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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 788 (11/17/00 3:20:42 am) ![]() |
Elite Week 10 - 12
...Down to two... 5 days left on the island, then a vote by all the other 8 auditioners will take place. Who will it be? Who will be THE 5th SLIDER! Edited by: Yeontoo at: 12/2/00 9:14:08 am |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 273 (11/17/00 3:43:26 am) |
to two
Wow, S8 voted for himself? Good show man. K DMD, this is it, winner take all ![]() |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 102 (11/17/00 6:53:19 pm) ![]() |
Re: Down to two
S8 stood in front of his former teammates. "Well, I guess I should be going now." The other two stood there and shook hands with him. They both admired his vote. Suddenly, a vortex opened directly behind Slider8. Wade, Arturo, Remmy, and Quinn popped out of it. "By the way, don't think I really needed to win. Afterall, I've got the original four Sliders doubles right here. And I'm on a deeper level with them already. Buh-bye!" Slider8 kissed Wade and they all jumped back into the vortex. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o)) -Slider8 |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 130 (11/17/00 11:25:35 pm) ![]() |
Re: Down to two
DMD looked at SE, "Are we the only two here thay aren't already Sliding?" SE replied, "beats me. You know, we've still got a few days before the final vote." DMD: "Yeah, and that treasure is still in there." SE: "What do you thing about going back to the cave, loading up on food and water, and going back after the treasure?" DMD: "You're on." |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 790 (11/18/00 6:12:45 pm) ![]() |
Luxury Challenge -
The prize is between: Flashlight with three sets of extra batteries (to explore with) 1lb Hershey Chocolate Bar (for that extra craving) Bubble Bath w/Clean Clothes (to look nice in front of your peers come voting day) The Challenge? TEASERS! Tease 1 In a game of poker, one of the hands of five cards had the following features. * There was no card above a 10 (an ace is above a 10 in poker). * No two cards were of the same value. * All four suits were represented. * The total values of the odd and even cards were equal. * No three cards were in sequence. * The black cards totaled 10 in value. * The hearts totaled 14. * The lowest card was a spade. What was the hand. Tease 2 Timothy notes that his five best friends do not know one another. To get things started he invites three of them to lunch: Adams, Brown, and Carter. (The two other friends are Dickinson and Emerson.) The first five names are, in no particular order, Alex, Bob, Chip, Dave, and Elmer. After the luncheon, Timothy lists the results: * Bob still does not know Brown. * Chip knows Adams. * Dave knows only one of the others. * Elmer knows three of the others. * Alex knows two of the others. * Dickinson knows only one of the others. * Emerson knows three of the others. What is the full name of each of the five? Tease 3 A starving rabbit came upon a farmer's lettuce garden which was surrounded by a picket fence. The rabbit knew that he must eat soon or he would die. The problem the rabbit faced was that he could barely squeeze through the fence even in his hungry condition. If he were to go inside and eat the lettuce, he would be too fat to escape should the farmer come by. The other problem facing the rabbit was that the lettuce was too large to push through the fence. How could the rabbit manage to eat the lettuce and still be able to escape? Tease 4 Find a common English five-letter word, knowing that: ADULT has two letters in common with it, not at their correct places. GUSTO has no common letter with it. STORY has one common letter, at the correct place. BUILT has one common letter, at the correct place. DYING has one common letter, not at the correct place. BUGLE has two common letters, but only one at the correct place. LIGHT has no common letter with it. What is the word? Tease 5 A band has a concert that starts in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there. All four men begin on the same side of the bridge. You must help them across to the other side. It is night and there is only one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed.and a pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace: Lead Singer: 1 minute to cross Guitarist: 2 minutes to cross Bassist: 5 minutes to cross Drummer: 10 minutes to cross How can you get all four men across in 17 minutes before the start of the concert? Good Luck ![]() ![]() Blessings, Yeontoo |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 276 (11/19/00 4:08:19 am) ![]() |
Re: Luxury Challenge
- Logical?
