Get to know your fellow SLIDERS buddies!
Date: 08/12/1999
To my knowledge, this hasn't been done on the BBoard yet, so let me be the first to get the ball rolling.
What is this you ask? Well, this is what it sounds like...I want the BBoard users to get better acquainted. Many times in Internet chats and boards, people remain somewhat anonymous, and often mysterious. I'm here to get rid of all that.
What YOU, the viewer, can do..
Answer the following questions:
What is your real name?
How old are you?
Are you male of female (you have to admit, sometimes it is hard to tell just by looking at a handle)?
What are your interests (outside of SLIDERS)?
What is your occupation?
Any other information is welcome!
My real name is Dustin Martin, but some people call me Dale.
I'm 17.
I'm male.
I like tv (seaQuest DSV, First Wave, Conan O'Brien), movies (Back to the Future, Happy Gilmore, The Blues Brothers), video games (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, EHRGEIZ, LUNAR, Age of Empires), computers (programming and hardware), cartoons (Johnny Bravo and THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!!), anime (I've gotten where I can draw it fairly well), science (physics and biology), writing (I'm currently writing a science fiction novel), model building (custom action figures and my ongoing endeavor to build a timer model), and recently I've taken up EHRGEIZ tournament fighting (that's where you get 15 or so people together, a couple of PlayStations and a couple of copies of EHRGEIZ and have a championship).
As for a job....nothing right now (I didn't get a job this summer).
If anyone wants to see what I look like, I have a pic. Wanna see it? Mail me at I want to see what you guys look like too!
Sliding Captain Bridger

What's all the hubub, bub.
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Sickpsycho
I am an intellectual giant but they say i'm insane. Oh and people call me JR.
Psychology, Mind fucking, music, guitar, bass, drums, some vocals, an unknown obsession with watching Sliders.
I also get screwed over countless times by fake friends.
(maybe that's how I became an intellectual giant)
See, I'm just the normal friendly neighborhood bub.

Info. about me.
Date: 08/12/1999
From: VirtualDimension
My name is Dan Douglas.
I'm 19.
I'm male.
Interests : Favorite TV shows = Sliders, Dark Shadows, Star Trek, Quantum Leap, Star Trek TNG, DS9,VOY. Favorite Movies = Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Star Wars. I play computer/video games often. Favorites = Final Fantasy (all 7 games, plus extra FF's like Mystic Quest and FF Legends), Quest for Glory (5 games), Games by Squaresoft and similar companies(Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire, Mario RPG, Lufia, 7th Saga, Phantasy Star), Sierra Adventure games (Kings Quest, Space Quest, Gabriel Knight). Other = Some reading, writing, drawing, and Internet, computers, math/sciences, quantum physics (I'm building both a Timer and a Quantum Leap Accelarator). Ok, just kidding about the last one.
I can see that I have a little in common with Sliding Captain Bridger. Obviously Back to the Future's your favorite movie, and it is mine as well (I don't know many people who like it as much as I do.), and Final Fantasy's your favorite video game, like me. Of course, you probably play some of the games on video game consoles. I played all of them on my computer, with my Gravis Gamepad Pro, including Final Fantasy 7 (PC version), and Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX version - using a playstation emulator). You draw anime, I draw TV show comic strips. I also write some "science fiction", although they're in the form of short stories and I convert them to comic-book format. Right now, I just finished something based on the show Dark Shadows, and am now moving to Sliders. I draw some of the characters pretty well, although I have a hard time with Arturo.
---V I R T U A L - D I M E N S I O N---

all about me
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Jericho_Y2J
real name is Anthony Magee, with tons of nicknames (Ace,Tony,Morpheus & Spike...the last 2 are my more gothic nicks)
Well, unlike most men i am not a big sports person exept for wrestling (WWF,ECW,WCW) and all my handles have some relation to wrestling (Raven is a wrestler and so is Chris Jericho)
Fave shows =Buffy,Sliders,Charmed, Quantum Leap,Ds9,the short lived series called Crow :Stairway to heaven. Classic Trek, and just about all the 80's cartoons.
Fave movies = The Crow (The best movie ever made), MIB,Spawn, Interview with a Vampire, Most of the Trek movies, and all of the Star Wars movies, Bram Stokers Dracula, the origional Dracula,Blade,most Anime (fave is Vampire hunter if my old handle didnt tip you off) and just about every movie with Vincent Price.
Fave Music/Rammstein, anything Techno, Bahaus, Rage against the machine,Limp bizkit,Korn,Blackula (A buds band)
Fave Comics = Rising Stars,young Justice,The Crow,Sandman,JLA,the Flash
Fave books-Anne Rice stuff, HG wells stuff, just about anything Vamp,or Sci-fi related.
Job-part time in a comic shop.

