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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 651 (9/29/00 6:50:35 am) ![]() |
Challenge 3 Omega Team
Make a Story The Rules are: 1. At least three (3) members per team must participate on your challenge forum. 2. Story must include every title of every episode, the FULL title. The title won't be credited if its missing a word. Exception to the rule: "Part 1" "Part 2", but the title will have to be used twice (ie. Use "Pilot" twice in the story). 3. Story must have continuity. The sentence(s) that doesn't fit the story, any titles included in it won't be credited. 4. Story must make sense. The sentence(s) that doesn't make sense, any titles included in it won't be credited. 5. There is not a length requirement or limit. 6. Talk out the story inside your forum, thru emails, or thru icq/aim. I will answer questions, but I won't give a "tally". Work on agreeing on a team submission. 7. Monday 5pm October 2, 2000, the Challenges will be locked. Your submission should be titled "Team (Alpha or Omega) Challenge 3 Submission" in at least two (2) parts from 2 team members. 8. In case of a tie, I'll use the times posted to pick a winner. Questions? (you may want to wait til this forum is locked to start, but you don't have to) |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 240 (9/29/00 8:03:47 am) ![]() |
suggestion until this forum is locked...
We refrain from posting and discuss thru email, ICQ and AIM. MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 241 (9/29/00 1:10:35 pm) ![]() |
Re: A suggestion until
this forum is locked...
I sent Yeontoo some ideas as well as to all of you. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 653 (9/29/00 4:13:37 pm) ![]() |
Ruling: Titles must be used in story context, and not mentioned as Slider episodes. I sent everyone an email too. Blessings Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 242 (9/29/00 6:00:06 pm) ![]() |
Re: Ruling
Since we can't do the ideas as I have sent all of you. What about this one? The Omegas sit around a campfire and talk about their lives. ========= Since I'm taking Season 3, here's an example: It was MSR's turn at her life story. "In my microbiology lab, I had to separate two of my petri dishes into quadrants. So I got my grease pencil and did a double cross as my partner told me some war stories. My partner was in Desert Storm and had just gotten back from the Gulf. He told me about the time he saw two sole survivors of an Iraqui raid." Brit said, "Sounds like you heard some interesting tales. Doesn't sound like the Iraquis were following the rules of the game when it came down to the innocents." MSR turned her attention to more fun times. "Want to hear the tale of the dead man sliding across the room in anatomy class?" "Is this clean or will I have to cry murder most foul when you are done?" asked Tex who really need a joke after the long day. "Oh please," said VM sarcastically. "I've heard this one so many times it ranks up there with that electric twister acid test you took in chemistry class." "Oh yeah, I forgot that one." MSR smiled as she watched the fire. ===== So what do you guys think? MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 489 (9/29/00 9:19:56 pm) ![]() |
Re: Ruling
Sound good to me ![]() we are done combine them together somehow. I will take Season 5 if no one objects. Just list the season that you want to take on ![]()
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 245 (9/29/00 11:01:15 pm) ![]() |
From Brit's Email
Hi Guys and Gal, Well, the immunity challenge has been posted, and if you haven't had time to read it yet then basically we have to make up a story that contains the title of every Sliders episode! I've listed them all below, in order, so that we can all print off a copy and have it for easy reference. I would suggest that we all agree on a central arc for the story, and then each take a season and write a section incorporating those titles into that part of the story (season 1 & 2 can be lumped together). This is going to take a little planning, so we will need to be in contact quite a lot. My home email address is as follows: Check your email. This address should be used for any communications after you receive this email because I won't have access to my work email account over the weekend (which for me starts in about an hour or so!) Okay, I'll take seasons 1 & 2 for my part of the story, the rest are up for grabs. Cheers m'dears BritSlider The Pilot (twice) Fever Last Days Prince of Wails Summer of Love Eggheads The Weaker Sex The King Is Back Luck of the Draw *edited Into the Mystic Love Gods Gillian of the Spirits The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy El Sid Time Again and World In Dino Veritas Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome Obsession Greatfellas The Young and the Relentless Invasion As Time Goes By Rules of the Game Double Cross Electric Twister Acid Test The Guardian The Dream Masters Desert Storm Dragonslide The Fire Within The Prince of Slides Dead Man Sliding State of the A.R.T. *edited Season's Greedings Murder Most Foul Slide Like an Egyptian Paradise Lost The Exodus (twice) *added after asking Y Sole Survivors The Breeder The Last of Eden The Other Slide of Darkness Slither Dinoslide Stoker This Slide of Paradise Genesis Prophets and Loss Common Ground Virtual Slide World Killer Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Just Say Yes The Alternateville Horror Slidecage Asylum California Reich The Dying Fields Lipschitz Live Mother and Child Net Worth Slide By Wire Data World Way Out West My Brother's Keeper The Chasm Roads Taken Revelations The Unstuck Man Applied Physics Strangers and Comrades The Great Work New Gods for Old Please Press One A Current Affair The Java Jive The Return of Maggie Beckett Easy Slider Requiem Map of the Mind A Thousand Deaths Heavy Metal To Catch a Slider Dust Eye of the Storm The Seer MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 490 (9/29/00 11:15:15 pm) ![]() |