Tease 2, last clue. Stating that none of the boys knew each other to start, how does Emerson know 3 others if he wasn't even at the lunch? Does anyone see what I'm missing here?
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 791 (11/19/00 4:49:40 am) ![]() |
Challenge Answered
Yeontoo reads these answers, and nods approvingly. ==================================================== 1. 2 of spades, 4 of diamonds, 5 of hearts, 8 of clubs, 9 of hearts. 2. Dickinson is the only one who knows only one of the others. His first name must be Dave. Bob is neither Dickinson nor Brown. Not knowing Brown, he cannot be Adams nor Carter, so Bob is Emerson. The first names of the friends at lunch are Alex, Chip, and Elmer. Alex knows Chip and Elmer. Knowing only two friends, he does not know Bob Emerson or Dave Dickinson. Bob Emerson knows three friends. They are Chip, Dave Dickinson, and Elmer. Dave Dickinson, knowing only one friend, does not know Chip or Elmer. Alex and Brown are the only ones to know only two friends. They are the same person: Alex Brown. Adams's first name is Elmer and Carter's is Chip. The full names are Elmer Adams, Alex Brown, Chip Carter, Dave Dickinson, and Bob Emerson. 3. The rabbit crawled into the garden and brought the lettuce to the edge of the fence. Then he squeezed back outside and ate the lettuce through the fence. 4. Since GUSTO and LIGHT have no good letters, the only good letter in BUILT is B, which begins the desired word. One good letter in BUGLE is B and the other is E (out of place). The good letters in ADULT are A and D, so the good letter in DYING is D. Y is false, like S, T, and O, so the only good letter in STORY is R, at the correct place. The desired word has the form B..RD, therefore, it is BEARD 5. The guitarist and lead singer cross with the flashlight. (2 min) The guitarist returns with the flashlight. (1 min) The bassist and drummer cross with the flashlight. (10 min) The lead singer returns with the flashlight. (2 min) The guitarist ans lead singer cross again with the flashlight. (2 min) 2 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 17 ================================================= Yeontoo picks up the flashlight w/extra batteries, and, with a grin, hands them to DMD. "Good luck guys. Youve got some time to explore, and you take what you find." DMD and SE exchange looks, and hustled about their business. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 798 (11/24/00 7:11:22 pm) ![]() |
Treasure seeking, you accidentally slide down a new hole made under your feet. There are a few gold coins scattered about. You still have a few days til the final vote is finished. Explore this level. Avoid the 3 Indiana Jones style traps. Find the treasure. Be at the stone chamber before the vote is announced, or neither of you wins. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 131 (11/28/00 10:16:40 am) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
DMD and SE slowly stood, dusted themselves off, and took in their surroundings. They were at the end of a dark passageway. A few gold coins littered the ground among the debris. SE: I've had enough off cave-ins, hurricanes, monkeys, and holes opening in the ground under my feet! I hope the next world we slide into is "Club Med" world. DMD: I'm with you on that one. Hey, look! Coins! SE: It's about time. There aren't many here, but it's a good sign. You think we can find this treasure and get out in time for the posting of the final vote? DMD: Well, this level isn't on our map, but between the two of us, I think we can get it done. The hole we fell though is low enougt that we can get back out that way when we need to leave. Plus, we've got our flashlight, and your knife with its compass. That should be enough to get us out of here. The two headed down the only passage available to them. Gold coins were scattered about, shining in the flashlight's beam. SE: I'd love to gather those up, but we should leave them to mark our way out. At each fork in the tunnel, SE and DMD chose to follow the trail of coins. Eventually, they found a section of tunnel where the coins were smashed into the ground. The soft gold flattened into shimmering pancakes. DMD: This does not look good. SE: Look for trigger mechanisms. Something had to have caused this. They discovered a huge smooth boulder suspended in the tunnel ceiling. Barely noticable guides were cut into the walls. Further inspection revealed that where the smashed coins lay, the floor was pressure sensitive. If either explorer had set foot there, the boulder would be