Eye of the Storm and The Seer (no spoile
Date: 12/29/1999
Eye of the Storm
Despite the fact that I don't like the basic concept, this is actually quite moving and Diana gets to do stuff again!!!!! It's also 'eppy of the tough gals' and 'weird shit happennings' Earth but that's not the point. Some nice bits, icky plot IMHO. Great performance by Tmebi Locke IMHO too.
The Seer
Well, here's the biggie. Was it any good? Ho hum. Weeeeeell, it started out okay, and quite fun, there were some cool bits, some really nasty lines, and the plot itself degenerated into a big mess in the middle. The beginning even. Of course, the lack of finish put me off a lot. The actors were fine, even very good in parts, it was just the plot and lack of end really. Oh and the nasty lines. Dp the writers hate us? They knwe this would be the last, yet they ended like that as revenge. And they made jibes about us. Hmph.
mini-spoiler (not really one)
The main synopsis at SpaceTime's site is in fatc the actual one that was shown. I had a printout to follow. No doubt about it, that's the one.

To hell with Keith Damron and the rest
Date: 12/29/1999
From: Stax_
I really hate that guy.
"It has many layers".Yeah right.The Seer was shallow and they didn't even explain the possibility that Rembrandt may have returned to Earthprime if the whole Kromagg story arc was a conspiracy.Also taking pot shots at the fans is so the way to earn our respect.Sorry but I was holding out for a miracle and am frustrated with the absolute lack of ending.5 years and we get this slop.Remmy waking from a dream would have been better.stax

little was explained
Date: 12/29/1999
no explanations for anything really. stuff just happened and they gave a cover up-y type thing. No thought.
They did this to us on purpose, we know that. Gits.

Just to clarify (SP)
Date: 12/29/1999
From: TemporalFlux
By saying the main one at EarthPrime...you mean it was the snynopsis I gave? The one ending with Remmy sliding off alone after injecting himself with the virus? With The Seer dying and not being able to tell us Remmy's fate? Just want to make sure.
Also, who was the cast on the television show on that world. My script had Remmy, Maggie, Diana and Arturo...but I had been told it was changed to be Quinn, Wade, Remmy and Arturo with an appearance by Diana. Which one was correct?
Just trying to find out what's real here...though it sounds to me like my script was the correct version all along (despite inside sources saying it was not).

Date: 12/29/1999
From: TemporalFlux
Were you even able to tell they used Jerry O'Connell's image in "Eye of the Storm"? We now know for certain he wasn't in The Seer...just wondering if using his image in Eye was even worth it.

Date: 12/29/1999
Yeah, your script was the one. That wretched ending survived intact.
I'm told the cast was Remmy, Maggie, Mallory, Diana AND Arturo.
Anyone got a barf bag?
- Blinker 7:-#

Date: 12/29/1999
From: Stax_
Your script was bang on.The cast was Maggie,Diana,Remmy and Mallory ,I guess (It didn't look like him).Arturo made a brief appearance but didn't even say anything.Only Diana's double was an actor on the show.stax

I agree it sucks
Date: 12/29/1999
From: Sime001
Yes it sucks, read my post below.

What everyone else said (more)
Date: 12/29/1999
I wasn't sure if it was your script that was there, but now I believe it is.
And it was Maggie, Diana, Mallory and Remmy, then they found Arturo who saved them (but not from the terrible acting)
Yeah, I believe they did. There was definitely something imposed over Mallory in EOTS becasue I was watching for it. It looked amazingly like his expression in Genesis when tortured. It would figure.
P.S. IM chat anyone?

Date: 12/29/1999
From: TemporalFlux
Then Genovese wasn't telling the truth. Alot of people with the show weren't telling the truth as it turns out...they were simply running PR control over the info I gave (which turns out to be right). The crew on Sliders is truly a bunch of idiots...not just for the ending, but for the un-needed cover up. They got up alot of people's hopes when they *knew* they would be dashed...and that is the lowest you can get. Even lower than making the shittiest ending to a series in recent memory.

I'll see you there,Sarah (END)
Date: 12/29/1999
From: Stax_

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/15979
Nominated by Blinker
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