Re: From Brit's Email
I suggest we use a persons name ie "Ryan" and make him the subject of the novel or story. Then when we piece it all together it will all fit. What do ya think? Here is the list: Brit - Seasons 1 & 2 MSR - Season 3 VM - Season 4 Tex - Season 5
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 246 (9/30/00 12:13:39 am) ![]() |
Season 3
I like Tex's idea. How about the story about the adventures of the college student Ryan? A slice of his life. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 669 (9/30/00 12:47:41 am) ![]() |
Rule Clarification
Rule Clarification: (CC on both challenge forums) Make a Story is just that, A Complete story. It can be short, but it must be complete. I have outside help to help judge on title usage. If its a reach, try to reword it. It's not MSR's part, or Tex's part...it's Omega's Challenge submission. It's not SE's part, or 8's part...it's Alpha's Challenge submission. This is a team effort! Blessings, Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us ========== ps. I hope that this different pace is agreeable with everyone ![]() |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 181 (9/30/00 10:27:53 am) |
Re: Rule Clarification
Y: Does that mean that we need to send you one e-mail that includes the entire story? Omegas: How are we going to do this? We need a story line. Ryan the college student is too general. Is the story about his adventures, and we all have to write like a differnt advenure or is it like Brit writes the beginning, MSR writes the second part, then I write the third one and Tex concludes it? VMaster- The Best Master. Edited by: Vortex Master at: 9/30/00 9:32:55 am |
![]() Administrator Posts: 492 (9/30/00 11:05:30 am) ![]() |
Re: Rule Clarification
VM - Yeah just write about his adventures. You can start your section like "The next day ...." then I would do the same thing. Then we can compile it all together into one... If you all want, MSR can send Brit her portion and VM can send me his portion. Then Brit and myself can post it on the forums with an input from 2 omegas. Just an idea... (look VM i didn't use Ideal..hehe)
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 13 (9/30/00 2:23:27 pm) |
Sounds like a plan!
Okay, MSR will email her part of the story to me, which I will add to the end of my part and then post on the challenge board as part 1 of our submission. Then VM can email Tex with his part, which he will add to his and then post as part 2 of our submission. Splendid, now to write that darn story! ;-) |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 247 (9/30/00 10:30:34 pm) ![]() |
Brit and Tex...
Remember this... Your submission should be titled "Team Omega Challenge 3 Submission" in at least two (2) parts from 2 team members. MSR |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 14 (10/1/00 12:01:19 pm) |
Team Omega Challenge
3 Submission (Part 1)
After spending Thanksgiving with his family, Ryan was finally flying back to campus. Even though he had only spent the weekend there with them, it seemed like so much longer! His little brother had a FEVER and hadn't stopped moaning and crying all weekend; so much so that Ryan had nicknamed him 'THE PRINCE OF WAILS'. He abhorred these family get togethers, with relatives coming in from all over the country. The LAST DAYS of that weekend had found him stuck looking after THE YOUNG AND THE RELENTLESSly annoying cousin of his, Gillian. She would follow him everywhere he went, a real INVASION of privacy. But it wasn't until he told GILLIAN OF THE SPIRITS that haunted his room that he was finally able to rid her of her OBSSESION of following him. "Still", he thought to himself. "She'll grow out of that AS TIME GOES BY. THE WEAKER SEX always seems to mature faster than boys do." At least now he was free from the constraints of that family get together. Every aspect of human life seemed reflected in his relatives; THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE WEALTHY all there in one room eating turkey round the table. But he had heard his grandfather's stories time and TIME AGAIN AND WORLD War Two never got any more interesting. He was sure that his grandfather's soldier buddies had all been GREATFELLAS, but he had heard the same stories every year now; he must be due a break soon, surely? Not to mention his uncle Lester; if Ryan had to hear one more time about how his hotEL SIDeline had become an even bigger earner than the family bakery he swore he would strangle him! Still, he guessed that was just the LUCK OF THE DRAW with families. The voice of THE PILOT came over the intercom: "Ladies and gentlemen, we will shortly be landing in Los Angeles. The no smoking signs