released, crushing both of them. DMD: Great. How do we get past this? SE: I've got an idea. Come with me. The two backtracked to where they had entered this level of the ruins. SE: Gather up as much of this rubble as you can. When they arrived back at the boulder, they stood behind the guide marks and threw the debris onto the floor ahead of them. Eventually, the weight was enough to release the boulder, which rolled down the passage ahead of them. The boulder smashed the debris and eventally rolled to a stop farther down the tunnel. SE and DMD were able to scramble over the boulder and continue on their journey. DMD: How many more of these traps do you think we'll have to deal with? SE: Well, the makers of these ruins seemed to have a thing for the number three. This is the third level of the structure. When we were trapped earlier, there were three puzzles to solve to find our way out. I'd guess there are two more traps between here and the treasure. DMD: Ugh. Alright. Let's get going. |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 299 (12/2/00 5:34:31 am) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
SE and DMD slowly continued on to the next room. They came to a part in the tunnel which led to a small 4 foot high dark entranceway. They both paused and looked at each other. DMD thrust the flashlight to SE, "You go first." "ME?! You go first!" "No, I insist, you go first!" "Dang it DMD! You go first!" "Fine! ...big baby..." "Thanks" "Happy?" "Very" DMD hmphed as he edged toward the black opening. He ducked down and went inside. SE waited outside for a couple moments. "You coming in?!" "Yeah, just waiting for any sounds of painful death." "Shut up and get in here!" "OK OK!" SE slipped in the opening. DMD flashed the light around the dark hallway. The flashlight illuminated 10 foot high trees that lined both sides of the walls. *sniff* *sniff* "Smells like eucalyptus.... becareful where you step, I don't like the look of trees being down here underground." "I'm always careful where I st... oops" SE felt his foot sink an inch as he stepped on a stone just a couple feet inside the hall. Two stone doors slid down covering over the entry and exit openings. "Moron..." "What did you say?!" "uh... Go on?" "Oh ok" SE started to walk down the hall when the sound of rustling caught his attention. "Um DMD, we ain't alone in here." "What do you mean we aren't alone?" "Dude, when I say 'we ain't alone' that means there is something in here with us!" "Like what? I don't see anything in the light" "Dude, I don't know... but I feel something on my BACK! GETITOFF GETITOFF GETITOFF!" DMD ran over to SE and shown his light on his back. "Man, chill its just a koala." DMD removed the furry critter from his back and sat in on the ground. The vicious beast waddled off into the foliage. "You need to lighten up, it was just some fuzzy Aussie creature." "That thing is a killer!" "A koala? You're crazy!" "Dude watch," SE pulled out of his pack a Taz stuffed animal. "And where did you get that?" "It was Morpheus's luxury item, now listen. I'm going to throw this equally ferocious decoy animal out and see how they react to it." "uh... its just a doll." "SSHHH! THEY don't know THAT!" "uh... whatever." "Just watch!" "OK!" SE tossed the decoy 'beast' out about 20 feet ahead of them. They silently watched as three koalas waddled up to the toy and sniffed at it. "Dude, I told you nothing was going to happen..." The koalas pounced on the toy! Snarling teeth and ripping claws tearing it into shreads of stuffing and fluff. "HOLY CRAP!" "Dude, we are dead meat..." Edited by: Sabre Edge at: 12/2/00 4:39:52 am |
![]() High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 282 (12/4/00 1:56:29 am) |
Re: Happenstance
DMD and SE slowly backed away from the crazed koalas. DMD: "Wait! I think I know how to handle our fuzzy little friends." "What have the monkeys got to do with anything?" "Not those fuzzy friends. The koalas." "Dude, you have strange tastes in friends." "..." "What!?" "Look, I took these from Morpheus before he was banished." DMD opened a small container and brought out some crystals. DMD: "Remember how Morph was babling on about air conditioning, running water, and a multilevel hut?" "Yeah, and all he really had was a mound of wet mud and monkey drippings. Eeewww." "Right, well these were what made him think that way." "Ohhh. So we should just take these before the koalas eat us?" "Ugh. No. We give them to the koalas. Give me your stuffed Simba." "What stuffed Simba? I've got no idea what you're talking about. Why would a grown man