Date: 08/12/1999
From: Parajo
My name is Bill. I'm 16. I'm male. I like lots of stuff: modern and some classic rock/alternative/heavier rock, physics is interesting to play around with, I like to debate about things especially philosophy, I like history, I have an interest in the stock market (which is what I will get into after college), and gaining and using general knowledge (useless crap to my friends). I currently work in my public library in addition to going to school in the fall and winter. That's me pretty much.
Parajo- the guy you just read about

Good Idea Bridger...
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Colin_Mallory
What is your real name?
My name is Brent Harvey, not real nicknames except BB.
I'm 18, gonna be 19 August 16th, 4 days woohoo!
I like Stargate Sg1, and I love the movie Army of Darkness. I play soccer and tennis. And I do love girls even though all the hot girls I know consider me their best friend. Its my curse. Oh, and the Simpsons totally rawk, i cannot go a day without quoting an episode.
I don't have a job, I am about to goto college and i figured this would be a good time to relax.
Other information: Since I joined the board just a few weeks before the start of the 4th season, I chose the handle Colin_Mallory because I thought Colin would be very cool. Little did I know he ran like a duck and was doofy. My prediction was wrong, but as a person, Charlie is cool. I once met him.
That is all!

Here u go....
Date: 08/12/1999
1. My real name, eh? You won't kill me will you? =X Just kidding. My REAL name is Pimp Daddy Johnson. Nah. Its really Erhrole Navarro. Erhrole pronounced Errol, as in Errol Flynn, u know that one dood....that guy.
2. I'm 16. Yeah....
3. I'm a MALE.
4. OUTside of sliders? Hmmm...I'm into Anime. Yes Yes. Dragonball/Z/GT and Pokemon! And Star Trek and even that one show seven days, and like ALMOST all things sci-fi. DAMN farscape and first wave to hell. =X Um....Um....I like to party...and stuff....really...I'm just a party animal. Uh huh. No Joke. Ok, I'm done.
5. I'm a STUDENT. Yeah... A JUNIOR in high school right now. AND AND AND I also work at um....Office Max. Yeah. So I can make moolaaaa...

nifty!! I like this
Date: 08/12/1999
Well, my name is Nicole Oscarson, but no one (well, not NO one, just, no one who knows me real well) calls me that. I like Niki. Thanx.
I'm 16 (July 18, so just barely), yeah, Sweet Sixteen and Never Been Kissed, ya know? :-) In case you couldn't tell by now, I am a female (I am Womwn hear me ROAR!! (er . . . sumthin')) :-)
I like TV ok, I don't watch much, that's all. I like Disney movies, and I think my favorite is Mulan (I haven't seen Tarzan yet so I dunno). I like other movies, too, but I won't mention them all. I like to draw (not very good at it, but I like to try), write (I'm (trying) to write a Fantasy novel, along with a combinedly written Sci-Fi with my best friend, and we're discussing combining our books in a sequel, and write that together), and sing. I love music. But I think my favorite pasttime is to light some candles, turn of my lights and turn on my "Thundering Rainstorm" CD. I love thunderstorms, and I bought a CD of them recently. I think when I live alone, I'll move somewhere where there are lots of storms. Any suggestions, guys?
I do not have an occupation. I applied (or was going to) at Kohl's, but you have to be 17 to works there, and my mom's been too tired recently (we're all coming down with something here) to take me anywhere.
I also do not have a driver's license. I don't have enough hours. Oh, well.
I don't think I have any decent, recent pictures of myself, but I'll look, and, if you really want to see me, I suppose I can try to figure the scanner out. (Click on my name if you want a pic)
Well, I guess that's me in a nutshell. :-)
misswells-the chick in a nutshell :-)

