I have Sliders: Wades Journey up

Date: 02/28/2000
From: slider75

I finally have gotten the time to put up Sliders: Wades Journey. It will be about the adventures of our Wade Wells after the sliders episode Requierem. She travels around the multi universe trying to find a way to save her home and reunite with her friends.

So go to www.geocities.com/tizoog75/home.html to check it out the new fanfic. Tell me what you think, and Look at History of Wade Wells and History of Sliders while your there.

Glad to see someone agrees w/ me on Wade

Date: 02/28/2000
From: Grizzlor

I haven't followed too much fanfic, there's so much out there, but I am glad that someone else agrees with my thought, or really hope, that Wade is not dead and in fact in the vortex somewhere, like Colin. I read your first ep., pretty intriguing. I never thought of alternate Arturos, quinns or doh, Maggie, being a major part of Sliders. Obviously, the show always had them as one-timers.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/18147
Nominated by Blinker


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