are you doing?
Date: 12/28/98
From: SouthernSlider
How are you guys going to pass the time tonight with no Sliders episode
to watch? As much as we have complained about reruns, I would gladly
watch one tonight rather than nothing at all. I hate to keep watching
my tapes over and over. They are limited in number and I am beginning
to recite them word for word in my sleep. Any suggestions on what we
can do to pass the time?

Date: 12/28/98
From: ThomasMalthus
How about a "board" game? Instead of the polls and trivia
that we have nearly everyday on here about Sliders (this is not to
demean those who post polls and trivia, keep up the good work guys
and gals), how about something new and different? Maybe a game where
the whole board writes a short story about Sliders and one person writes
a paragraph, then someone else has to write the next one, etc. until
the story's finished? Would that fly? If not, does anyone else have
a suggestion (please have suggestions!!!)?

McBeal" is a rerun tonight also.
Date: 12/28/98
From: Executive
And after I see "Net Worth" next week, the remaining SLIDERS
episodes are all reruns to me, but at least it will be cool to not
have to tape it while I watch a new episode of Ally for a change!

Date: 12/28/98
From: Pasaz
I'll be sitting in my room contemplating my life and suicide and weather
or not to move in with my mom who just moved dowm to Illinois.

think that..
Date: 12/28/98
From: Mychand
I will finally finish putting down the tile in my upstairs bathroom.
I have been sick for a month with no energy to do it. That's why I've
been on the board so much! I recently bought my first house and it
has been alot of work. But...I can't wait for a new ep of Sliders!
I am getting use to not watching it. I usually don't watch the reruns
since I have them on tape. This board is what is keeping my interest
since season four is all I've seen so far. I think I've mentioned that
a zillion times now. That's how bad I want to see seasons 1-3.
Mychand :)

Date: 12/28/98
From: 1013shan
Raymond...I always hear my husband in the other room laughing, but
I've only watched it a few times and what I saw was great.
Exec..I just can't get caught up in another show or else I'd be watching
Ally....the people at work think I act like her (not look just act)they
are always asking me if I saw the show - I don't know if thats a compliment
or not??
Pasaz- I hope you are kidding..right??
Mychand - ALright!! finally...will Chandler be helping ..oh and thanks
for the tip, I am utilizing it right now
Thomas - I really like your idea but how do we know who goes next?Did
you ever play something like that before?
OK and Southern Slider..thanks for asking - sorry to be so longwinded
during your poll... :)

to do..
Date: 12/28/98
From: SouthernSlider
Say it ain't so. I was going to watch Ally. I usually watch that and
tape Sliders to watch right after. If you haven't seen it you should.
It's a hoot. Silly and off the wall sometimes but I love it. I use
to watch Raymond last year but when they moved it to 9 --well, I just
can't watch 3 shows at once. But it was very funny last year.
I would love to do the story on Sliders, paragraph by paragraph, but
I am just not very creative. I sit hear and read you guys all the time.
You come up with such great stuff and all I can do is sit here and
be envious. I just shake my head and say "How did they DO that?".
Maybe all of you can write and I'll just read.

Date: 12/28/98
From: Pasaz
No I was not kidding!!!! I hate my life and feel like I'd be much
better off dead. I also feel like nobody I live with cares about me.

I was doing
Date: 12/28/98
From: QBall79
Actually, believe it or not, I was watching 7th Heaven on the WB.
They showed two episodes in a row, one at 8 and another at 9. It's
a show that I really enjoy, but rarely get to see anymore with my busy
schedule. It was a good episode, too (one of those "to be continued" deals,
but they showed them back to back). My brother said it was a rerun
but I had never seen it before. Anyway, that's what I was doing. Did
anyone actually watch "The Guardian"?

Date: 12/29/98
From: 1013shan
hey come on now, you've got us!!! and Sliders !!! I don't know how
old you are, but there's a movie starring John Cusak (I'm a big fan
of his) called Better Off Dead, if you haven't seen it, I recommed
it, its very funny and I think it will hit the spot. You should make
your room into your own personal haven, and if you want to talk about
yoga email me...I don't want to bore the entire board with the details...and
sorry to but in, but I can't stand by and watch while a fellow Slider
fan is sad....
Cheers BigEars :)

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/3750
Nominated by SouthernSlider
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