honey - about grits
Date: 07/03/2000
From: SouthernSlider
First of all, there ain't no such thing as a grit. It's always plural.
Grits are ground corn, somewhat coarsely, but still very small; as
opposed to cream of wheat, which Northerners eat alot. That is ground
wheat, ground very finely. But back to grits. Fix a nice generous bowl,
pop in a big ol' pat of butter, sprinkle in some salt and pepper, and
there ain't no finer eatin' in the land. If you ever get a chance to
come over here, head to Savannah, Ga. Go to River Street to Huey's
and ask for a bowl. THE absolute best. Usually considered a breakfast

don't know, SS.
Date: 07/03/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
I've tried grits with butter. I've tried grits with cheese. I just
can't get into it. Oatmeal I can do, but of course that's completely
different. Cornbread, I love. Corn chips, yummy! But not grits.
A thick stack of pancakes with maple syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon,
hash browns, sausage links or patties, those are breakfast foods. When
I eat grits, I feel like I'm eating butter-flavored sawdust.
PS: I suppose you eat fried okra, too? I actually had a girlfriend
from the okra capitol of South Carolina. Different story for a different

is good eating?! ;)
Date: 07/03/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
I'd think the South would want to flaunt their BBQ skills. (Peaches
and Creole already being covered in other posts) But grits?! A white
murky bowl of corn mush? eeewww lol ;)
Black Pudding sounds disgusting but I've got something worse from
the Mexican cookbook (but this actually tastes good). It's called Chorizo.
*He watches as the Mexican food connoisseurs nod in recognition*
Ok, you know that bologna is made from what is left over from the
pig after ham and bacon, right? (Minus hog jowls and pickled pigs feet
and tongues. I can't imagine you Southerners eating that stuff, ugh)
Anyway, what is left after bologna is used to make hot dogs. Alright
what is left after THAT is seasoned behind all recognition and stuck
in a plastic tube. That my friends is Chorizo (and it doesn't resemble
the pig like the other... by products). Scramble some eggs, squeeze
some of that in there mix it up, wrap a torilla around it, add some
cheese inside, and that is a wake your butt up breakfast.
Back me up on this Southwesterns, that is good eating, mmmmmmmm.
SouthernSlider, you have every rite to "eeeewww" back, lol

Date: 07/03/2000
From: EustiSlider
Next time you're in old town, have a carnita for me. I can't remember
the name of the restaurant, but that was some of the best Mexican
food I've ever had.
I didn't know that there WAS anything left after hot dogs. <shudder>

think I will....
Date: 07/03/2000
From: SouthernSlider
EEEWWWWWWWWWW!! And eeeewwwwwwww, some more. Oh, well, to each his
Now, fried bologna is about as good as grits. Don't care too much
for it plain and uncooked though. And the only way to eat hotdogs is
in Athens at The Varsity. Chili dawgs, yum yum. Just don't think about
where they come from. And don't eat them too often. Clogs the arteries.
And yes, DMD, I do eat fried okra. Yum, yum. Well, sometimes. I really
don't eat too much of anything fried anymore, but it is good. Just
can't stand boiled okra, though.------Hmmmmm. Wanna hear that story
MMmmmmmm. Fried okra, squash, fresh corn, black-eyed peas, tomatoes,
corn bread, and Vidalia onions. Y'all come on down and I'll show you
guys how to really eat.

can boil okra, too?
Date: 07/03/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Now I'm going to be ill. Fried bologna? Just please tell me you draw
the line at pork rhinds(sp).

Date: 07/04/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear Southern Slider,
Mmmm, dear, GRITS! I love grits. Mix in some bacon bits, and over
easy fried eggs.... YUM! Oh my, think I'll make grits for breakfast
in the morning....
And SE? that sounds ...positively ...gross. Sorry hun, that just does,
and you made it sound so too. The waste product of a waste product
of a waste product? And you can complain about ground corn???
Oh wow

Date: 07/04/2000
From: capaqu
Give me that Mexican-American cuisine any time!!
Just DON'T tell me what's in it, Sabre_Edge!
At least all the hot spices hide any flaws in the menu! And you're
too busy gasping for water to notice any odd textures there may be
in the "stuffing."
I dunno about all that other stuff! Eeeewww!

DMD, honey....
Date: 07/04/2000
From: SouthernSlider
Yes, on the fried bolgna. Or at least it was good when I was 10. To
be honest, I don't think I've had it since then. But don't worry,
no boiled okra or pork rinds will ever pass these lips. Nor fatback,
turnip greens, or collards.
And by the way, who are you? Sometimes I think I know, and then I
doubt myself. Hmmmmm. I will figure this out.
Ah, yes, Yeontoo. Thank goodness, another Southerner to take up the
'grits' cause with me.

Date: 07/04/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Don't worry, Southern. From what I hear, several are trying to figgure
me out. All in due time.

me a couple of Walla Walla onions,
Date: 07/04/2000
From: sleepingtiger
a block of Tillamook cheddar, and a good--soda (I was thinking soda
the entire time....mostly) and call me a happy camper.
Course I love spicy food....
but eeww to the bowls of mush ya'll think make for delic breaky food.

Date: 07/04/2000
From: Mychand
I thought you said you'd try grits if I sent you some? hmph!
Well...I LOVE them. :o) Blame my grandmother for that. No one else
in my family eats them. My sister won't try them but...yum! hehe
I'm in FL but originally from Va and grandma's from South Carolina....okay..that
explains it. :o)
I remember in some Uncle Vinnie I think. Didn't he
ask what's a grit? LOL
SS..I eat them the way you do. I've heard some people put milk and
sugar in them...ewww.

Date: 07/04/2000
From: sweetone
especially if they have cheese in them. They're great with fried catfish.
I'm gonna have some fried green tomatoes maybe tonight. I do not
eat hot dogs, bologna, or spicy foods, I just can't handle it.
Gotta love it.

Date: 07/04/2000
From: SouthernSlider
We're gaining ground. Two more on the grits wagon.
MY - sugar and milk? Eeeeewwwww x 1,000,000. That's for oatmeal. How
could they ruin good ol' grits that way?

with cappy...
Date: 07/04/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I think I'll avoid them whenever they're around!!! :-)

had a misconception about them
Date: 07/04/2000
From: Stax_
I thought they were fried chicken feet or something .stax

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