have been turned on, so if you could all return to your seats, we'll begin our decent shortly. LAX have told us that there is a strong crosswind at the moment, so the landing may be a little on the bumpy side." Studying microbiology at UCLA hadn't been his first choice, he had originally wanted to study paeleontology at NYU, but his parents had insisted that he study for a 'proper degree', and as they were paying for his tuition he had no choice. He had always kept an affinity for the study of dinosaurs ever since he had first read about them. He always thought that the truth of mankind's evolution could be found by studying them closer; IN DINO VERITAS he liked to call it himself. But now he was back on his way INTO THE MYSTICal land of Los Angeles. He wished he had been there during the SUMMER OF LOVE, his parents had told him all about the 60's and their work with the peace movement. He quite fancied himself as one of the LOVE GODS of that era. Soon he would be with his college friends, once more in the company of his fellow EGGHEADS. As the plane came into land, they were hit by a sudden crosswind that threatened to blow them off the runway. THE PILOT managed to control the plane just enough to prevent disaster as it slid about, but Ryan was sure that the more litigious of those on board would sue the airline, claiming some kind of POST TRAUMATIC SLIDE SYNDROME. He walked out of the airport to get a cab back to campus, and took a deep breath of air. "Yes ladies and gentlemen," he said softly to himself. "THE KING IS BACK!" Ryan arrived in Prof. Beckett's microbiology class a few minutes early and hoped that his lab partner STOKER would be too. Stoker was a DESERT STORM vet who had told him the tale of finding two SOLE SURVIVORS in an Iraqi raid. Ryan couldn’t imagine the horrors Stoker had seen since the RULES OF THE GAME according to the Geneva Convention were not being followed when it came to innocents. Ryan took his seat and waited. Susan, THE GUARDIAN of time and teacher’s pet, was at the door ready to lock those who were tardy. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief when Stoker made it in with one minute to spare. Ryan looked up and muttered, “Thank you for not letting THE DREAM MASTERS get him this time. I need a lab partner today with all the work we have to do.” A student from a different class opened an incubator nicknamed THE BREEDER of all things putrid. Ryan gagged when he got a whiff of it and immediately held his breath. Stoker chuckled as he sat to the left of Ryan. He had seen Ryan do this countless times before. After a few seconds, Ryan breathed in. The smell had dissipated to a bearable level. “What do you call killing someone in this lab?” asked a mischievous Ryan. Stoker smiled wryly. “A MURDER MOST FOUL.” Laughter ensued from the duo for a few seconds. “Stoker, want to hear about the tale of the DEAD MAN SLIDING in my anatomy class?” asked Ryan as he took a grease pencil and did a DOUBLE CROSS on two of their petri plates. “That was the day THE EXODUS started in that anatomy class of yours right?” commented Stoker as he did a double cross on the other two plates. “Yep. Larry, THE PRINCE OF SLIDES, started THE EXODUS by that prank. That was THE LAST OF EDEN I suppose. Haven’t seen her around since.” “From what I heard she freaked out when she thought the cart the cadaver was on moved by itself.” “Larry should confine himself to the dance floor. Did you know that he’s got some new dance moves?” commented Ryan as he opened up his notebook to a new page. Stoker was intrigued. “Let’s see… hmm… modified Michael Jackson moonwalks once again.” Stoker thought for a few seconds. “Okay he’s got DRAGONSLIDE where he does moves like Bruce Lee. He must have been influenced by the Bangles’ “Walk like an Egyptian” for his SLIDE LIKE AN EGYPTIAN. He dresses up like Count Dracula for THE OTHER SLIDE OF DARKNESS. For THIS SLIDE OF PARADISE, he dresses up like an angel. He imitates a T-Rex for DINOSLIDE. For SLITHER, he moves like a snake on the dance floor. Did I forget any?” “Nope you got them all. When he drinks tequila and feels THE FIRE WITHIN, he slurs his speech and says SEASON’S GREEDINGS instead of season’s greetings.” This elicited another round of chuckles. “By the way what did you get on the ELECTRIC TWISTER ACID TEST in chemistry class?” inquired Stoker. Ryan smiled at him. “Bwhahaha. Is that what you call it?” “Of course, the professor was going on and on about acids and bases and then moved on to batteries. All he needed was to add the game twister and it would have been fun.” “How about the STATE OF THE A.R.T., named for Professor Aaron Randall Thomas whose body mass is so large that is should be given statehood.” “If that day comes my friend, it certainly will be PARADISE LOST.” Edited by: BritSlider at: 10/2/00 3:01:23 am |
![]() Administrator Posts: 496 (10/1/00 3:40:44 pm) ![]() |
Re: Team Omega Challenge
3 Submission (Part 2)
