Rhys Davies Fansite Launched
Date: 05/01/2001
From: SonOfSlider
What I belive is the first and only site dedicated primarily to the
best actor (imho) ever. John Rhys Davies.
Check it out and let me know what you guys think.

Date: 05/01/2001
From: Blinker
It's great to finally have a comprehensive fan site for the greatest
actor alive. Love the title, too! 7:-P
- Blinker 7:-/

Date: 05/02/2001
From: Recall317
That's great! It's about time JRD got a site honoring him. I look forward
to seeing your Sound page fill up with great Arturo quotes.
"I favor the good things in life, and oppose the bad things."-
Arturo, Weaker Sex

Arturo sounds up
Date: 05/03/2001
From: SonOfSlider
Thank for your replies guys,
It is much appreciatted,
Hey Recall,
I have got some Arturo sounds up now, only from the first couple episodes
but more will follow.

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Nominated by Blinker
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