IT'S TRUE! Our friend, David Pekinpah(sp?, who cares!) took money from
his pocket and got the S5 cast to do one final episode of sliders. I
have the summary for all to read! SPOILER ALERT!
Slide2K-Written, Directed by, and Starring David Peckinpah
Just like any Peck ep, the beginning has no revelance to anything, completely
ignoring the ending of "the seer". The sliders are simply
sitting at a table in the Chandler hotel when there is a large explosion.
A large Kromagg army enters the hotel and kidnaps the sliders. They
take Maggie and re-insert her with the creature from "the breeder",
Remmy is put in a room with super-smart snakes from "slither",
Diana is put in a forest with hybrid animal/humans, and Mallory is put
against a gang of rock and roll vampires from "stoker". (Peck
felt he should reward the Sliders fans by bringing back moments from
the classic episodes). Then, as Y2K comes, everyone is returned to their
original earth, and Remmy is seen in the final shot, swimming in his
pool, after his acting career is restarted.
Isn't that great! Peck not only got us another episode, added great
parts from our favorite episodes, and made it a happy ending, but he
dropped all of those details everyone hated. Like Seasons 1-2! And
Remmy shouldn't be a singer, actors are better! And he can swim, too!
Why not? And Maggie's planet? Well, it turns out that Quinn, Arturo,
and Wade were planning to kill Remmy and blow up the planet, but before
it did, someone stopped it! Guess who?
Peck! OUR HERO!!!!!!!
And the ending! Does it make sense? NO!!! But who cares, just as long
as we finally have a great ep to look back at!
What a great Christmas gift!
Just in case anyone believed me.....well I'm kidding!
Merry Christmas!