Yes, it was another day in the exciting life of Rudy, "WORLD KILLER" (his internet nick). The alarm clock rang and he turned it off. If he could only stay in his what looked like a VIRTUAL SLIDE dream... Again, he must go to THE CHASM everyone else calls college. He really wished he could be back at his grandfather's farm, although it was called "THE DYING FIELDS" by the local (because it was as unproductive and inefficient as an ASYLUM run by mental patients). He had no choice, though. The ROADS TAKEN by him led him to this lifestyle rather than being WAY OUT WEST. He got dressed and hurried to school. He knew that time was running out. He considered skipping school, but remember that THE ALTERNATEVILLE HORROR he got into the last time he did it and decided he shouldn't. On his way to college he met his friend, Steven. As soon as Steven saw him, he smiled and said: "OH BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU?". The two of them laughed. "So Ryan", Steven asked. "Any girl in your future?" "Well, this one girl asked me out yesterday.." "Really?? Why didn't you say anything? So when are you going out?" "I dunno. I didn't know what to answer her." "What? Have you learned nothing from me? JUST SAY YES!" "But the rock band LIPSCHITZ LIVE is playing this Sat for the last time." "Let me tell you something. I've had some REVELATIONS lately. I discovered a whole new DATA WORLD. 2 words- The Bible." Ryan gave Steven a surprised look. "The Bible? What book?" "GENESIS." "Anything in particular?" "Yes. The story of Cain and Abel. Ever hear the phrase 'Am I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER'? "What does that have to do with anything?" Ryan didn't understand why did Steven bring this up. "It's just that your reaction to her offer is so not biblical. Back then, there were that much girls, so they would jump an offer like the one that girl offered you. Who is she anyway?" "Kate. You know, the blond." "You mean the bimbo?" Ryan smiled. "Yes." "If you like, we could go visit 'PROPHETS AND LOSS'." "Huh? What's that?" "It's this new place that recently opened in the mall. It claims to tell the future. We can check if she's right for you." "I don't believe in that crap. I believe in realistic predictions. Take George Anderson, for example." "What? Don't even mention that Mr. 'I'll-turn-LA-into-CALIFORNIA-REICH' guy." "So what if he believes in some discipline? He will make a great governor!" "Great governor my ass! He couldn't run your grandfather's farm! What COMMON GROUND could you possibly have with him?" "I saw him one time on the news. He was helping a MOTHER AND CHILD get support from the government. Those poor people couldn't afford to buy bread!" "Oh, is that so? I bet they were just his friends or relatives acting. In fact I bet you the mother's paycheck NET WORTH is bigger than both of your parents' paychecks combined." "How can you say that? You don't even know what I'm talking about. You haven't seen it." "F*** it, man. You going surfing this weekend?" "I don't know. Last time I went I almost drowned. I got into this place. It was so weird. It's like there was this barrier preventing me from sliding out of there. Like a SLIDECAGE or something." Steven laughed knowingly. "Sure. It happens to me all the time. You should use the 'SLIDE BY WIRE' technique." "What's that?" "It's... well, it's hard to explain. Why don't we go surfing this weekend and I'll just show you?" "Hmmm... Okay, I guess." "Great! Well, here we are. THE CHASM, right? See you after class, then." "You bet!" Ryan laughed. He was lucky to have such a friend. They went to their classes, not knowing what greater adventures expect them. The next day, Ryan got dressed and got ready for class. While looking for his homework he couldn't help to notice how much DUST has built up in his apartment. "It's time for some house cleaning after school" he thought to himself. Ryan finally arrived at his biology class. While waiting for THE RETURN OF MAGGIE BECKETT, his biology teacher, he couldn't help himself to think what today’s lesson was going to be about. They have been studying different types of animals over the last couple of weeks and today was going to be about turtles. Professor Beckett finally arrived in class. "Hello Class" she says as she walked over to the live aquarium located near the window of the class room. "Today we are going to talk about red eared Sliders, a very common turtle throughout North America", she stated. "To learn about Sliders, you have TO CATCH A SLIDER in its normal habitat." The class continued to discussed about turtles in their normal habitat. Once class was over Ryan knew his favorite class was to be next. Physics!!!. Ryan loved to study physics. "If you APPLIED PHYSICS to every day task, you would be amazed at what it takes to make things happen" he says to himself. In the Physics world, THE GREAT WORK of Albert Einstein lead the way to many great minds of today. Stephen Hawkings, Dr. Kaku to name a few. Mr. Sagan, the physics teacher, started to post something on the blackboard. "This is THE MAP OF THE MIND"he stated pointing out different regions of the brain. "Even though Einstein’s brain was the same size as a regular humans brain, he used far more percentage than the normal person did". This really fascinated Ryan. Mr. Sagan’s next topic of discussion, which was one of Ryan’s favorite subject, was about Cosmology. "What would happen if a person would become trapped in a black hole??" he asked the class. "I think I know" stated Ryan while raising his hand, "A Black hole is basically a star that has collapsed upon itself. This black hole then sucks in everything around it including light. If a man came in contact with it, it would then break down the man’s molecule structure thus making him scattered or