First Posting!!

Date: 01/17/1999
From: spaz119

Greetings fellow sliders,
I've been reading the posts for about a month or so
now since I've finally gotton online, but I was too
chicken to post anything!!! Then I got scared off
by the TM vs. the evil sliding double TM so I waited
til I became brave again so I'm here!!
One thing I must say--I'm crushed about the
O'Connells leaving, and a little ticked since JOC
made such a huge point being grateful for the chance
scifi gave the show, then after one little season
they bail!!! I've really read very little about why
he is leaving other than to pursue movies, but I
haven't read any articles or seen any interviews in
his own words about it. Sigh, of course as a fan I
will continue to watch.
Oh yea, one question: How is it that we here in
the US are so far behind in the airing of the
episodes when it's filmed here for US tv? Personally
I hope the scifi channel aires "Genesis" again, I
don't think I've seen it quite enough times (as you
guys have all noted!!!)

welcome spaz

Date: 01/17/1999
From: Sliding_Paul

Id like to be the 1st to welcome you. It aint to sceary once you have made your 1st post. No one here bites. I hope this is the 1st of many posts for you.

Welcome to the BBoard!

Date: 01/17/1999
From: QBall79

About the U.S. being behind on all the episodes- It's just thre Sci-Fi Channel concerned about ratings. Instead of showing all the new episodes at once and losing ratings during rerun time, they decide to put us all through what has affectionately called "rerun hell", hoping that we will watch in anticipation of a new episode. Since the entire season is distributed to each network worldwide, the airdates are at each network's discretion. The networks around the world, instead of dragging their viewers through a painful process plagued with reruns, they showed them all before the U.S. was even halfway through Season 4. I hope all you Euro-Slider Fans know how great you have it over there.

Waiting to see the second new episode in this two-episode dose,


Welcome, welcome! (End)

Date: 01/17/1999
From: SL4ever


Hi and welcome!

Date: 01/17/1999
From: SlidingThrough

Good to see a new face here. Hope you decide to stick around for
a while. As Sliding_Paul said, once you get your first post
behind you, it gets a lot easier from then on.

And about "Genesis"...yep, I always say you can never get too much
of a good thing (that wasn't *too* sarcastic, was it? ;-)

See you around the board!


Good to have new blood

Date: 01/17/1999
From: SouthernSlider

Welcome to the board. It is hard to just jump in but once you get your feet wet it's all down hill from there. (Boy, did I include enought cliches in that sentence?!) Good to have you here. We're all one happy sliding family so relax and enjoy the ride.


Thanks QBall79 and others!

Date: 01/17/1999
From: spaz119

Thanks for the welcome and for the info on why we
suffer "rerun hell". It's still not fair though!!

The Welcoming Comittee

Date: 01/17/1999
From: 1013shan

Let me jump on the welcome wagon ( i hate to be left out)...good to see you here and congratulations on your first post! :) See ya around the board..


welcome (end)

Date: 01/18/1999
From: Slider_Sarah

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Nominated by Blinker


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