Sounds Like Fun
Date: 08/12/1999
From: s_the_great
Real Name:
Salah, but people call me "Flash," "Salah the Great," or "Hey you!" Long, long story.
17, as of exactly one week before misswells's birthday. That makes me 358 days older.
I'm a sexless person trapped in a man's body.
I enjoy coding HTML, especially the Notepad way. (Is there really any other way?) I'm always looking for good web-design stuff. I'm in the process of learning dHTML and Perl, and I already know CSS and limited JavaScript. One of my little quirks is that now I judge all colors by their hex number. Did I mention that this page's background colors are #000000 and #F1F1AD?
I have two websites. The first one is dedicated to my two favorite video games: Final Fantasy III and Illusion of Gaia. Here's the URL:
I have another website in production. It's dedicated to SNK's fighting games for the Neo·Geo. I'm praying to god Classic Gaming likes my site and agrees to host it. If not, I have to go with XOOM (shudder).
For a one-page preview, check out the one I put on the webspace on my first site (Beware: very long load time):
For those who don't have a website, making it is actually kinda fun. The thing I don't like is that a lot of my fan mail and is in broken English or very poorly written grammar and is frustratingly hard to read. I believe in being a "Spelling and Grammar Friendly" site.
My two favorite PC games are Final Fantasy VII and Civilization II. I'm a strong supporter of emulation, but, with more recent systems like the N64 being emulated, I'm afraid emulation may disappear sometime soon.
I read a lot of books, too. Especially Star Wars books. My favorite so far is the KW Jeter series. He really shouldn't be writing Star Wars because of his constant misuse of the characters, but his "Bounty Hunter Wars" series is addictive enough to be cool. I also collect comics. I'm a huge X-Men fan.
I'm currently working on a Sliders spinoff with Slidefan, but as of now I don't exactly know where s/he is.
When I get the necessary funds, I'm hoping to re-learn how to play keyboards, which I haven't done in years. I also wanted to learn how to play bass guitar.
I'm also a guru of useless knowledge, especially in the areas of history, math, movies, Dick Tracy, and Shannon Whirry.
Here are a list of the only TV shows I really watch anymore. I used to watch Dilbert, but it got canned. I used to watch the PJs and King of the Hill too, but I don't get around to it anymore.
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
I'm not big on anime, but I've seen Fushigi Yuugi and Street Fighter II, both of which are pretty cool. When $50 find their way in my pocket, I'm buying the Fatal Fury series. (A friend of mine highly recommends it. He's quoted as saying, "Terry Bogard is SO COOL!") I do speak limited Japanese, not enough to translate anything. Due to an extremely inept teacher, this last year my Japanese skills went down a notch or two as opposed to up.
If that's not enough information, check out the personal section of my site:
Volunteer Gopher (or, more accurately, Go-fer), City of Puyallup
That's enough of that. Feel free to e-mail me at Just tell me where you got this address, so I don't think you're some kind of weirdo who's stalking me.

I like it! Way to go Captain...
Date: 08/13/1999
My real name: John Viola
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Occupation: I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Have worked in sales with Exxon for 2 years, and my last day will be August 13 (Friday the 13th!) I am going back to school at the University of Texas - Austin to finish up a Physics degree, and then the plan is to go to UC-Berkeley for a Ph.D in Physics (maybe I will meet Quinn and Arturo ;-) I would also like to either attend school and/or do post-doctorate work at Cambridge in England (where Stephen Hawking is)
Interests: Astrophysics/Unified Field Theory and Philosophy. If I can find a way to pursue both Physics and Philosophy and be able to write and publish both, that would be ideal. Favorite philosopher is Fredrich Neitzsche. The only tv show I really watch is Sliders, and it looks like that will end soon. I love to play baseball, football, and sand volleyball (went to middle school and high school in Florida) I like computer games. I loved the Alone in the Dark series. I liked Myst and am currently on Riven. Fallout is a good RPG. Also like Starcraft and Alpha Centauri (Sid Meyers)
My favorite state in the U.S. is Washington State. It has awesome mountains, forests and shorelines. Plus, I love rain, and it is rainy a good amount of the time. (Quite a contrast from the Sunshine State!)
This post is long enough :-)