unstuck while entering the Black hole. As THE UNSTUCK MAN passes closer to the hole he is sucked in along with light and everything around it". "Very good Ryan" says Mr. Sagan has he continue to probe other areas in the cosmos for discussion. Once class was over he decided to get something to snack on which was located on the third floor. "I think I will used the elevator to save some time" he thought to himself. Once he was inside the elevator an elderly man enters with him. "Hello there young man, could you do me a favor and PLEASE PRESS ONE?" the old man asked. "Sure Pops" Ryan says with a smile on his face. Once Ryan reached the third floor, he heard some HEAVY METAL music coming from one of the labs. "It’s got to be Bennish" Ryan thought to himself and walked on giggling to himself and pretending to bang his head. While driving back home from school, Ryan turned on the radio. "The EYE OF THE STORM is now located 40 miles southeast of the Florida Panhandle" the radio blared. Ryan quickly turned the radio off. The next day Ryan is back in class. While waiting for the class to begin, Ryan was looking at the red eared turtles inside the live aquarium. He noticed one turtle had very strange markings from the rest of the turtles. "Well now, you sure look different from the rest of the turtles. I think I am going to call you "Slider" for short" Ryan said to the turtle. Kathy, one of Ryan’s friends, joined Ryan at the aquarium. "I see you made a new friend" Kathy laughed. "Yeah he is different from the rest of the turtles." Ryan said putting Slider back into the aquarium. "What kind of food does turtles eat??" Kathy asked. "Aw, that’s EASY SLIDER eats berries, leaves and sometimes insects" said Ryan. "Slider??" Kathy questioned. "Oh that’s the name I gave the turtle" said Ryan. "Ah I see" said Kathy as she walked back over to her desk. "Good Day everyone" Professor Beckett said to the class. "We have an exchange student with us today from Russia. I like for you to meet Boris Yeontov" Every one in class said hi to the new student. "How are doing Boris, my name is Ryan" while shaking Boris’ hand. "I am doing fine Comrade, how are you?" said a smiling Boris. "Just great!!, have you met a lot of people so far since your stay in the states?" asked Ryan. "Why yes, I have met many STRANGERS AND COMRADES that I have seen before when I was here last year" said Boris. "Hey great I think you will enjoy our biology class" Ryan said as they both took their seat. "Hey Boris do you drink coffee by chance??" ask Ryan. "I do occasionally" said Boris. "Great, there is this great place called THE JAVA JIVE that sells great coffee. We can go there after school." "Great" said Boris as they both continued their school work. Once school was over Ryan and Boris set at a table drinking their coffee. "So Boris tell me about your hometown" asked Ryan. "A CURRENT AFFAIR of many cults is to attack the very religious townsfolk of my community" Boris said. "My people has died A THOUSAND DEATHS standing up to what they believe in" said Boris as he sipped his coffee. "Many cults have has tried to convince people to turn from our God and exchange NEW GODS FOR OLD which is totally crazy" Boris said. Boris continued the conversation "I remember we had this one cult who was led by a person called THE SEER . Very strange people they where." "Wow, I had know idea" said Ryan. "Well I guess we should be getting home, unfortunately I have to attend a REQUIEM tonight for a family member" Ryan said. "I am truly sorry Comrade" said Boris as they both went their own ways and so ended the adventures of Ryan... The End
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 670 (10/2/00 1:43:06 am) ![]() |
TO:Alpha and Omega Teams FROM: Mz Yeontoo, Human Resources R Us DATE: 10-1-2000 RE: Challenge 3 Team Submissions A note to remind both teams to check for: 1 - Continuity 2 - Word Usage when using titles 3 - Typos 4 - Titled Submissions While Typos just make it harder to read, discontinuity and wrong word usage (titles) will disqualify the entire sentence - not just that one title, but any other titles included too. Submissions must be titled as instructed to separate it from the brainstorming I expect each team is doing. You still have til 10-2-2000, 5pm CST (time that the EZ Board runs on), to either post your submission, or edit it IF you wish. This is a pre-Planned Memo, with no bearing on the actual submissions. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 679 (10/3/00 7:00:22 pm) ![]() |
Mz Yeontoo held her clipboard as she walked into the Omega Camp. "This challenge was in teamwork when the project had no exact answer, no exact result. How you interact with your teammates in such a setting, being able to discuss each others planned actions, is vital during Sliding. We were disappointed that more brainstorming, and polishing of each others work, did not happen. However, this is a learned trait, and we will happily teach it to the new 5th slider." Omegas lost this challenge. Here are your scores: Raw Scores: Individual Judges Judge 1 - 75 75 Eligible Titles 13 Ineligible Judge 2 - 78 78 Eligible Titles 10 Ineligible Titles Judge 3 - 78 78 Eligible Titles 10 Ineligible Titles Raw Score: Combined - 79 79 Eligible Titles 9 Ineligible Titles Loss of 17 total points for the 9 ineligible titles, and loss of continuity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEAN SCORE: 71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The judges ruled on several issues: Use of puncuation inside the title: -voted 2:1 - No bearing Use of Titles inside Word: - 2:1 - No bearing, if spelled correctly (this was a big iffy, but this would not have helped or hindered either team, both used it 3 times) Continuity - voted 2:1 Must be continuous The 9 titles that were ineligible are: 1. In Dino Veritas 2. The Dream Masters 3. The Prince of Slides 4. Virtual Slide 5. The Alternateville Horror 6. A Current Affair 7. Love Gods 8. Net Worth 9. Data World The sentences that these 9 titles were in became ineligible, also, the first half of paragraph one of Part 2 was ineligible, discontinuity (Rudy instead of Ryan), taking the total of 17 titles off your total. The other two judges will be announced at the end of the game. Thank you for participating." Mz Yeontoo quietly exited the camp. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 499 (10/3/00 11:49:59 pm) ![]() |
Re: Tally
Hmmm..i thought Rudy was the person Ryan was dreaming about...also the Judges can't see the emails that was sent for the brain storming...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 683 (10/4/00 1:57:54 am) ![]() |
You're right Tex, poor choice of words... brainstorming in the emails and icqs and aim was probably easier and better. I apologize. (hear that Alphas?) However, on the "Rudy" part... It read: "Yes, it was another day in the exciting life of Rudy, "WORLD KILLER" (his internet nick). The alarm clock rang and he turned it off. If he could only stay in his what looked like a VIRTUAL SLIDE dream... " It was the opinion of the three judges that this was not Ryan as it should have been, and it shows "Rudy was doing the sleeping, not in the dream. The titles from the first mention of "Rudy", down to the next usuage of "Ryan" were considered ineligible. Blessings, MZ Yeontoo Human Resources R US |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 15 (10/4/00 7:17:50 am) |
A word please, Mz Yeontoo
Okay, I'm afraid that I am going to take issue with a number of things that have come up with the scoring of this challenge. <BritSlider goes into 'Lawyer mode'> Point One: The Alpha's use of 'slide' to describe an aerial manouvere is probably as suspect as the Omega's use of it to decsribe a dance move; so that in itself bears no weight; although it is pretty sneaky/dodgy to name their spaceships after episode titles. But how on God's green earth can you accept 'In Dino Veritas' as such a manouvere? I used it in the proper latin contex to explain that in the remains of dinosaurs could be found the truth of makind's evolution; the Alphas used it for an aerial manouvere! Please explain to me how their use could be valid whilst mine is dismissed? The 'Electric Twister Acid Test' is also pretty hard to justify as an aerial manouvere too. Point Two: I also call into question the Alpha's uses of 'The Other Slide Of Darkness' and 'Slide Like An Egyptian'. I know that Alphas will call 'The Other Slide Of Darkness' a metaphor for death, but that is somewhat tenuous to say the least. Nowhere in the story was any reference made to anyone being Egyptian, or any manouveres involving Egyptians; so Klly saying that they will show them how to 'Slide Like An Egyptian' shows no use of continuity. Point Three concerns 'Love Gods'. My use of this was in exactly the same context as that of the Alpha team; to describe people seen as masters of seduction and virility, and yet their use was passed whilst mine was rejected. Point Four: Please explain how someone describing the 'Net Worth' (i.e. what is left after taxes are taken out) of their mother's paycheck can been ineligible in terms of context? Point Five: I don't think you can describe the Alpha's use of 'The Prince Of Wails' as being in context. To describe him as 'The Prince Of Slides' is acceptable given that they call their aerial manouveres 'slides'; but in what context could he have been called 'The Prince Of Wails' after his engines blew? For a start, if his engines had blown then it is unlikely that he would have even had time to 'wail' in the first place. Trained pilots do not 'wail' when things go wrong; I have listened to enough military jet black box recordings in my time to know that a pilot remains unbelievably calm even when they know they are about to die. Finally, no-one, and I mean NO-ONE EVER would refer to a fallen colleague in such a disrespectful manner. Even if you hated their guts, you would not talk about them in such a way. If that is how the military of that world act then maybe they aren't worth saving in the first place. This concludes my argument for the moment; perhaps we should delay the voting until these issues can be addressed? Luv 'n' hugs, BritSlider Edited by: BritSlider at: 10/4/00 8:20:27 am |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 185 (10/4/00 12:11:02 pm) |
Re: A word please,
Mz Yeontoo
Point 6: How is DATA WORLD ineligible? "I entered a whole new data world." What's wrong with that sentence? It is also very much connected to the rest of the sentences. I support Brit about "NET WORTH". I'm sorry about Rudy, that's my screw up. I was going to write Ryan. VMaster- The Best Master. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 255 (10/4/00 12:29:47 pm) ![]() |
My turn...