have a stuffed Simba? I'm insulted that you'd even ask such a thing. On MY Earth, no one in his right mind would bring a stuffed Simba on a survival trip." "Dude, hand it over." "Alright. Here. But you owe me a new one." "Right." DMD stuffed the crystals into the unsuspecting stuffed lion and tossed it into the group of koalas. They pounced on the new intruder, ripping it to shreds and devouring its contents. Within minutes, the beligerant bears were wandering about in circles, humming to themselves, and doing things to the eucalyptus trees that, well, that shouldn't be done to trees of any sort. Minutes later, they were all sleeping soundly. SE: "How long do you think they'll be out?" "How should I know? One hit seemed to last Morph for his entire stay." "Good point. Now how do we get out of here?" "Hey, I handled the carniverous koalas. You get the blocked exits." "Uh, right. Well, there are trees in here, right?" "Please tell me that was a rhetorical question." "Shut up. Trees need sunlight, right?" DMD opens his mouth. SE: "Don't say it!" DMD closes his mouth. SE: "So there has to be an opening for sunlight. We probably caused the opening to close when we sprang the first trap." "Wasn't that your idea?" "Hush. Search the walls for anything that looks like a trigger to open the opening. Those doorways are useless since there doesn't seem to be anything attached to those stones that could be used to move them." "Right. I'll just look for the sign that says 'Emergency exit to the sky'." "Moron." "What?" "I said go on!" Eventually, SE did find a pictograph on one of the walls showing sunlight streaming through an opening in the ceiling. There was also a diagram that seemed to show how to cause the "skylight" to open. They also discovered that the trail of coins led not to the exit that was now obstructed, but dead ended into the wall next to the pictogram. SE figured out the trigger mechanism and filled DMD in on what needed to be done. DMD: "Dude, there is no way I'm going to do that." "What do you mean? We've got to." "Uh-uh. Nope. No way." "Look. It's simple. I'll secure the bullwhip to that eucalyptus tree branch. You hold onto the other end, take a running start, pull your feet up and slam into that spot on the wall. At the same time, I'll take the torch and heat up the spot." "Dude, you want me to slam myself into a solid wall that you're trying to set on fire! This is not my idea of fun." "Well sure, when you put it like that." "How is this supposed to help get us out?" "<sigh>There's a metal ring around the spot you'll be hitting. The spot itself is stone. By heating the stone spot, we'll also heat the metal ring. The metal ring will expand, loosening the stone trigger. You'll hit the stone with your feet, pressing it in. It would be too hot to simply use our hands. When you depress the trigger, the wall pivots back out of the way. Other than the initial impact with the trigger, you shouldn't feel anything at all. The wall will have moved before the rest of your body passes through that space. Unless... Oh nevermind, I'm sure I've got this right." "Unless? Unless what?" "Don't worry about it. I'm right." "Humor me." "Well, these pictures could also mean that depressing that stone will release poisionous gasses from an opening in the ceiling. But I wouldn't worry. You'd be in much too much pain from breaking your legs and catching on fire to notice." "And why am I the one risking the broken legs?" "Because it was my idea. And I've got the torch. I don't think your flashlight can generate quite that much heat." "Great. Well, let's get this over with." Fortunately for SE, DMD, and DMD's legs. The operation went exactly as planned. The opening in the ceiling let in the sunlight, revealing lots of stoned koalas, and the new passage was revealed along with the continuation of the path of coins. Note to observers: I'll post the next trap Monday around noon. Edited by: EustiSlider ![]() |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 301 (12/4/00 4:54:49 am) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
LOL! Great! hehehehehehe "Dude... you totally stoned the koalas with my Simba... hehehehe" Can't wait to see what trap I'm up against ![]()
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 132 (12/4/00 2:59:17 pm) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
