lip trembling>
Date: 4/23/99
From: spaz119
<sobbing> I hope I am hitting the right keys through all the
tears......<dabbing eyes..with a towel surprisingly> How could
they just let them leave? What kind of people do they have there at
scifi? Breaking little hearts. My heart. I--I don't know if I can go
on after tonight.....WHO SAID "RE-RUNS"?
Who said "video tape"? Who said "Framed copy of Teen
People"'s O'Connell page?(I got that one BTW...GRRR at a glance)
Ok, Spaz will be brave. It will be nightly re-runs.
I did see it right....Colin is in farmer jeans? I love the farmboy,
but how the hell is he going to walk in those? Grrrrrr!
No "Spaz Attacks" on Monday (first of many shameless BD
plugs)...I will be weak, and an easy target.
(taking to her bed to...cry......)
<covering lower lip with hand>

feel your pain!!!
Date: 4/23/99
From: Quinns4Me
Spaz,,,,,be brave, you can make it through this!
Keep your tears coming! Let it out!

feel your pain.. END
Date: 4/23/99
From: StarSekr1
<sob> <dab dab> <lip trembling>

Date: 4/23/99
From: Mallory
Hi. My name's Mallory, and while you may have read my posts (and I
yours with a great degree of personal amusement), we haven't met...
Of course it could be argued that everyone on this board has met each
other, but we're not here to talk about that...
I could spend hours joking about you're infatuation with Jerry O'Connell
(obviously not with Quinn). And I feel some of your pain. Quinn is
my favourite character, but not because of his looks (I'm a guy) or
for the fact that two women resembling Sabrina Lloyd and Kari Wuhrer
are head over heels in love with him (Well... Okay, a little).
Quinn is my favourite character because of his decisiveness. He doesn't
hang around thinking, "Gee whiz.... Maybe I should... Maybe I
shouldn't...". And in an age of entertainment where everyone's
whining, Quinn Mallory is almost refreshing as a character, because
he's a normal guy who finds a way to be six steps ahead of everything.
He's also a nice guy. He's willing to help others at great cost, and
he's constantly bewildered and feeling out of his depth in his adventures...
Just like me (Though my adventures are usually about losing my housekeys
and camping out on the front porch until my sister gets home....)!
I like this guy... I wish I was this guy, on occasion.... And I'm going
to miss him... Thankfully, the creators know that the show can't work
without SOME aspect of Quinn surviving... Robert Floyd looks good in
the role, and the new take on him sounds interesting...
I suppose what I'm saying is that we all have to look to the future,
and to new possibilities. SLIDERS is about these things as much as
it is about the road not taken. Sometimes those preferably untaken
roads are found ahead of us, and we have to take these roads, and look
at them as both disappointments and oppotunities. That is what is at
the very core of SLIDERS, and what has made this wonderful show survive
despite it's hardships over the years.
I'll be watching the reruns with you, Spaz.
Take care.

Date: 4/23/99
From: SlidingThrough
You hit the nail *so* on the head with your description of Quinn!
That's just how I've always seen him...an ordinary guy just trying
to keep everything together for the people he cares about. Good thought
on why they did a "Quinn meld" thing, too, instead of just
bringing in a brand-new character. After all, what are the chances
of there being *two* guys like him out there somewhere?
Thanks for the pep talk, I know *I* feel better.

Date: 4/23/99
From: sflite
to watch Collin run.Who called him an emu the other day?That was hysterical.But
sincerely(no JOC pun int.=), Im gonna miss those boys<getting a
little teary-eyed>!!!But girls,we must band together and help each
other through these trying times!!!After all there are reruns to live
for=)Pop in avideo tape...click your heels 3 times...and repeat after
"Theres nothing like-'Jerry in a towel!'...
Really Harmless!!!
Date: 4/23/99
From: spaz119
Thanks buddy. I do like the Quinn character. I think Jerry is HOT.
I know there is a difference.
Don't make me explain it now. I'm too sad.
okay Spazzy. I'm here for you.
Date: 4/24/99
From: Quinns_Girl
Don't worry honey I am here with you feeling the pain. Do you need
a tissue or two? Just remember the good times we all spent together.
The moments were so special, remember those. Things will be fine we'll
see Quinn this year in several movies and Colin well I don't know about
him. I hope everything will be okay with him. But Spaz if you need
a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you. I think it might be the other
way around though. As I wait for the repeat of tonights episode I am
already getting tears in my eues and I can';t see straight and I think
i might meess this lettrer up Oh god quinn colin you can';t leave me
you can't lewave us, NO NON NONNKOOOOOOOOOO
Date: 4/24/99
From: Mychand
<Sigh> Boo Hoo!! <Sob> :o( It just isn't going to be the
same! Just when I discover Sliders and FINALLY see the classics....he
a 12 step program? :)
Date: 4/24/99
From: LShel
Hi I'm Spaz and I'm an O'Connell fanatic...oh I mean a JOC fanatic..uh
a Jerry in a Towel fanatic...
Have you ever considered trying MTV's Fanatic show as a means of getting
a chance to hug 'em or drool over 'em in F2F?
They sure did flex some biceps on that truck they were working on,
Date: 4/24/99
From: spaz119
want a cure. I want more of the drug. Yes, YES YES YES YES!! Major
muscle flexing!! <faint>
Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/5798
Nominated by Callie21V