Yeontoo, I have several concerns that I would like you to address concerning the Alpha team's submission for Challenge 3. As to the rule #2, you posted "Story must include every title of every episode, the FULL title." Brit emailed the Omegas with the titles and Tex and I went over the list so that the titles were correct. We consulted Earthprime.com and the episode guide on Scifi.com. So why were the following titles accepted for the Alpha team when they were not the complete full titles? In DMD's post, he posted the following: Quote: According to the Scifi channel www.scifi.com/sliders/seasons1-3.html the title of the episode is The Last of Eden. Quote: Tex pointed out that title of this episode is State of the A.R.T. according to the Scifi channel, the banner at the top of the episode on earthprime and Tex's site so I edited it on our post listing the episode titles. I thought that Full title also meant that punctuation must be correct as in Season's Greedings. If I had known that punctuation need not be absolutely correct I wouldn't have spent trying to think of something for State of the A.R.T. Now what's wrong with this sentence from the Omega submission Part 1 posted by BritSlider: Quote: Did I have to explicitly who the dream master were? For example, should I have written it as "Ryan looked up and muttered, "Thank you for not letting the Sandman, Freddy Kruger or the Boogieman, THE DREAM MASTERS, get him this time." I don't think so since this was marked incorrect also: Quote: About my quote about the use of the title The Prince of Slides, how is that different from the Alphas use of it and The Seer in the following posts? DMD's post: Quote: SE's post: Quote: Now will I have to change my writing style to a simpler style and explicitly state what I mean? From SE's post: Quote: How exactly does slide by wire fit into the story? What exactly is that? Again from SE's post: Quote: Can you explain to me what how a holographic monitor displays just like the map of the mind? That doesn't make sense to me. Maybe a map of the brain, but that's reaching quite a bit. Another one from SE's post: Quote: Major question about the term slider that is used throughout the Alpha's story. Who or what are the sliders? Are you referring to the planes and the pilots of the GreatFellas or to the California Reich's planes and pilots. This is not clear to me. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 689 (10/4/00 8:10:16 pm) ![]() |
Dear Omega Team. Any contest of this type is going to have its problems. I knew that every title I judged inadmissible would be questioned. This is the reason I acquired 2 knowledgeable judges to help me in the decisions. Every title and rule was weighed, deliberated, and discussed. Instead of 7 hours, as I hoped, it took twice as long before I was able to post the results. Punctuation was voted to not count, not either way. Title usage inside other words was voted to be allowable, since the punctuation had zero bearing. We felt that this opened up the artistic and creative avenue for both teams… and, indeed, it did. Since some of the titles were so… so… difficult and different, we used this as sort of a "litmus test" as a way of judging its merit. Did it have adequate presentation? Was its usage explained well enough? Did it make sense? Did it follow story continuity? Were all the words there? Can I, as one of the judges, follow, understand, and allow this usage? We did let some artistic expressions pass. There were quite a few titles that were question by one judge or another. Most were NOT voted ineligible by a vote of at least 2 to 1. Many titles …it took a stretch to fit, but we only allowed a certain amount of stretch, and we tried to be extremely fair on each judgment. If either of them were biased for one team or another, I did not see it influence their decisions. Neither side will be penalized for the judges' mistakes. The Alpha score stands as is, unless they wish to argue for a few of their titles. I am quite certain that one of them could question a few of your allowed titles the same as you can question theirs. Last of Eden was missed, and should have counted, however, it was not. I will attempt to justify the titles you have questioned as not allowed. The 9 titles that were ineligible are: 1. In Dino Veritas: Judgment 2:1 "There is truth in dinos(aurs)" It was an awkward usage in the sentence. The meaning was fine, but it tripped in the sentence. 2. The Dream Masters: Judgment 2:1 Nothing supported the usage of a sleep demon, or that he was prone to sleeping late and using it as an excuse. 3. The Prince of Slides Judgment 3:0 Didn't fit in the sentence. Inadequately explained at time of usage. 4. Virtual Slide Judgment 3:0 Even tho this title would have been lost due to the discontinuity error, it was still judged on its own merit. It didn't make sense, and inadequately presented. 5. The Alternateville Horror Judgment 3:0 Again, this title would have been lost due to the discontinuity error, it was judged on its own merit. It didn't make sense, didn't fit the sentence, and was inadequately presented. 6. A Current Affair Judgment 3:0 It didn't flow, fit the sentence, or make adequate sense. 7. Love Gods Judgment 2:1 Continuity error. Who considered themselves to be the love gods, Ryan or his dad? Continuity says it was suppose to be dad, the sentence says its Ryan. 8. Net Worth Judgment 2:1 Meaning was fine, but improperly used in the sentence making the sentence not make sense enough. 9. Data World Judgment 2:1 This sentence seemed thrown in, and didn't fit at all. Inadequately presented, unsupported, and didn't make sense. The incontinuity of "Rudy" instead of "Ryan" cost the Omegas an additional 6 points. This breach of incontinuity was discussed a long time, however, the vote is 3:0. It was not allowed. Upon a re-inspection, the only title that could be argued to be allowed back in as eligible would be "In Dino Veritas". This would raise your Mean Score to 72, and the Alphas still win by 2 points. I welcome your comments, either here or in email. The judgment must stand. Thank you, Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
![]() Administrator Posts: 502 (10/5/00 1:06:19 am) ![]() |
Re: Judgment
Hmmm, since Alpha didn't have two titles correct: "The" Last of Eden and The State of the "A.R.T" is that going to count against them?? Just curious.. Play Ball!! Quote:
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 17 (10/5/00 9:19:32 am) |
my (_I_)!!