Damn, I'm old...
Date: 08/13/1999
From: BigRich
It's funny. At work I'm still called a kid but compared to most of you all, one word... damn.
Name: Richard Brown
Age: 29
Birthdate: Same as Misswells, at least the day (hey, baby) July 18, 1970
gender: Guess
Interests: Anything sci-fi, computers, pretty women, good food, wrestling, web designing, expanding my brain with knowledge, Astronomy, weight lifting, etc.
Web stuff: (copy and paste these links in your browser)
pic of me and small bio:
by the way, the pic was for Halloween 97 at work. I took first place ($10 gift certificate, big whoop). Mr. T was my all time favorite Idol when I was around 12 y.o.
Just crashed on my motorcycle. This page I created to let my family back East know that I was OK.
Stupid TIMER movie I created in Flash. No one left a comment but
if you like to see it, it's here:
Occupation: Computer Systems Operator/Administrator
Well, it's 01:00. Time for bed. I need to get up for work in the morning. Goodnight, kiddies.

Jeepers BigRich!
Date: 08/13/1999
From: SliderNum5
You're BIG!....Rich. I don't wanna be around when you get mad...

All about me =)
Date: 08/13/1999
My real name is Jason Gaston. I'm a 23 year old male who is interested in supernatural phenomenon, writing, comic books, movies, Sliders, Star Trek, cartoons, travel, and anything to do with werewolves (WE NEED MORE WEREWOLVES ON TV AND IN THE MOVIES, DARNIT!) I currently work as an on-air personality for a radio station and a movie critic and cartoonist for a college newspaper. I am studying to be a Drama teacher.
Donner - Now that you all now my secret identity, I have to kill you

I'll play
Date: 08/13/1999
Okay, my name is Arik Peterson. Yes, that's really how I spell my name. I am a 19 year old male, just about to finish my freshmen year at college, majoring in English. No idea what I'm going to do with it, though. I have also spent the past three years working at my local Target store.
I have this odd fascination with Hollywood. Why do people make certain movies, what makes one good movie a success and another one a failture? Why do certain cable networks cancel certain shows? (I did e-mailed Sci-Fi asking for a better reason than just 'it ran its course')
Besides Sliders, my interests are random. I love video games, especially RPG's, science fiction, movies, and TV. I have a collection of action figures (mainly Star Wars & Star Trek, with some B5 and Batman TAS thrown in there, too!) My only other real big interest is the opposite sex:-)
So that's me,

Date: 08/14/1999
My GOSH! Any other over-30's here?
My real name is Tim Thomas.
I am 33 years old.
I am male.
Interests: The only TV Shows I really watch are Sliders, Friends, and ER. I, too, am a huge fan of the Back to the Future and Star Wars movie series.
My job: I teach computer software! It's lots of fun, I really enjoy it.
Hey, where's all the ladies? Only one female response so far.

A little about me
Date: 08/14/1999
From: CaptainGalaxy
My name is meanless to you. But I can share other information about myself.
I am 36 years old, male. I have extremely high IQ. My size is above-average in my race, but I am considered small here.
Most of my interests are sci-fi related. I like anime since I was a kid and have an extensive collection of art and mechanism books. I enjoy seeing movies [most Sci-Fi], reading and writing Sci-fi novels. I have won a major award for one of my novels in my country.
I am an expert on computer software, hardware and network. I can write almost any existent programming languages you can think of. Before coming to America, I was a programmer, and an architect for office automation. Right now, I am concentrating on my PhD dissertation which involves a new design of CPU totally different from other old chips in concept.
My favorite TV seires are Quantum Leap, Sliders, ST: The Next Generation. My favorite movies are Waterworld, Empire Strikes Back and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Almost nothing can impress me any more, becasue I always think I can do better.

to galaxy.......
Date: 08/14/1999
From: daveyramone
what country?, what country?, you keep saying from your country, where did you originally come from, that'd be cool to know.
It was starting to sound like Fes, from that 70's show! lol great show.

Here I go..
Date: 08/21/1999
My name is Ryan Palmer. I am male, 17, and I live in CA. The only shows I watch on TV are Sliders, X-Files, and Twilight Zone. I like to read and I enjoy writing stories. Oh, and I like Johnny Bravo and the Powerpuff Girls too, Bridger. Those shows are funny. I love video games. I have a Playstation. Well, that's all for now..

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