The land of milk and honey

Date: 12/01/1999
From: Stax_

Hello everybody!This is my first time posting at the Dominion but I am a long time SLIDERS fan.If anyone has been visiting the Bboard linked to TempoalFlux's and QBall79's site or the Bboard at Sliders Central you may know me.I have been on a cruasade for some time trying to get someone to join me up as a Dominion member(to post here) because my e-mail is broken and it won't except me.Thanks to Slider8 I gained access and am free of my forced silence.It is good to be heard because I have been reading this board frequently since Applied Physics debuted in America.I know virtually everybody.
PS I would like to thank Slider8 who made this possible .He has been great and really went out of his way to help me.I'd write more but it's late over here.stax

Welcome! -n/t-

Date: 12/01/1999
From: Blinker



Date: 12/01/1999
From: fantess

Please do not mind the mud slinging it will go soon. I blame season 5 rerun hell, and with little else to write about the mud just seams to start flying. Go figure.

Good day

Welcome Stax! <end>

Date: 12/02/1999
From: slider409

glad you could make it.

Thanks for the warm reception (nim)

Date: 12/02/1999
From: Stax_

nim = No Internal Message


Date: 12/02/1999
From: buffyboy


Welcome Stax! Nice to have ya here :^)

Date: 12/05/1999
From: SlideRite

Isn't is nice when friends come up to the plate?

*SlideRite pats Slider8 on the back for granting Stax' request for e-mail admission!*


Original URL
Nominated by Blinker


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