It's nice to see that Mz Yeontoo addressed precisely NONE of the issues we brought up about the inappropriate use of the following titles in the Alpha team story: In Dino Veritas Electric Twister Acid Test The Other Slide of Darkness Slide Like An Egyptian The Prince Of Wails Slide By Wire Map Of The Mind To Catch A Slider The Seer It would be more than interesting to see how they can be justified in the context they were given. As to the Omega Team's titles that were judged ineligible: 1) In Dino Veritas "He had always kept an affinity for the study of dinosaurs ever since he had first read about them. He always thought that the truth of mankind's evolution could be found by studying them closer; IN DINO VERITAS he liked to call it himself." What is awkward about this sentence? It establishes quite clearly that Ryan believes by learning more about dinosaurs then the questions of mankind's evolution will be solved, the truth will be found in the dinosaurs; In Dino Veritas. Ryan calls it this as a play on words from the more famous "In vino veritas", thus establishing himself as a man of intellect, learning and wit. 2) Love Gods "He wished he had been there during the SUMMER OF LOVE, his parents had told him all about the 60's and their work with the peace movement. He quite fancied himself as one of the LOVE GODS of that era." Continuity does NOT suggest it is Ryan's father who considered himself to be a 'Love God', it merely establishes that there were people around at the time who thought of themselves in this manner, and that Ryan could happily imagine himself fitting into that fantasy role himself. I showed this to a friend of mine who happens to be an ENGLISH TEACHER and she agreed that there was no error of continuity. 3) Net Worth "Oh, is that so? I bet they were just his friends or relatives acting. In fact I bet you the mother's paycheck NET WORTH is bigger than both of your parents' paychecks combined." Again, this was a sentence that I showed to my English teacher friend who said that it's use was gramatically correct, and made perfect sense to her. 4) Data World "Let me tell you something. I've had some REVELATIONS lately. I discovered a whole new DATA WORLD. 2 words- The Bible." Ditto with the English teacher. You claim that a number of the titles were not explained well enough in the context of the story. If that is so then the only thing the writers are guilty of is crediting the judges with too much intelligence. If we had known that we had to explain everything in excruciating detail then we would have written the story for a four year-old! This is coming perilously close to ruining the game completely. The immunity challenges should not be things that are judged purely on conjecture; they should have quantifiable answers like they did with the teasers from Challenge 2. If you don't then obviously people are going to disagree, which will lead to the kind of arguments and bad feeling that are rife at the moment. This kind of thing is fine for the luxury challenges, no-one got too upset about the problems with the inventions one, but they should not be used when the end result is someone losing their place in the game. In my opinion, the best thing to do would be to declare this challenge void, and carry on with the next one with everyone still involved. BTW - If the Alphas had lost the challenge then I fully expect that they would have kicked up the same kind of fuss that we have; and rightly so! |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 691 (10/6/00 6:49:36 pm) ![]() |
I've been wrestling with this for hours. I intended to post it this morning... but either my browser didn't want to work with Ez or it was down. I don't want to stop the game. I don't want any players to quit or feel demoralized. But....that goes for both teams. The Challenge is as fair as I could make it. 3 judges evaluated the stories. I did address the questionable Alpha titles: During a re-evaluation, NEITHER team will be Penalized for what the judges' did allow. (Omegas, the Alphas could do the same thing to your story that you've tried to do to theirs. If they did, I wouldn't allow it either.) I'm sorry, but ...the decision must stand as is. I believe this really is the fairest way. The Challenge counts;if you haven't sent in a vote, please do. Thank you for your patience, and Blessings, ~Yeontoo ps Even English teachers can disagree. (Did you know? Two of the judges are English teachers?) |
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