the exact quote either..)
when they find the computer that can locate Wade, yet Quinn says "there's not enough time" ...please... he was saving perfect strangers on the street from FAR LESS horrible situations than a Krogmagg breeding camp (which I still maintain was purposly done to our poor Wade as a slap in the face by the writers)for three years... how could the writers ever make such a mistake???Quinn would never say that and if he did, Remmy should have punched him in the face... ugh... I'm getting pissed off
as for an episode that made me winch... ABSOLUTELY that whole bubble word crap in Roads Taken..#1 I'm no fan of the Quinn/Maggie thingy and #2 a bubble world does not make sense at all... (I had good reasons for this once, but I've aged since then) I'm mad...
I need a cookie

mine's tie between "Stoker" & "Breeder"
Date: 08/28/1999
From: MissingSlider
I mean both episodes made me WINCE and laugh out loud at the same time! My favorite moments in both are when Maggie defies the laws of gravity (and all physics) by literally climbing the walls (and the bit about her telling Remmy that she needs "babies" -- was full of laughs/I can only tell you that only moment in television that I laughed out loud as hard as this scene was when Carla on "Cheers" cut off half the hair of one of her old teachers!) The one defining moment and most laugh out loud moment in "Stoker" was when Wade went to the party with the band, Stoker, playing and she is being mesmerized by the lead singer and Wade becomes like a dancing zombie -- in my opinion, this was the moment when I could tell that Sabrina Lloyd was just about fed up with the direction, Mr. Peckinpah, was taking the show at the time (even if it was FOX was pushing him to do so!) -- Lloyd's performance in this scene is funnier than any of her work in "Sports Night"! One from Season 5 is just disturbing (nowhere near being funny) and it's on my list of they should have never even shown on television (let alone "Sliders") and that is on "Easy Slider" when Mallory comes into Sam's bedroom and sees her in bed with two men (this took the cake for poor taste on television gone amuck -- and I know I could get flamed for writing this -- but, I am not writing that if someone really wanted to do that {being in bed with two members of the opposite sex, at the same time; I mean if I had two women who wanted me that way I wouldn't necessarily mind myself} but showing it on a prime-time television was just the nadir of television!

Hmm...Lemme think...
Date: 08/28/1999
From: buffyboy
How about any line Jerry delivers in s3/4? Oh...And in This Slide of Darkness, there are lots:
When Rickman injects himself with Beast Person fluid and magically HIS whole FACE AND the background ripple. Amazing!!!
And how about when he finds the Sliders have stolen his timer? That freaky animal scream:ARRROOOOYAAAAEEGHHH!!!
And in Genesis when Quinn and Maggie first see the NEW AND IMPROVEd Maggs:
Maggie:UGGH!! What are those?
Quinn (this line is delivered as flat as soda left open for 6 hours):Kromaggs. Our worst enemy. And soon to be yours.
Uh-HUH> Right.
Revelations:Quinn:I know!! I'll open the vortex on a super-sonic train, and I'll open it BEHIND us!! Good idea!! I really am a genius!!
And then the vortex proceeds to follow the train. Uhh...No. Wouldn't it be easier to have opened the vortex in FRONT of them? That way they would be swallowed by it without having to move. But no.
And in Easy Slider:
When Mallory and whats-her-name first start to have sex: Mallory takes his jacket off...but already he's humping her..with all of his clothes still on..he's like a human jack hammer...Very not tasteful. But Peck directed, what do you expect? Any other decent individual would have cut the scene as they went behind the curtains...but not Mr.P.
So those are my cringe worthy moments.

A few off the top of my head...
Date: 08/28/1999
Dragonslide: We wait the whole hour to see *any* sort of dragon... and get a horribly phony, lifeless claw made out of fabric. The subsequent ReBoot-ish CGI version didn't help.
Maurice Fish in "The King Is Back" doing his demented song-and-dance routine. Pretty much as low as Season One got.
The nude scene in "The Breeder," not to mention Alien Maggie's clumsy pass at Rembrandt. (MissingSlider-- I think she said 'I want you, baby' and not 'I want your babies,' but it's still pretty bad.)
In "Requiem," when... Oh. Sorry. 7;-)
Stoker. The 'electric' guitar. Ugh ^n.
- Blinker 7:-\

Have to try & force self watch "Breeder"
Date: 08/28/1999
From: MissingSlider
again, and this time with a straight face (very hard to do -- the whole episode is just a laugh fest!) Because your right, Blinker I have no clue what Maggie says to Remmy when she starts climbing the wall, I could swear it is "I want your babies...", but you maybe right (and me, wrong -- oh! well what's new) Blinker about it being "I want you baby!"; but usually by that time in "Breeder" I'm just all over the floor laughing or at the very least I've just about wet myself in hysteria over the whole show (I've got to remember when it's on next not to drink so much before I sit down and watch -- although drunk {that isn't the real drinking I meant, but...} is the only way to watch "Breeder"!)

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Nominated by Blinker
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