My little speel about the board

Date: 08/15/1999
From: Slidersfreak

Well everyone, when I first came here the number of pages was at 34, and now we're at 138 or something like that. My first post ever was Jerry will always be remembered! Gosh, looking back on that post makes me realize what a complete and total idiot I was. I thought that Jerry was the show. I was one of those stupid Jerry lovers. But about a day after I wrote the post, QBall79 and Temporalflux told me their opinions. They said that they would stick with the show and see what it was like. They would never abandon their show. They were willing to give s5 a chance. As soon as I was done reading those comments I was a convert to the "Sliders Will Survive w/out Jerry, and I'm willing to give our show a chance" group. Ever since then, I couldn't be more happy. The show has turned out great. I think if Sci-Fi had given us a fair chance, then a seaon 6 would have been a piece of cake. Everyone is totally enjoying s5. I think s5 is one of the best since s2. However, the Sci-Fi people are a bunch of bast**** that just use fans in order to promote another show. I could go on forever about how Sci-Fi has treated us. I can just see 2 years from now, all of us will be posting about how Sci-Fi has just cancelled their highest rated show Farscape because the main character left, or the show had "run it's course". Sci-Fi......grrrrrrr. Well, anyways, I have seen a lot of things on this board in my short time that I've been here, and I really have enjoyed myself. There have been countless posts that I will always remember. The one that has helped all of us out the most is TemporalFlux with his juicy spoilers. I have seen the Jerry Lovers era, the s5 sucks era, the I_AM_SCIFI stuff that's been going on, the era of Save Sliders, the era of Sliders cancelled, and now we are in the midst of Boycott era. I have seen many great posts and I have really enjoyed reading all of them. I hope and I pray everyday that we can get a spin off or movie or something. I hope that this will come true in the future. I know that I have always been a loyal and true Sliders fan. I have supported the show in every way possible, and I have written to everyone to save sliders and to tell Sci-Fi what a big mistake they've made. No, I have not been here since the beginning, but I've been here since page 34. I've seen a lot.I just wanted to say that I have never seen a show with such loyal supporters. Well, I guess that's enough. I have bored you enough for now.


Be careful there, though Slidersfreak...

Date: 08/15/1999
From: MissingSlider

though I totally agree with you Season 5 has been pretty great good (except for maybe "The Great Work" -- would have probably made a good Season 3 or 4 ep.) -- especially the last five eps. have been stupendous, at least when the shows finally were all put together and when I say that I mean, "New Gods For Old", "Please Press One", "A Current Affair", "Java Jive" & "The Return Of Maggie Beckett" (agreed, I still have my own personal problems with Kari Wuhrer, although I still say she has improved tremendously since her really bad days in Season 3 and I still am not totally sold on Robert Floyd's Mallory -- but I definitely would take him over Season 3's Jerry {who in my opinion came across as totally full of himself - hint was he so impressed with himself for landing a job in "Jerry McGuire" that his head got stuck in the clouds or was it more his ass?} O'Connell or even his wooden Season 4 acting!) But, be careful there I say, Slidersfreak, because there is still many on this board that don't agree with us (although, if they totally hate the show, now {for whatever reason -- because JOC & COC are no longer on it or because Sabrina Lloyd & John Rhys-Davies' are no longer there {which, I agree I do miss those two} -- it is still favorite of many fans) and many of us wouldn't mind seeing another Season -- with hopefully the same writing (or hopefully better -- if in TV land {and I don't mean the cable network} Sliders or any other show can do?) as the five episodes I listed above, continuing,
and if they don't like Sliders why do they bother coming to this site -- this is for fans -- if you don't like something IMHO I really think it is really stupid to continue talking about it or watch it -- I mean if you don't like something, especially a TV show, why give yourself a heart attack, ulcer or stroke worrying about it -- why not just turn it off and forget about it? -- as I have done with my one time favorite soap opera, "Guiding Light" {just another hint and interesting side note: Robert Floyd was onetime on GL -- hmmm! at the time he was on back in 1993 I was an avid fan of GL -- the writing was superb on GL at the time -- unlike now, skim ahead on this issue -- Floyd hasn't quite gotten to the acting level he had when he was GL, with Sliders, but I certainly see Floyd trying!) CBS -- with it's current writers (that are known to drink too much) I have turned off the "Light" -- even on video!

I myself still like Sliders (I didn't say love, because I agree that there are some improvements the show could do -- if Season 6 were ever to come to fruition) and as some other newbie to the board stated (and I'm sorry if I am stealing someone else's thunder without quoting them -- I've just always been bad with names -- even pretend names on boards such as this!) "We need to keep as much Science Fiction on the air, especially good science fiction such as Sliders, because there is so little new science fiction on TV!" And, one thing further, sometime in the near future I'm planning on putting a message on this board about my top ten favorite Sliders episodes and at least one new Season 5 episode has cracked my top ten (most of my top ten would be from Season 1 & 2 -- with the exception of Season 3's "The Guardian" and "Double Cross" -- but, by the way there is no the JOC as bigger than life Season 4 eps in my Top Ten!), the Season 5 ep. that I have decided to crack my top ten of Sliders' eps is "A Current Affair" (it was the best at getting back to some of best of Season 1 & 2; this is the first episode IMHO since Season 3's "The Guardian" that could have been in Season 1 or 2 -- and the acting, even out of Kari and Robert was the best!)


Date: 08/15/1999
From: Slidersfreak

I meant to put 183 and not 138.

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