Leaving the "koala room," DMD and SE proceeded up an incline to a dead end. A quick investigation revealed a loose stone in the wall which, when pressed opened a doorway into another room. Daylight streamed in through openings near the ceiling, making an odd pattern of light and shadow on the ornate floor. As soon as the two had entered the room, the passageway they had entered throug sealed behind them. The now-closed doorway blended in with the stonework surrounding it, making it almost invisible without close inspection. DMD: "I guess we won't be leaving that way." The room had two exits on opposite walls. In each corner of the room stood a large stone statue of one of the animals they had encountered during their stay on the island: a monkey in one corner, a spider, a rat, and a bear in the others. A grand tile mosaic adorned the floor depicting one of the carniverous trout Klly had landed what seemed like ages ago. SE: "You never did catch one of those on your own, did you?" DMD: "Bite me." One of the two doorways was very plain, but the other was surrounded by carvings of koalas. SE: "The next time I see one of those things it better be in the San Diego zoo." DMD: "Or mounted on a wall." "You know, this mozaic looks familliar." SE pulled out MSR's map. One of the rooms showed a drawing of a trout in the center of the room. SE: "We must be back on the second level. That way (points to the nondescript doorway) gets us out. The koala door leads to the treasure room through a long hallway." "Does the map say anything about traps?" "Well, no, but..." "Cool, let's get the treasure and get the heck out of here!" DMD charged toward through the koala doorway. SE: "Wait!" SE managed to grab DMD and pull him back just as a spear shot out of the floor and lodged in the ceiling. DMD: "Whoa! Thanks dude. I just about lost a foot." SE: <mumbling> "I should've just let him go on." DMD: "Did you just call me a moron?" SE: "Not this time." DMD: "Oh, OK" Using the flashlight to peer down the hallway, the two could see hundreds of small holes in the flooring, each just large enough to hold a spear. A few more coins were scattered about, just tempting the would-be sliders to claim their prize. DMD: "Uh, I'll let you go first." SE: "No way, man. Age before beauty." |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 835 (12/6/00 2:00:12 am) ![]() |
Meanwhile, above ground
Yeontoo works on her tan, wondering when, or if, SE and DMD will emerge from the ruins. ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 842 (12/8/00 5:05:20 pm) ![]() |
(Hate to hurry your
creative juices guys)
Mz Yeontoo paces the stone chamber, the beach, the campsite, the common grounds, the waterfalls... bored cuz the last two auditioners have lost sight of the big red ball... being the new 5th Slider. She wonders if the ancient ruins have killed them off, and she has to start over with a new crew... that certainly would put her past her audition selection process deadline... even *more* behind that is. (not to hurry you guys up or anything,... but.... :-p) |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 304 (12/8/00 8:40:32 pm) ![]() |
Re: (Hate to hurry
your creative juices guys)
SE and DMD slowly crawled out from a hole in the ground near the waterfall. They were covered in scratches, dirt and grime. "Whoa... That was amazing!" "Yeah! I can't wait to tell the others!" "We do need to hurry back, its late." "Yeah, Yeontoo is going to be very upset with us..." They both hurried off to the stone chamber. Did they find money? treasure? How did they escape the traps? We may never know... ![]()
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 846 (12/11/00 6:54:14 pm) ![]() |
Winner Declared
Yeontoo smiled in relief as SE and DMD stumbled down the stone steps, obviously tired. They looked quite happy… but wet, grimy, dirty… and smelly :-p DMD and SE exchanged grins, adjusting their backpacks with confidence. "I'm glad to see the two of you back. You were down below an awfully long time." Yeontoo spoke as the gentlemen warmed their hands over the fire. "Well, yeah, but it was worth it." DMD fanned the heat towards him. "It sure was." SE turned to warm his backside. "Have we missed the final vote?" Yeontoo stood up, grinned, and walked over to where a small lonely poster awaited to be seen. She held it up, turned towards her… and laid it on her stool. Nodding to the gentlemen slowly, she walked on the farside of the fire. DMD and SE hurried over to view the poster, then went back to warming their wet grimy selves over the fire… whispering loudly to each other. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & DieselMickeyDolenz        5 & &        Sabre-Edge           1 & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |
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